Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russia sends three Su-24M front-line bombers to Crimea

    Three Su-24M front-line bombers were sent from neighboring Russia to the annexed Crimea, as indicated by the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry. The front-line bombers will reinforce the air squadron of the assault aviation regiment of the Black Sea Fleet.

    "The aircraft arrived in the Crimea after the planned plant repairs were completed on the Russian mainland. It is expected that in the future, the aircraft will undergo modernization at military facilities of the regiment, which …

  • German Foreign Minister: We do not need a debate on Crimea, we need to think about truce in Donbas

    In an interview with the German daily newspaper Kolner Stadt-Anzeiger, German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel claimed that Christian Lindner, a leader among German liberals, is just trying to get headlines when speaking of the temporary postponement of the issue of Crimea's annexation, and that the main task at present is to achieve an ceasefire in eastern Ukraine. European Pravda reported this.

    "In my opinion, Mr. Lindner is only concerned with headlines. We do not need debates on Crimea. We …

  • Russian FSB announces arrest of 'SBU agent' in Crimea

    The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) announced that on August 12, Ukrainian citizen Hennadiy Limeshko was arrested while attempting to damage the power line between Sudak and Novyi Svit. The FSB report calls him an SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) agent, sent to Crimea to carry out acts of sabotage, as   reported on the FSB website.

    He was allegedly found in possession of two TNT type 200 blocks and a ZTP-50 capped fuse, a mechanism for detonating the explosive device, an RGD-5 grenade …

  • Head of the Crimea signs law on restructuring debt of Crimeans to Ukrainian banks

    The Kremlin-appointed head of the Crimean government, Sergei Aksyonov, has signed the main version of a draft law on the procedure for restructuring debt of the Crimeans on loans taken from Ukrainian banks prior to the annexation of the peninsula. Aksyonov reported this on Facebook on August 14.

    "The bill will still be discussed and adjusted, but the main points will remain intact: legal entities and individuals that are in arrears of up to 5 million rubles ($83,478 USD)are completely exempted …

  • Ukraine protests Russia’s political repression in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs protested categorically against another wave of political repression and human rights violations by the Kremlin towards Ukrainian citizens in annexed Crimea.

    “The Russian occupation authority continues to discriminate according to national and religious attributes in the occupied Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, persecuting ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars,” the MFA’s statement reads.

    Over the last month at least five …

  • Ukraine: Missiles launched from Russian warships in Crimea can reach any target in Europe

    Russia has increased its military forces in the Crimea, which potentially poses a threat to the whole of Europe.

    This was reported by the press service of the Ministry for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons.

    "Thus, in December 2015, the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation was equipped with two small rocket ships, Zeleny Dol and Serpukhov, both equipped with Kalibr-NK missile systems. According to military experts and Russian media outlets, these missile …

  • Russia introduces emergency administration in the largest Crimean bank due to insolvency

    The Central Bank of Russia introduced a temporary administration in Genbank, one of the largest banks in the Crimea, as reported on the bank’s website.

    The bank, which was found to have a shortage of funds, will be salvaged by becoming a part of Sobinbank, which is part of the Bank Rossiya Group. The US Department of the Treasury believes that Rossiya is the personal bank of the top leadership of the Russian Federation. The shareholders of the institution are members of President Putin’s inner …

  • Crimean authorities are investigating why most of the generators on the peninsula are out of order

    Vladimir Serov, Deputy Prime Minister of Kremlin-controlled Crimea, requested an official investigation into the fact that most of the diesel generators on the peninsula are not in an operational condition, Krym.Realii reported with reference to the press service of the Russian government of the Crimea.

    “It is not weather conditions which are to blame for the fact that out of the 284 diesel generators we have, only 75 work, but the people who do certain jobs. I ask for an official …

  • Putin plans another visit to Crimea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is planning another visit to Crimea. According to Russian media group RBC, he will visit the peninsula August 18-20.

    During the trip, Putin will talk with members of the Tavrida youth camp, which he visited last year. At that time, the camp will be renamed to “Creative Country Team.”

    It has also been stated that Putin will visit the Opera in Chersonesus festival in the Sevastopol Museum, scheduled for August 19-20, as well as the Night Wolves bike show, where …

  • Ukrainian President promised to submit to the Parliament a draft law on Crimean Tatar autonomy

    On August 8th, President Petro Poroshenko held a meeting with the leader of Crimean Tatars Mustafa Dzhemilev and Refat Chubarov, the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, according to the website of the Mejlis.

    “When discussing a number of issues regarding amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine announced that he expects the Constitutional Commission to draft amendments and supplements to Section X of the Constitution of Ukraine on Autonomous Republic …