Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine’s Minister of Justice: those involved in the construction of the Kerch Bridge will be subject to sanctions

    The Minister of Justice of Ukraine, Pavlo Petrenko, said in an interview with the Oglyadach TV program on that “all those involved in the construction of the Kerch Bridge may be subject to international sanctions and this will be a “clear signal.”

    “Not a single self-respecting international company will ever put a bolt or nut in it[ the bridge], because they run the risk of losing its business in the EU, the US, and Japan, and in those countries that have joined sanctions against Russia …

  • Ukraine threatens German band Scooter with criminal punishment over their visit to Crimea

    Musicians from the German band, Scooter, face eight years in prison in Ukraine for visiting the Crimea, as reported on Friday by Hromadske, citing the Prosecutor's Office of the Crimea, located in Kyiv.

    According to the radio station, the Prosecutor's Office initiated a criminal case under the Article of the Criminal Code of Ukraine "Violation of the order of entry and exit into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine," which provides for imprisonment for up to eight years. Information …

  • Ukraine condemns the sentence of Ukrainian activist Balukh in the annexed Crimea

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine (MFA) voiced their protest to the “sentencing” by the Razdolnenskiy “District Court” in the annexed Crimea of Ukrainian activist Volodymyr Balukh, Ukrainian MFA press service reports.

    “Having condemned the Ukrainian under a fabricated pretext during an almost four year imprisonment solely for his civil position and peaceful resistance to the illegal annexation of his native land, Russia once again demonstrated to the world its cynical disregard for …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs condemns Prime Minister of Russia Medvedev's visit to Crimea

    “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has expressed strong protest in connection with the latest visit by a Russian delegation to the temporarily Russian-occupied territory of Ukraine. The delegation, headed by the Prime Minister of Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev, to the Autonomous Republic of Crimea on August 4, 2017, was not coordinated with Ukraine,” the statement on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry reads.

    The statement emphasizes that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs …

  • EU imposes sanctions against the Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia and Russian partners of Siemens over supply of turbines to Crimea

    Russian Deputy Energy Minister Andrei Cherezov has been subject to EU sanctions in connection with the situation of the supply of Siemens turbines to the annexed Crimea, according to Council of the European Union materials published on August 4.

    Also included in the list are the head of Technopromexport, Sergei Topor-Gilka, and a department head at the Ministry of Energy, Evgeny Grabchak.

    Russian partners of Siemens, Technopromexport, Interavtomatika, and participants in the construction of …

  • Ukrainian activist Vladimir Balukh gives final word in Crimean court

    In his speech, Balukh pointed out that the reason for his imprisonment is not the ammunition which was allegedly found in his possession, but his principled position with respect to the “occupation of his homeland”, reported the Crimean Human Rights Group on their website.

    “The origins of this are not at all in some cartridges, not in some substance which the court inexplicably identified as explosive, there is no basis for this at all. The decision has been made to ‘take me out’ since the …

  • Lithuania to investigate local companies doing business in Crimea

    The Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs released a statement appealing to the Prosecutor General's Office in case of media reports about possible violations by some Lithuanian enterprises of the sanctions against Russia.

    "Lithuania consistently fulfills its obligations in accordance with EU Council Regulation No. 692/2014 from June 23, 2014 in implementing the restrictions that should be applied to the importation of goods of Crimean or Sevastopol origin into the European Union in response …

  • Ex-Deputy of German Bundestag is being investigated over his visit to Crimea

    The prosecutor's office of the German city of Karlsruhe began an investigation against a former member of the Bundestag, Jörg Tauss, who visited the annexed Crimea, as reported by the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin.

    “It's not worth it to go to the Crimea and it is criminal to organize group trips there. German ex-MP Tauss learned that to his cost,” wrote the Minister in his Twitter. He believes this is “an important precedent for the legal proceedings by the …

  • Resident of Crimea to be sentenced to 5 years imprisonment for hanging Ukrainian flag over his house

    The authorities want to sentence Crimean activist, Vladimir Balukh, to five years in prison for hanging the Ukrainian flag over his house, as reported by a Crimean human rights group on Facebook.

    "Today, on August 1st, at a court hearing on Balukh’s case, the prosecutor, Korolyov, asked for a sentence of five years and one month in a prison colony," the statement said.

    This term is in accordance with the criminal code of Russia. The Ukrainian activist is charged under Part 1 of Article 222 ( …

  • Ukraine will sue Russia over Kerch Strait bridge to Crimea

    Russia’s introduction of shipping restrictions through the Kerch Strait in connection with the construction of a bridge will lead to losses for Ukrainian ports and will be challenged in court, stated Deputy Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine Yuriy Lavrenyuk, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    “The Ministry of Justice, within the framework of the existing lawsuits against Russia, has singled out the problem of the blocking of the Kerch Strait and imposition of restrictions on navigation. Now …