Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign affairs asked residents to report incorrect image of Crimea on maps

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is again asking citizens to inform them when the "incorrect image" of the Crimea is found on world maps. The Ministry launched the second stage of the project "Crimea on the World Map," dedicated to navigation systems and products, as noted on the official website of the Foreign Ministry.

    The project was launched in late 2015. The Foreign Ministry emphasizes that during this time, there have been many instances to "correct the wrong representation of …

  • Media: Ukraine dismantles fiber optic lines to Crimea

    Ukraine has dismantled the main fiber optic communication lines connecting it to Crimea, Kryminform reports with reference to a competent source.

    “Really, Ukraine has dismantled the infrastructure of the main fiber optic communication lines on the border with Crimea,” the source said.

    According to Ivan Zima, general director of Miranda Media, one of the major internet providers in the Crimea, no internet traffic is currently coming to the peninsula from Ukrainian territory.

    “We cannot …

  • Media: Siemens to reshuffle staff following Crimea turbines scandal

    Siemens management is discussing personnel changes in the company after the scandal resulting from power plant turbines being shipped to the annexed Crimea in circumvention of the sanctions, Handelsblatt reported with reference to sources in the German concern. The company considers itself the “victim” of the events.

    According to the newspaper’s sources, several top managers are accusing the head of the Russian division, Dietrich Möller. They believe that he delayed the inspection of …

  • Russia intends to consider the possibility of cryptocurrency payments in the Crimea to secure the anonymity of foreign tourists

    The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation has expressed its readiness to consider the issue of making payments using cryptocurrency in the Republic of Crimea with an aim to attract foreign tourists, as announced on Saturday by Deputy Finance Minister Alexei Moiseev on Russia-24 news. He clarified that there were no serious discussions on this question yet.

    "To stimulate foreign tourism in the Crimea, and to ensure that people who go there are not persecuted in their homeland for having …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs: Ukraine demands investigation of supply of Siemens turbines to Crimea

    Ukraine will demand that the German government and the European Union investigate and punish all perpetrators involved in the delivery of Siemens turbines to power plants in the annexed Crimea, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, wrote in an article for the Evropeiska Pravda.

    “The only way out is a frank and public investigation and punishment of all accomplices - legal, political and reputational. This is exactly what Ukraine will demand from Siemens, the German …

  • Germany: Scandal with Siemens turbines in Crimea will lead to deterioration of Russian-German relations

    The German government has said that Moscow's deception, bringing gas turbines made by the German company Siemens from Russia to the Crimea, despite its prohibition under EU sanctions and in violation of its contracts, will lead to further deterioration of relations between the two countries.

    "Such a massive violation of sanctions will again burden German-Russian relations," the spokesman for the German Foreign Ministry told the German publication Bild am Sonntag.

    It has been reported that …

  • German media: in 2016 Putin promised not to use Siemens turbines in the Crimea

    In September 2016, during a meeting in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin promised then Vice-Chancellor and current German Foreign Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, that Siemens turbines would not be sent to the Crimea, writes German publication Wirtschaftswoche , citing sources close to Gabriel.

    According to this information, in addition to the two politicians, German Ambassador to Russia Rüdiger von Fritsch and representatives of the Russian president also attended the meeting. According to …

  • Director of company involved in Siemens turbines scandal fired in Russia

    The CEO of Silovye Mashiny, which was involved in a scandal with Siemens turbines, has been fired In Russia.

    As reported by Interfax, the Board of Directors of Silovye Mashiny passed a decision July 19 on the early termination of Roman Filippov's powers.

     On July 13, Filippov was interrogated in Russia for a criminal case concerning the disclosure of state secrets.

    The Board of Directors of PJSC Silovye Mashiny appointed a new CEO after Roman Filipov's resignation. The new CEO is Filippov's …

  • Ukraine has simplified the entry procedure into Crimea for lawyers and human rights advocates

    On Wednesday, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine amended the order of entry to the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine and exit from it, which simplified the mechanism for crossing the administrative border for human rights advocates and representatives of independent human rights missions, as reported by the Ministry of Temporary Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

    The resolution states that in order to cross the administrative border with the temporarily occupied territory, the human …

  • Crimean authorities plan to build defensive structures on administrative border with Ukraine

    The Kremlin-controlled Crimean government intends to strengthen the defense of the “border” between the annexed peninsula and mainland Ukraine, as stated by Russian Deputy Prime Minister of Crimea Igor Mikhailichenko, Krym.Realii reports.

    “One of the priorities for Crimea is the creation of defensive structures on the border strip. These measures will make it possible to strengthen the defense on the Russian-Ukrainian portion of the border. Another important matter is the arrangement of the …