Contents tagged with crimea

  • Leader of the Crimean Tatars: The Crimea will return to Ukraine within our lifetime

    Refat Chubarov, Member of Parliament and the Speaker of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, believes that the Crimea will return to Ukraine during the lifetime of the present generation.

    "I always say very confidently here: it will happen much sooner than the Kremlin would like. It will be within our lifetime. We will return to the Crimea; it cannot be otherwise," he said in an interview with Apostrophe news website.However, he believes that it will happen as a result of diplomatic, rather …

  • Chinese investors are interested in the construction of a tunnel in the annexed Crimea

    Investors from China are interested in the project of building a tunnel through the Kerch Strait to the Crimea, as stated by the Minister of Economic Development of the Crimea, Andrei Melnikov, during an interview with the radio station "Sputnik in the Crimea", RIA Novosti news agency reports,

    The agency notes that the Eurasian Business Council came forward with the proposal to build a tunnel together with the bridge across the Kerch Strait. The construction is supposed to be carried out at …

  • Ukrainian MP: U.S. and EU advised Ukraine not to fight against Russia during the annexation of Crimea

    Representatives of the United States and Europe recommended Ukraine not to enter armed conflict with Russia and not to declare martial law during the seizure of the Crimea by Russia in 2014.

    This was stated by the then-acting head of the presidential administration, Sergei Pashinsky, on channel "112 Ukraine" while answering a question about whether the EU and U.S. had really advised not to defend the Crimea.

    "The Americans and Europeans recommended our country not to engage in an armed …

  • Residents of the annexed Crimea held protests against land expropriation by the Russian government

    On May 27 there was a mass protest in annexed Sevastopol against the draft of the general city plan, Krym.Realii reports. Nearly a thousand people took part in the rally at Svoboda Square.

    Protesters held banners with inscriptions: “We will defend the right to land,” “The general plan is not genial,” “Stop the judicial arbitrariness for land”, “Putin, protect the land of the people of Sevastopol”.

    At the podium, the protest organizers placed posters with a quote from Russian President …

  • The President of Ukraine promised to issue Ukrainian passports to residents of the Donbas and the Crimea

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko gave instructions to issue Ukrainian passports to the residents of the Crimea and the self-proclaimed DPR and LPR. He said this during a meeting on the preparation for the entry into force of the visa-free regime with the European Union, 112 Ukraine TV reports.

    "If problems with issuing passports are objectively raised to those who are in the occupied territory (the territory of the Donbas which is not controlled by the authorities of Ukraine – Ed.), or in …

  • The FSB announced large-scale anti-terrorist exercises in the Crimea

    The staff of the Russian FSB Special Forces will conduct large-scale exercises to prevent terrorist attacks and sabotage on land and sea targets in the Crimea, as TASS reported, citing the Public Relations Center of the Federal Security Service (FSB).The exercises, according to the interlocutors of the news agency, will be held in the republic from May 24 to 29. About 2,000 military will take part in them, as well as armored vehicles, the Air Force and the Navy."During the exercise, the combat …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador: Black Sea states refuse to cooperate with Russia until the Crimea’s annexation has been repealed

    Prior to the de-annexation of the Crimea, the countries of the Black Sea region will not sign any major agreement with Russia in the economic sphere. The former Ukrainian Ambassador to Turkey, Sergiy Korsunsky explained this on Radio Krym.Realii while commenting on the 25th summit of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) held in Istanbul, in which both Ukraine and Russia took part.

    "Russian representatives tried to promote a policy. They say, “let's talk about …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Russia's presence in the Crimea destroys economic ties in the Black Sea region

    Russian aggression and the annexation of the Crimea are destroying economic ties in the Black Sea region, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said at a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) member states on May 21.

    According to the press service of the Ukrainian Embassy in Turkey, a special meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the BSEC member-states was held in Istanbul in preparation for the Jubilee Summit …

  • Dzhemilev says that Russia has placed six nuclear warheads in Crimea

    The Kremlin has turned the annexed Crimea into a military base. Therefore, retaking the peninsula by military force is now extremely dangerous. This was said in an interview with UA.TV by the national leader of the Crimean Tatar People, People's Deputy of Ukraine Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    "The Crimea has now been turned into a kind of a military base. We even have information that six nuclear warheads are there now. Therefore, it is very dangerous to begin military operations there," Dzhemilev said. …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister called Donbas and Crimea the most dangerous ‘gray areas’ in Europe

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, during a meeting with the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe drew attention to the inadmissibility of the existence of "gray zones" on the European continent, whose inhabitants are de facto outside the protection of the European Convention on Human Rights, as reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs."The Ukrainian Foreign Minister noted that the Donbas and the Crimea are now 'the hottest …