Contents tagged with crimea

  • Leader of the Justice civil-political movement: Crimea was lost because Tatars were unrepresented in Kyiv

    The leader of the Justice civil-political movement, Valentyn Nalyvaichenko, believes that the Crimea was lost because of a systemic mistake made by Ukrainian authorities.

    "The key mistake of all Ukrainian branches of power, including the President, was that the representatives of the Crimean Tatar people were almost completely unrepresented in the Ukrainian authority structure, both in Ukraine, and in the Crimea. This includes the government, courts, law enforcement agencies, and in particular, …

  • Russia to form new amphibious assault battalion in the annexed Crimea

    According to the Head of the Russian State Duma's defense committee, Colonel General Vladimir Shamanov, a separate amphibious-assault battalion will be formed in the Crimea by December 1st, 2017 within the 7th Guards Mountain Airborne Division. It will be stationed near the city of Feodosia. The formation of the battalion has already begun, as reported by Russia’s TASS news agency.

    "By the decision of the Collegium of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Crimea, …

  • Poroshenko denounces European Parliament deputies’ trips to the Crimea

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko met with the President of the European Parliament, Antonio Tajani after the signing ceremony of the decision to implement an EU visa-free regime for Ukrainian citizens, the presidential press service reports.

    During the meeting, Poroshenko sharply condemned the cases of illegal visits by certain members of the European Parliament to the annexed territories of the Crimea and the Donbas, and asked Tajani not to allow such visits in the future.

    It was noted …

  • The author of the plan to lease the Crimea said that he was banned from entering Ukraine

    People's Deputy of Ukraine Andriy Artemenko, who proposed a plan for leasing the Crimea, said that he was banned from entering Ukraine, channel 112 Ukraine reports.

    "I cannot go to Ukraine right now, because I received official information from the migration service, from the border guards, that I was banned from entering the territory of Ukraine using any of my three foreign passports," Artemenko said.

    According to the deputy, his three foreign passports have been annulled since May 5. These …

  • Ukrainian State Border Guard Service: Russia is preparing an offensive from the annexed Crimea

    The officials from the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine believe that the Russian Federation is preparing an offensive from the annexed Crimea while continuing to building up its military presence  in the peninsula.

    "The residents of the Crimea are disturbed by the dramatic build-up of Russia's military presence in the annexed territory. According to experts, the nature of the weaponry on the peninsula suggests that Russia is not preparing for a defense but for a further offensive," a …

  • Poroshenko is ready to propose changes to Ukraine's constitution concerning Crimean Tatar autonomy

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, is ready to propose changes to the Constitution of Ukraine that concern granting the Crimean Tatars autonomy in the Crimea.

    "I am ready to introduce several amendments to the Constitution, including those regarding the issue of Crimean Tatar autonomy. The format of this autonomy will be proposed to me by the Constitutional Commission, with the participation of representatives of the Crimean Tatar people," Petro Poroshenko said at a press conference …

  • Russia conducts naval exercises in the Black Sea

    The military ships of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet carried out exercises and drills at naval training facilities, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on May 14.

    “The crew of the anti-submarine ship Muromets practiced searching for and monitoring a submarine. The diesel-electric submarine Stary Oskol acted as the hypothetical enemy, monitoring the anti-submarine vessel and performing a strike-avoiding maneuver. This newest submarine, acting as a rescue craft and supported by Epron rescue ship, …

  • Ukraine investigating more than 60 cases of human rights violations in the Crimea

    The Prosecutor General’s Office of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea located in Kyiv has initiated more than 60 criminal cases of human rights violations in the annexed Crimea, in which the injured parties are more than 150 citizens.

    Prosecutor Hyunduz Mamedov of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea (ARC) reported this in a broadcast on radio Krym.realii.

    “We are not leaving these facts unattended. The Prosecutor General’s Office of the ARC is currently carrying out the procedural …

  • Ukraine awarded the sailors who prevented the capture of their vessel by Russian warship

    The Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Volodymyr Omelyan, awarded employees of the Marine Search and Rescue Service and the crew of the Ukrainian boat for their actions in an incident that occurred near the Crimean coast on April 24th, as reported on Friday by the press service of the department.

    The report says that the seamen were awarded for "having repelled the unlawful actions of the Russian vessel in the Black Sea." Six people were awarded.

    "Our sailors did not give up, they saved …

  • The head of Russian-controlled government in the Crimea doubled his 2015 gains last year

    Incomes in 2016 belonging to the head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov nearly doubled his 2015 gains, amounting to 2.63 million rubles. This is evidenced by his income declaration, published on the portal of the Crimean government.Last year, Aksyonov’s declared annual income was 2,632,380.36 rubles or $39,178 going by the 2016 average annual exchange rate. In 2015, he only earned 1.4 million rubles or $22,842 rated at the 2015 average, and in 2014 he earned 1.6 million rubles or $41,591 at the 201 …