Contents tagged with crimea

  • Lysenko: FSB is 'juggling with facts' to accuse former Crimean servicemen of espionage

    The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) has been juggling the facts in order to accuse former servicemen in the annexed Crimea of espionage or subversive-investigative activities on behalf of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, as stated by a spokesperson for the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine on the ATO, Andriy Lysenko, to Krym.Realii on November 24th.

    "As we had predicted, the Russian FSB is using the databases and personnel files of former servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine or the …

  • Russian FSB detains former naval officer who is accused of passing information to Ukrainian intelligence

    A former Russian officer of the Black Sea Fleet has been detained by the FSB in the Crimean city of Sevastopol for allegedly providing information to Ukrainian intelligence agencies, TASS reported.

    "On November 22, Russia’s Federal Security Service detained a former officer of the Black Sea Fleet headquarters, reserves Captain II rank Leonid Parkhomenko," a source told the Russian news agency.

    "Parkhomenko was fulfilling tasks given to him by the Ukrainian military intelligence, and provided …

  • Erdogan promised Ukraine to keep Turkish ships away from the Crimea

    The Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Andriy Parubiy, raised the issue regarding informal entry of Turkish ships in the ports of Sevastopol during the meeting with the President of Turkey, Recep Erdoğan, according to Verkhovna Rada’s press service.

    Parubiy clarified that the two parties raised the issue regarding informal entry of Turkish ships in the ports of Sevastopol. In this context, President Erdoğan noted that even if this has happened informally, he would give all the …

  • Russia accuses Ukrainian Security Service of kidnapping of two Russian soldiers in the Crimea

    Interfax has reported that the Russian Defense Ministry has accused the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) of illegally detaining two Russian servicemen, and then transporting them out of the Crimea.

    “At approximately 1pm on the 20th of November, employees of the SBU illegally detained two Russian soldiers, warrant officer Maxim Odintsov and junior sergeant of contract service Alexander Baranov, and transported them out of the Crimea to the Mykolaiv region,” the Russian agency said.

    The …

  • Russia puts new anti-aircraft systems on display in Crimea

    Russian military showed its S-400 Triumf and Pantsir-S anti-aircraft systems as a part of an open door event “Contract military service-Your choice” organized by the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    “On Saturday, in Kerch, the guests of the event “Contract military service - Your choice” were presented with the equipment used by the Southern military district including S-400 and Pantsir-S anti-aircraft complexes as well as radar systems used by the military in the Crimea,” the press service of the …

  • Russian silo coastal missile system has been restored in the Crimea

    The Utyos underground coastal missile system has been restored in the Crimea, a source familiar with the situation told Russia's Interfax news agency on Friday.

    "It is expected that the regenerated system will carry out several missile launches in order to prove its viability. In the future, Bastion silo-based missile systems are planned to be deployed there as well," the source said.

    Earlier, the source reported that the Bastion system, the first coastal silo-based missile system, can be …

  • Switzerland imposed sanctions against Russian deputies elected in the Crimea

    Switzerland has expanded its list of people who will not be able to bypass the US and EU sanctions imposed because of aggression by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, according to the Swiss state secretariat for economic affairs.

    The names of six people who were recently elected as deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the Crimea and Sevastopol were added to the list.

    “On November 17, 2016, the Federal Department of Economics, Education and Research (EAER) amended the list …

  • Human rights activists present evidence of Russia’s crimes in Crimea to the ICC

    The representatives of International Partnership for Human Rights (IPHR) have compiled a report detailing evidence of crimes against humanity in the annexed Crimea. They subsequently presented it to the International Criminal Court in The Hague. The report, ‘International crimes in the Crimea: An assessment of two and a half years of Russian occupation’, was presented on the 17th of November in Kyiv.

    The report consisted of information relating to 15 enforced disappearances, data on 90 illegal …

  • Ukrainian MoD: Former Ukrainian servicemen in Crimea are under attack from Russian special services

    Former Ukrainian military forces who now live in the Crimea could become "potential victims of the Russian special services." This opinion was expressed by the speaker of the Defense Ministry of Ukraine on ATO issues, Andrey Lysenko in an interview with Krym.Realii on November 16.

    "The territory annexed by the Russian Federation is home to thousands of former Ukrainian servicemen who had retired to the reserve. At any time, the Russian security forces can detain and pass off such people as ' …

  • Ukraine’s resolution on the Crimea to be submitted to the UN General Assembly

    Ukraine’s draft resolution on the human rights situation in the Crimea will be submitted to the UN General Assembly. The document was adopted by the third committee of the UN General Assembly on social, humanitarian and cultural issues.

    A total of 73 countries voted for the document, 23 voted against it, and 76 abstained from voting. Many European countries, and the US, supported the draft resolution. Russia, China, Kazakhstan, India and Serbia are among those who are against.

    The document …