Contents tagged with crimea

  • UN: Russia is a 'state occupier' and must adhere to its obligations under international law

    During the meeting of the Third Committee of the General Assembly, the United Nations approved a resolution called "Situation of Human Rights in the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea and the City of Sevastopol,” initiated by Ukraine.

    Seventy-three countries voted in favor of the resolution, 23 were against and 76 countries abstained, reported Krym.Realii.

    The document condemns the massive human rights violations in the occupied Crimea and calls for Russia as a state-occupier to adhere to …

  • The US imposed sanctions against six Duma deputies in the Crimea

    The United States imposed sanctions against Russian State Duma Deputies who were elected in the annexed Crimea, as reported on the website of the US Treasury.

    The sanctions list indicates the names of six Crimean Deputies: Ruslan Balbek, Dmitry Belik, Ruslan Baharev, Svetlana Savchenko, Andrei Kozenko, and Pavel Shperov.

    On November 9th, the European Union included the Deputies elected in the occupied Crimea to the State Duma on the anti-Russian sanctions list. At September's parliamentary …

  • McFaul has predicted a 'clash' between Russia and the US over Iran

    After the recent election of Donald Trump as the next US president, Moscow and Washington may have disagreements on the Iranian nuclear program, according to former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul.

    “The first clash will be over Iran as Trump has promised that he will eliminate the six-party agreement,” he said in an interview with the Dozhd TV channel.

    McFaul also suggested that Moscow may soon become disappointed with the newly elected American president. “I do not rule out that this …

  • Russian politician in Simferopol wrote letter to Trump asking him to recognize Crimea as part of Russia

    The deputy of the Simferopol city council of the Crimea from the Communist Party, Stepan Kiskin, wrote a letter to the newly elected US president, Donald Trump. Kiskin stated this on his Facebook page.

    Kiskin called on Trump to recognize the Crimea as part of Russia and offered to hold a second Yalta conference on the peninsula.

    The letter to Trump, noted Kiskin, was sent to the US ambassador to Russia, John Tefft, with a request that the diplomat give the letter to the president-elect.

    In …

  • Kremlin: Russia will never discuss the territorial jurisdiction of the Crimea

    Russia will never discuss the issue of the Crimea’s territorial jurisdiction and is ready to wait until Europe and the USA realize it, as stated by Russian President Putin’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, during an interview with the Associated Press.

    "No one in Russia will ever be ready to start any discussion on the Crimea", he said. As noted by the agency, during the interview, Peskov objected to Russia’s actions in the Crimea being called "annexation" and stated that this is a region of …

  • US ambassador to the OSCE: Russia is building up its military power in Crimea

    Russia continues to increase military force in the Crimea by expanding military bases and rebuilding the destroyed soviet infrastructure. This was announced on November 10 at the OSCE Permanent Council conference in Vienna by the US representative to the Organization, Ambassador Daniel Baer, the website of the US Mission to the OSCE reports.

    "We once again draw the attention of the Permanent Council to the occupation and the attempts to annex the Ukrainian peninsula of Crimea by Russia. Russia …

  • Ukrainian Defense Ministry advises citizens to not visit Crimea for unnecessary reasons

    The speaker of Ukraine’s Ministry of Defense on ATO issues, Olexandr Motuzyanyk, regards statements made by Russia’s FSB as a continuation of the country’s information war against Ukraine. These statements are with regard to the detention of persons preparing acts of sabotage in the Crimea.

    “We officially deny this, and declare that it is a provocation against the Ukrainian state and is the next step in the information war,” Motuzyanyk said at a briefing in Kyiv on Thursday.

    Based on this, he …

  • FSB arrests three accused of plotting 'acts of sabotage' in the Crimea

    Russia’s Federal Security Service, the FSB, arrested three individuals who are accused of belonging to a group that had allegedly plotted to commit acts of sabotage on Russian military facilities in the Crimea, Interfax reported.

    The FSB’s Public Relations Center accused the three individuals of workings for Ukrainian intelligence services.

    “On November 9th, the FSB detained members of a terrorist group linked to the Main Directorate of Intelligence the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine who …

  • US State Department: Sanctions against Russia will remain in force

    Deputy Speaker of the US State Department Mark Toner said that the sanctions imposed by the United States on Russia for its violation of the sovereignty of Ukraine will remain in effect until the return of the Crimea, Ukrinform reports.

    “Our attitude has been and will remain – within the present administration – unchanged. As for the sanctions regarding the Crimea – they will stay in effect until Russia takes its troops out of the Crimea and returns the peninsula to Ukraine,” Toner said. …

  • Media: EU expands sanctions against Crimean officials

    The European Union agreed on the introduction of new personal sanctions against Crimean officials, Reuters reports, indicating that this decision was based on the accession of the Crimea to Russia.

    According to the newspaper Delfi, the decision was made at the request of Lithuania and was formally approved at a meeting of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the Council of the European Union.

    It was noted that the sanctions will affect the six deputies of the State Duma who were …