Contents tagged with crimea

  • US does not recognize Russia's ban of Crimean Tatar Mejlis

    Washington has refused to recognize Russia’s decision to ban the activities of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars.

    “The United States does not recognize the legitimacy of the supreme court decision to ban the self-governing body of the Crimean Tatars – Mejlis. We reject the characterization of Mejlis as an ‘extremist’ organization, and condemn the suspension of the work of this democratic institution,” a US State Department statement read.

    “Russia continues the practice of arbitrary arrests of …

  • Commander of Russian 'little green men' in Crimea will be new commander of Russian airborne troops

    The Russian Defense Ministry appointed Lieutenant-General Andrey Serdyukov as commander of Russian airborne troops, Izvestia reports.

    According to the publication, the 53-year-old General held all command positions, and also led a special operation in the Crimea in the spring of 2014. The submission on the appointment of Serdyukov has been sent to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

    “Currently, the decision on the appointment of Andrey Serdyukov has already been made by the Ministry of …

  • Kyiv protests Russia's ban on Crimean Tatar Mejlis

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has protested against the decision to recognize the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People as an extremist organization in Russia and demanded that the decision be overturned. Yesterday, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation fully prohibited the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People. Therefore, an appeal from Mejlis representatives was rejected.

    The agency also demanded that the decision be overturned and called on international partners to intensify …

  • A representative from Iranian travel agency says Crimea will replace Turkey as destination for Iranian vacationers

    At the Open Crimea forum in Yalta, representatives from the travel company BuranPars, which serves Iranian tourists, stated that the Crimean peninsula is a promising travel destination and will replace Turkey for Iranian tourists, RIA Novosti reports.

    “Iranians love to travel and explore new destinations. Turkey will be gradually replaced for Iranian tourists. I think the Crimea is the best alternative for this. Next season, we plan to open a Crimean tour from Iran. In Turkey, some people just …

  • Ten people reported missing in the Crimea, believed to be on political and ethnic grounds

    According to a statement issued by the press service of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, ten people are reported missing on political or ethnic grounds in the Crimea.

    “The lack of responsibility and reparations for victims nourishes impunity,” the statement stresses. As noted in the report, the right to peaceful assembly is restricted in the Crimea, and law enforcement authorities continue to examine and persecute people for expressing their opinions, which are wrongfully …

  • Ukrainian Embassy in London asks people to report on British citizens who visited Crimea

    In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of cases where Russia takes every opportunity to legalize the annexation of the Crimea at the international level, as reported on the Facebook page of the Ukrainian embassy in London. According to the embassy, it was discovered that a British citizen, Julan Burdock, participated in the international Koktebel Jazz Party festival that took place in the occupied Crimea from August 26 to August 28.

    In addition, diplomats noted that the …

  • Duma Deputy Kobzon: Crimea is a burden for Russia

    People’s Artist of the USSR and Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Joseph Kobzon called the Crimea an unbearable burden for Russia at a meeting with journalists in Chita, reported.

    “We have taken on an unbearable burden – the Crimea. It is a native Russian territory but we fund it from our poor Russian budget. This seriously affects sectors like health care, education, culture and other important sectors,” the State Duma deputy from Zabaykalsky Krai stated. The artist …

  • Poroshenko: Trump's words on the Crimea are 'pre-election rhetoric'

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko believes that the words of the US Republican Party’s presidential candidate, Donald Trump, regarding the Crimea are pre-election rhetoric. He was referring to Trump’s statements about possibly recognizing the Crimea as Russian territory. Poroshenko said this during an interview with CNN.

    “It is part of the pre-election rhetoric. The future president, no matter who it is, will be a very responsible person,” Poroshenko said.

    Trump has previously and …

  • Russia to establish testing ground at Crimea's administrative border

    Russia will establish a testing ground to test security equipment at the border in the annexed Crimea, as was discussed at a meeting of the Russian State Border Commission, which took place on 23 September in the Crimea.

    As TASS reports, according to the Russian Deputy Prime Minister, Dmitry Rogozin, the Federal State Service has already obtained the approval of the Border Service.

    “Instructions will be given, with the consent of the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia, to test, apply, and …

  • Linkevicius: Lithuania does not recognize legitimacy of Russian elections in Crimea

    Lithuania refuses to recognize the legitimacy of the elections to the Russian State Duma that took place in the Crimea. The Russian MPs elected in the Crimea will not be considered as legitimate by Lithuania with all the attendant consequences, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania, Linas Linkevičius stated in his interview with DELFI.

    “It doesn’t mean the direct assessment of elections as a whole; it means that we believe everything that is happening in the Crimea to be illegal. We don’ …