Contents tagged with crimea

  • Siemens announces it will not send turbines to Crimea

    The President of Siemens in the Russian Federation, Dietrich Moeller, stated that the German engineering company isn’t going to supply equipment to the Crimea in circumvention of EU sanctions. According to him, Siemens observes all export restrictions and sanctions, TASS reported.

    As previously reported, the German engineering company can reach an agreement with the Crimean peninsula on supplies of turbines for Crimean power plants.

    However, Moeller explained that the matter concerns the …

  • Japan does not recognize results of Russian elections in Crimea

    Japan does not recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation in March 2014, and, therefore, the legitimacy and results of the "elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation," which were held in the Crimea on September 18, 2016, according to a statement by the Japanese Embassy in Ukraine.

    The Embassy also stressed that Japan “supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and does not recognize the attempts to change the status quo by force.”

    On …

  • Activist: Corruption in Russia and the Crimea poses a threat to Russia's national security

    The Deputy Director of the Crimean Anti-Corruption Front movement and Head of the Foundation of the Self-Organization of the Crimean population, Alexander Zabara, notes that the level of corruption in the Crimea is causing serious concerns and poses a threat to the national security of the Russian Federation.

    “The President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, said that it is necessary to fight corruption and all its forms without fear. These issues should be actively addressed in the Crimea. People …

  • Ukraine has requested that the UK make efforts to halt activities of pro-Kremlin journalist Graham Phillips

    The Ambassador of Ukraine to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Natalia Galibarenko, has requested that the United Kingdom make every possible effort to halt the activity of pro-Russian propagandist and British citizen, Graham Phillips.

    An open letter from the Ukrainian diplomat states that Graham Phillips arrived in eastern Ukraine in 2014-2015, where he had been working for pro-Russian separatists. This letter was published by the press service of the Embassy of …

  • Despite sanctions, European supermarkets operate in Crimea

    According to Reuters, the Metro and Auchan European supermarket chains are operating in the annexed Crimea despite EU sanctions.

    Products exported to these shops from Russia come through the port of Kerch, even though the European sanctions prohibit this, sources at the agency says.

    According to these sanctions, EU companies cannot do business in the Crimea. Reuters reports that the representatives of Metro and Auchan have stated that they are not violating the sanctions as their stores are …

  • Ukrainian State Border Service reported seven Russian helicopters over the Crimean border

    Ukrainian border guards recorded the flights of seven Russian helicopters on September 21st in the area of the administrative Crimean border, reported the Ukrainian State Border Service press-service.

    “Yesterday border guards from the State Border Service of Ukraine again observed Russian Armed Forces activity near the administrative border with the temporarily occupied territory of the Crimea. In particular, servicemen from the Kherson and Berdiansk units traced seven Russian military …

  • EU doesn't recognize legitimacy of Russian elections in the Crimea

    The European Union does not recognize the elections to the Russian State Duma in the annexed Crimea, as stressed in a statement issued by the representative of the European External Action Service. “The European Union doesn’t recognize the illegal annexation of the  Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and consequently doesn’t recognize the holding of elections on the Crimean peninsula,” the statement says.

    The OSCE/ODIHR Election Observation Mission performed no activities in the …

  • Sweden does not recognize results of Russian elections in Crimea

    Sweden will not recognize the election results of the Russian State Duma, which were held in the annexed Crimea. This was posted by the Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallström on Twitter.

    “We condemn Russia’s actions with regard to the elections of the State Duma in the illegally annexed Crimea. We do not recognize those who will be “elected” in the Crimea,” Wallström said.

    Newly appointed US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, said that Washington also does not recognize the …

  • Crimean Tatars boycotted Russian Duma elections

    Many Crimean Tatars did not come to the polls on voting day in Russia on Sunday, September 18, 2016. The turnout at the precinct on their part was minimal as it was in 2014 during the referendum on the status of the Crimea, Radio Svoboda reported.

    Refusal to participate is not indifference or inaction but a conscious protest against "lies that continue to inspire people on TV by different leaders, their deputies, officials and candidates,” stated the representatives of the Tatar population of …

  • Kirby: The US will not recognize the results of the Russian election in Crimea

    Washington will not recognize the results of the Russian Duma elections in the Crimea, according to State Department spokesman John Kirby. "The United States does not recognize the legitimacy… [and will not] recognize the results of the elections of the Russian State Duma, which are planned on the occupied territory of the Crimea on the 18th of September," Kirby said.

    According to Kirby, the US position on the Crimea is clear, "the peninsula remains an integral part of Ukraine."

    The …