Contents tagged with crimea

  • Court proceedings to ban Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people have begun

    On March 3rd, 2016, the trial which aims to prohibit the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars on the peninsula, began in the Supreme Court of Crimea.

     “Traditionally, the quarter of the courthouse is surrounded by police officers.  The court itself is fenced with turnstiles. Entrance to the building is allowed through the framework of metal detectors. People are searched,” the Head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) of Kurultay of the Crimean Tatars, Zaire Smedlyaev, reported to Krym.Realii .

    " …

  • Dzhemilev: Putin has no choice but to return Crimea to Ukraine

    “Putin's plan to put the puppet government in Kiev has fallen. Crimea will have to return”, the leader of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev, said during an open lecture at the Kyiv Institute of International Relations.   

    Dzhemilev recalled that during the annexation of the peninsula, Putin asked for support from the Crimean Tatars, promising them a bright future.

    "In conversation with Putin on the 12th of March, 2014, he told us how happy we will be living in the Russian Federation …

  • FIDH: The Mejlis ban may lead to a wave of persecution of Crimean Tatars

    The International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH) and the Ukrainian Helsinki Union for Human Rights condemn the persecution of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People in Crimea.  This was stated in an official statement on the International Federation for Human Rights website on Wednesday, March 2, as reported by Krym.Realii.  The report also reviewed the actions of the Russian authorities in Crimea and the case scheduled for the 3rd of March in court, which aims to prohibit the Mejlis on the …

  • Mayor of Nice says Crimea is Russian territory during visit by Mayor of Yalta

    The mayor of Nice, Christian Estrosi, met with a delegation from the occupied Crimea and signed a letter of intent with the Administration of Yalta, as stated on Christian Estrosi’s website.

    The delegation of the mayor of Yalta was on an official visit in Nice from February 26 – March 1st. The Ambassador of the Russian Federation to France, Alexander Orlov, was also present at the meeting.

    The delegation’s visit was referred to as symbolic, as it was the "first time since the referendum on …

  • Russian Yabloko party insists that Crimea is 'legitimate Ukrainian territory'

    The Chairman of Russian political party "Yabloko" (“Apple”), Emilia Slabunova, stated that the position of the party about the ownership of Crimea remains the same- tt is legitimate Ukrainian territory.

    Slabunova commented on the news of Russian News Service in which she allegedly said that the “Yabloko” party will be able to solve the conflict with Ukraine without handling issues in Crimea and Sevastopol.  According to Slabunova, the edition loosely interpreted her words about Crimea.

    "My …

  • Western countries asked Crimean Tatar Mejlis to avoid provoking Russian military

    During Russia's annexation of the Crimea in 2014, the Ambassadors of several Western countries called on the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People to avoid provoking the Russian military, as stated by Refat Chubarov, the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People on the program "Svoboda Slova" (Freedom of speech) on the channel ICTV.

    "All day long I was in touch with the ambassadors from the EU countries and the U.S.A. They all had the same request: do not provoke the …

  • Pavlo Klimkin: Russia carries out large-scale human rights violations against Crimean Tatars

    According to Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin, Russia is violating the rights of the Crimean Tatars.

    This was stated by Klimkin during his speech on Tuesday, March 1st at the 31st session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva, as reported by Evropeiskaya Pravda.

    According to him, Russia, as an occupying power, carries out large-scale human rights violations on the Peninsula, especially in regards to the indigenous population- the Crimean Tatars.

    “They carry out a …

  • Poroshenko explains his visit to Crimea on the eve of the 'referendum'

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, explains why he went to Crimea on the eve of the referendum on the 28th of February in 2014.  A video explaining the situation was posted on the President’s Facebook page.

    Poroshenko said that the beginning of an “adventure story” had become clear starting with the appearance of the "green men" and other mass movements in Crimea.  The President said that he engaged in negotiations with the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada of the Crimea and with the …

  • Ukrainian border guards report seeing four Russia Mi-8 helicopters near Crimea

    Ukrainian border guards have recorded activity of four Russian Mi-8 helicopters near the administrative border with Crimea.  This was mentioned on the website of Ukrainian authorities.

    “Border guards of the Genichesk unit of the Berdyansk squad have recorded Russian aircraft flying near the administrative border of Crimea.  There were four Mi-8 helicopters flying near the border’s vicinity,” the statement said.

    In November of last year, the Ukrainian government decided to prohibit Russian …

  • TripAdvisor map showing Ukrainian Crimea sparks outrage in Russian Duma

    A Spravedlivaya Rossiya (A Just Russia) party State Duma Deputy, Oleg Mikheev, sent the Russian Prosecutor General, Yuri Chaika, an official request asking him to check the TripAdvisor website, which shows the Russian-occupied Crimea as part of Ukraine, as reported by the Russian news agency TASS.

    According to Mikheev, this could indicate that the organization is conducting undesirable activities in Russia. In the request, a copy of which was made available to the agency, Mikheev writes that …