Contents tagged with crimea

  • Construction of Kerch Strait Bridge from Russia to Crimea to Cost $2.8 Billion

    Russia has approved the construction cost of the Kerch Bridge. The Main State Expert Review Board gave its positive consideration to the construction project of the bridge to Crimea and confirmed the accuracy of the estimated cost, Rosavtodor reported.

    According to the report, the cost of the construction project will be 211.9 billion Roubles (approximately $2.8 billion). It is 680 million Roubles lower than the budget ceiling established by the Government of the Russian Federation a year ago. …

  • Advocacy group calls on international organizations to protest against ban of Crimean Tatar Mejlis

    A Crimean advocacy group has appealed to international organizations with a statement of non-acceptance of the ban on the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People in Crimea. In their statement, the advocates called on international organizations to influence the situation in order to prevent politically motivated prosecutions of Crimean Tatars and the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

    This document is a response to the lawsuit brought by the Russian Prosecutor General of the Republic of Crimea, …

  • Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada discusses issue of Internally Displaced Persons

    The Parliamentary hearings on the issue of internally displaced people from the occupied Donbas region took place in the session hall of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 17th of February. The representatives of state authorities, local authorities, human rights organizations and the public participated in the meeting. The issue surrounding the reasonability of blocking the occupied territories was raised among others at the Parliamentary hearings.

    As stated by the head of the Crimean Human …

  • Dzhemilev files lawsuit against the FSB due to ban on entry to Crimea

    Lawyer Mark Feygin believes that it is the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) who prohibits Dzhemilev from entering Crimea. In January 2016, the Simferopol Court arrested the ex-leader of the Crimean Tatars in absentia.

    Mark Feygin, a lawyer of the former chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Dzhemilev, said the lawsuit was filed against the FSB. According to his statement on Twitter, it's the FSB who prohibits Dzhemilev entry into Crimea, and therefore (from the …

  • Russia transfers more military aircraft to Crimea

    According to official sources, large-scale military exercises were scheduled to be carried out on in Crimea, and Russia continues to transfer military equipment to the occupied Peninsula.

    During the last week a dozen military aircraft (IL-76) of the Russian Armed Forces were transferred to the peninsula, as stated by the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU).  14 helicopters and one battalion tactical group of the Russian Army were transferred as well.

    According to the Ukrainian officials, on the …

  • EU expresses concern over violation of rights of Crimean Tatars

    The European Union expressed concern over the systematic violation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of the residents of the Russian-occupied Crimea and, in particular, the Crimean Tatars, the Press Officer of the EU Delegation to Ukraine, David Stulik, said.

    In particular, the EU strongly condemned the illegal detention of thirteen Ukrainian citizens and representatives of the Crimean Tatars by the Russian authorities in the Crimea on February 11-12, 2016 he said in an interview with the …

  • Ukraine tells UN that Russia's annexation of Crimea is a threat to many other countries

    The Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations, Vladimir Elchenko, has said that the ongoing militarization of Crimea threatens not only the Black Sea region, but other countries as well.

    "The illegal occupation and subsequent militarization of Crimea is not just a threat with long-term consequences for the Black Sea region, southern Europe, northern Africa and the Middle East.  Events in Syria are proof of this," he said during a speech at the open debate of the UN Security …

  • Ukraine bans entry of sailors who have entered Russian-occupied Crimea aboard commercial ships

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SSU) has decided to ban the entry of foreign crew members of vessels engaged in commercial voyages to Crimean ports. 

    "Because of the violation of the law on entry into the temporarily occupied territory of Ukraine [Crimea], these foreigners will not be able to visit Ukraine during the next three years, even as members of the crews of other ships," the press-center of the SSU said.

    The SSU reminded that Ukraine has closed checkpoints Crimean ports due to …

  • Turkish PM discusses situation in Crimea during visit to Kiev

    The results of meetings between the Heads of the Ukrainian authorities and the Turkish delegation in Kiev were positively assessed. This discussion was held in the office of the Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, Mustafa Dzhemilev.

    “During all negotiations, special attention was paid to solving the problems of occupied Crimea and the protection of the rights of the Crimean Tatar people.  Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu's visit to Kiev is beneficial in solving the …

  • Nariman Jelal: We were prepared for Russia to ban the activities of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis

    The lawyers of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People have examined the decision of the Russian Prosecutor of Crimea, Natalia Polonskaya, to ban the activities of the Mejlis within the territory of Russia.  The First Deputy Head of the Mejlis, Nariman Jelal, discussed this with the Krym.Realii news portal.

     “We have the statement and our lawyers are aware of the next steps to take.  We have already seen that there are many items of a suspicious nature in the statement.  The most conspicuous is …