Contents tagged with crimea

  • Stockholm court to consider Ukrainian bank's claim against Russia for lost assets in Crimea

    The Stockholm Arbitration Court has taken a claims complaint made by the largest bank in Ukraine, PivatBank, under consideration.  The bank claims to have lost assets worth nearly 1 billion dollars caused by the annexation of Crimea.  This was reported by the Chairman of PrivatBank, Dmitry Dubilet.“We have gone through all of the procedures and the Stockholm Arbitration Court has taken our complaint under consideration.  The entire amount in our complaint is 1 billion dollars.  This amount …

  • The European Parliament calls on Russia to cease human rights violations in Crimea

    The European Parliament (EP) condemned the "unprecedented level" of violations of the rights of Crimeans, in particular Crimean Tatars, in the annexed pensinsula. Members of the EP supported the relevant resolution at the plenary session in Strasbourg on Thursday.

    The EU institution "strongly condemns the unprecedented level of human rights violations”, in particular, “under the pretext of fighting extremism and terrorism carried out against the Crimean people, primarily against the Crimean …

  • European satellites broadcast Ukrainian TV channels to Crimea

    The population of Crimea is presently viewing Ukrainian television channels via a satellite owned by a number of European companies.  At the same time, Crimean TV stations are trying to retransmit their programs through less popular satellites due to the current economic sanctions.

    The Adviser to the Minister on the Crimean Information Policy, Emine Jeppar, commented on the matter.

    “The Ministry on the Crimean Information Policy is aware of the issue of the channel retransmission by the …

  • Medvedev: Responsibility For Crimea Lies In All Political Forces In Russia

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev stated at a meeting with the leaders of "United Russia" that the responsibility for the annexation of Crimea lies with all the political forces of the country, reported RIA Novosti.

    "I mean, of course, not only "United Russia". I emphasize that virtually all political force smust make a common decision to support our people who expressed their wish to live in Russia and have returned to Russia,” he said. According to Medvedev, in the current situation it …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry Concerned with Human Rights Situation in Crimea

    Ukraine is deeply concerned about human rights violations by Russia in the Crimea, as well as in some areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions, as reported in a statement by the Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs.

    The reports from international organizations and human rights institutions unanimously record massive harassment by the Russian occupation forces of ethnic Ukrainians and the indigenous Crimean Tatar population of the Crimea for political and national motives; including …

  • Crimean Tatar Leader Meets with Russian Opposition Delegate in Strasbourg

    Mikhail Kasyanov, the leader of the Russian Opposition “People’s Freedom Party”, took part in the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), dedicated to the memory of Boris Nemtsov. At the session, Kasyanov assured Ukrainian Commissioner for the Affairs of Crimean Tatars, Mustafa Dzhemilev, that Crimea will eventually be released and returned to Ukraine.

    According to Kasyanov, the economic and political situation in Russia is worsening. The people`s approval of …

  • Russian Banks Refuse to give Loans to Crimeans

    The instability of the credit histories of Crimean residents means that the denial of their loan applications has become a “common practice” of Russian banks, as explained by the head of the Union of Financial Services Consumers (FinPotrebSoyuz), Mikhail Beliaev.

    “As we know, the bank is a commercial institution and operates within strict guidelines and instructions... We need to understand that the labor situation in the Crimea is not good, of course, and therefore wages are not stable. It is …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry calls on OSCE to react to human rights violations in Crimea

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has called on the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to react to human rights violations in Crimea and other regions of Ukraine which are beyond the control of the country.  This was stated by the Deputy Director of the Department of International Organizations of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Vasyl Pokotylo, at a round table dedicated to Germany’s presidency of the OSCE in 2016.Pokotylo continued, “We believe that the …

  • Herashchenko: Ukraine to use all International Platforms Available to Restore Territorial Integrity

    The issue of the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the return of Crimea is the responsibility of the whole world, said the Presidential Envoy for the Peace Plan for Eastern Ukraine and ‘Poroshenko Bloc’ MP, Irina Herashchenko.

    "Ukraine is ready to actively use all international platforms to solve the issue of Crimea. It is the duty of the whole world to look for an answer to the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the transfer of Crimea to  …

  • Despite Frequent Power Cuts, Russian Authorities in Crimea Say Electricity Supply Is 'Stable'

    Russian authorities in Crimea provided three straight hours of electricity to homes and called the power supply situation ‘completely stable.’ The press service reported on January 24th that industry works and that the supplied power came to 48 megawatts. The power supply priorities have changed.

    In the past, homes were disconnected from the electrical grid three times a day for 2 hours at a time. This was a problem because heavy frosts—17 degrees below zero—plagued Crimea.

    On the 30th of …