Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine to close Black Sea airspace for missile testing

    Between Friday and Saturday, Black Sea airspace will be closed to aircraft while the Ukrainian military performs missile tests, Korrespondent reports, citing the Ukrainian Defense Ministry news agency, Army Inform.

    “Between August 30-31, 2019, at the Alibi state testing ground of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the Odessa province, there will be additional missile launches. The relevant warning regarding the closing of the area to aircraft flights in connection with the danger associated with …

  • Russian soldiers accidentally fire missile in hangar in Crimea

    In an airfield near Saki in the annexed Crimea, two Russian soldiers accidentally fired an air-to-surface missile in a hangar, Kommersant reports.

    The X-29TD missile was fired by two naval aviation soldiers from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet. The missile’s 100 kg warhead did not detonate. If it had, the consequences could have been catastrophic.

    Russia’s Investigative Committee charged the two soldiers, Alexey Chebanov and Nikolay Zverev, with breaking the rules for handling weapons in a way that …

  • Ukraine launches investigation into IMAX cinemas in annexed Crimea

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has taken note of recent media reports that the Canadian company IMAX and other western cinema companies are operating in annexed Crimea.

    “After verifying the information, if there is reason to, the SBU will commence with a legal response,” said SBU spokesperson Olena Hitlyanska as cited by Krym.Realii.

    The Canadian Foreign Ministry said that it is aware of the situation and will state its stance on the matter soon.

    The Saturn-IMAX cinema in Yalta, …

  • Kremlin invites governor of Syrian Tartus province to visit annexed Crimea

    The coordinator of the Russian State Duma group on relations with the parliament of Syria Dmitry Sablin, arrived in Syria on Sunday and plans to invite Tartus Governor Safwan Abu Saad to visit annexed Sevastopol,  reports Russian Interfax news agency.

    In early 2019, Saad signed an agreement on economic and cultural cooperation with Sevastopol.

    In January of this year, the former Russian head of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov visited Syria as part of the Russian delegation.

    In April 2018, …

  • Kyiv prepares transitional justice system for Donbas and Crimea

    A transitional justice system will be developed in order to restore peace and normal life in the occupied Donbas territory, eliminate the human rights violations against Ukraine’s citizens, bring to justice those who have committed crimes, and provide compensation for losses, said Ruslan Ryaboshapka, deputy head of the Office of the President of Ukraine.

    With the president’s permanent representative to Crimea Anton Korynevych and Crimean Prosecutor General Hyunduz Mamedov, Ryaboshapka has …

  • Russia deploys squadron of reconnaissance drones in Crimea

    Russia has deployed a squadron of Forpost reconnaissance and targeting drones in the annexed Crimea, the Russian newspaper Izvestia reported.

    The drones have been stationed near Sevastopol and will fall under the 318th mixed aircraft regiment of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet as of this spring. The drones can carry out reconnaissance and provide targeting information for ship missile systems, Bastion coastal systems, and artillery. They have already been tested in drills at sea.

    The Forpost …

  • Aksyonov accuses the US of organizing water blockade of Crimea

    Sergey Aksyonov, head of the annexed Crimea, wrote on Facebook that the water blockade of the Crimean peninsula is part of the West’s anti-Russia strategy.

    “Ukraine’s policy is not determined in Kyiv, but in Washington and other western capitals. The water blockade of Crimea is part of the West’s anti-Russia strategy. That’s why, regardless of the reasons given by Ukrainian officials, the decision to end or to continue the blockade will be made far from the banks of the Dnieper,” he wrote. …

  • Crimean authorities intend to ask Ukraine to start supplying water from Dnieper

    The authorities of Russia-annexed Crimea intend to ask Russia to negotiate with Ukraine to let water from the Dnieper river into the peninsula.

    The idea was proposed by Georgy Muradov, “Vice Chair of the Council of Ministers and Crimea’s Permanent Representative to the Russian President”.

    “We would like to ask for help to start sounding out, perhaps, a negotiation process with Ukraine so that they let our water into Crimea. It’s not the water of the Dnieper river, which belongs to Ukraine, it’ …

  • Crimean authorities consider using cryptocurrency instead of US dollars

    The Deputy Chairman of the Crimean Council of Ministers, Georgy Muradov, said that Crimean authorities appealed to the General Director of the Russian Agency for Strategic Initiatives Svetlana Chupsheva with a request to support the initiative for the creation of a regional experimental cryptocurrency platform, reports

    On April 19, advisor to the Russian President Sergey Glazyev proposed to introduce digital money technologies in the Crimea to reduce cross-border restrictions and …

  • Ukrainian Naval aviation conducts exercises over the Black Sea

    Naval aviation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces completed exercises over the Black Sea, reports ArmyInfo (information Agency of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry).

    Naval aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine completed tactical flight exercises with different scenarios to support the Navy operations. Personnel of the brigade, Mi-14 and Ka-27 helicopters, as well as An-26 aircraft, participated in the maneuvers.

    The division of the communications and electronic security battalion completed the …