Contents tagged with crimea

  • Secretary General of Council of Europe speaks about the crisis in PACE due to the conflict with Russia

    Depriving Russia of the right to vote in the Parliamentary Assembly neither improved the human rights situation in Russia nor made Russia to return the Crimea. Instead, it caused a crisis in the Council of Europe, said Thorbjørn Jagland, the Secretary General of the organization, at the PACE winter session on Tuesday, January 22. A report on his speech was published on the website of the Council of Europe.

    Jagland noted that the Assembly’s decision to deprive the Russian delegation of the …

  • Kyiv: Ships that caught fire in Kerch Strait were used for illegal gas shipments to Syria

    The gas tankers Maestro and Venice, which caught fire near the Kerch Strait, have been involved in illegal gas shipments to Syria since 2016, Ukraine’s Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories reported, citing information from the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

    “According to the US Treasury Department’s OFAC, the ships Venice and Maestro have been involved in illegal gas shipments to Syria since 2016,” the statement reads.

    According to international monitoring systems, the …

  • Kremlin considers possibility of imposing fines for 'wrong designation' of annexed Crimea

    The Russian Federation Council is discussing the possibility of drafting and submitting a bill to the Russian State Duma, introducing responsibility for incorrect indication on maps of the territory of Russia, including the Crimea. At the same time, the senator from the Crimea, Sergei Tsekov, stated that there are no definite or specific deadlines, and the project itself may not happen, since “its relevance has become less acute.” 

    Earlier, Izvestia, citing Tsekov, stated that the draft law …

  • Ukraine: Russia exported over one million archaeological artifacts from the Crimea

    A representative of the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, Sergey Mokrenyuk stated that Russia exported at least a million archaeological artifacts from the annexed Crimea, since 2014.

    “According to minimal estimates, Russia exported at least a million artifacts,” said Mokrenyuk.

    According to him, the Ukrainian Ministry is recording such violations and the persons involved may be held accountable, which can include imposing appropriate …

  • Baltic states and Poland push for 'Azov sanctions package' against Russia

    The Baltic states and Poland are advocating that new sanctions be imposed on Russia in connection with its capturing of Ukrainian sailors near the Kerch Strait, said Estonian Foreign Minister Sven Mikser, as reported by Interfax-Ukraine.

    “Estonia’s position is that the countermeasures, the sanctions on Russia in connection with the situation in the east of the country and the illegal annexation of Crimea, must be maintained until the inflicted damage has been compensated, until Russia returns …

  • Cyprus court arrests Ukrainian oligarch Firtash’s assets in Russian bank lawsuit

    The District Court of Limassol, Cyprus, has arrested nearly $46 million worth of Dmytro Firtashi’s property as part of a lawsuit by Russia’s VTB Bank, Kommersant reports.

    The lawsuit was filed on 20 December 2018, and within the week, the Ukrainian businessman’s property was placed under arrest as an interim measure. The consideration of the case is scheduled for the end of January.

    The lawsuit concerns the debts of PJSC Ukrainian Chemical Products and LLC Titan Investments, which own …

  • Russian court extends the arrest of all captive Ukrainian sailors for three months

    The Joint Group for Public Monitoring of the observance of the Constitutional freedoms of the Russian Federation reported on Twitter that the Moscow Lefortovo Court extended for three months the arrest of all 24 Ukrainian sailors captured near the Kerch Strait. It is noted that Judge Ryabtsev left Viktor Bespalchenko, Volodymyr Varymez, Vladyslav Kostyshyn and Volodymyr Lisovy in a pre-trial detention center until April 24. "The result. All but the wounded sailors remain in the remand prison …

  • US calls on Russia to release Ukrainian sailors

    The United States calls on Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors and not use them in their political game, reads the statement of the US Embassy in Ukraine published on Facebook.

    “Russia must release Ukraine’s sailors immediately, not use them as pawns in their political game,” the statement reads.

    It is noted that for over 50 days, Russia has unjustly detained Ukrainian sailors who were exercising Ukraine’s freedom of navigation in UKraine's territorial waters. The United States is deeply …

  • Detained Ukrainian sailors refuse to answer questions in Moscow Court

    On January 15, the Ukrainian sailors detained in the Kerch Strait refused to answer questions at Moscow's Lefortovo district court citing the Geneva Convention. The Court rejected the application to refer the case to the Moscow Garrison Military Court, Commissioner for Human Rights in Ukraine Lyudmyla Denisova told RIA Novosti. The Ukrainian lawyers are presenting the position that the sailors are prisoners of war.

    The court has yet to decide whether to extend the arrest of the Ukrainian …

  • Russia strengthens air defense in Crimea with a division of Pantsir-S systems

    Russia strengthened the anti-air defense of annexed Crimea with additional Pantsir-S medium-range surface-to-air missile systems, Interfax reports. The new division went on combat duty in the Crimea in December, the press service of the Southern Military District told the agency. 

    New Pantsir syetms were used in military exercises in the Crimea involving practice defense against cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles. During the exercises, over 100 targets were destroyed. The Russian …