Contents tagged with crimea

  • Kyiv classifies the list of Russians who fell under new Ukrainian sanctions

    The Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons refused to disclose the list of citizens of the Russian Federation and the Russian companies that fell under Kyiv’s new sanctions, reported the Ukrayinska Pravda. 

    The ministry’s response to the official request of reporters stated that “the requested information is classified and is not subject to disclosure”. The document was signed by Serhiy Mokrenyuk, Head of Department for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea …

  • Kyiv: Russia amassing military equipment in Crimea in order to block access to it

    Russia is amassing military equipment in Crimea in order to block off access to it, not only for possible military opponents, but also for humanitarian organizations, international experts and monitoring, said Vadym Chernysh, Ukraine’s Minister of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons, in a post on the ministry’s website.

    “This is already the fourth missile system in temporarily occupied Crimea, sent in order to control the sea waters and Ukraine’s territory. We are …

  • Ukrainian military commander: Russia wants to create land corridor to annexed Crimea

    Russian troops in the Donbas are currently concentrating their forces in the Mariupol direction in the area of the Azov Sea since Moscow wants to create a land corridor to the annexed Crimea, said the commander of the Ukrainian Joint Forces Operation, Lieutenant-General Serhiy Naiev in an interview with the Austrian edition of Wiener Zeitung, which was reposted on the Facebook page of Joint Forces Operation press center.

    “The Russian occupying forces are not attacking, but this does not mean …

  • Ukraine to spend nearly $6 million on lawyers in Crimea assets court case against Russia

    Naftogaz Ukraine intends to procure the services of legal advisers for its lawsuits against Russia in 2019 demanding compensation for seized Crimean assets, the Ukrainian company’s press service reports. 

    According to a notice on Naftogaz’s official website, the international legal firm Covington & Burling LLP will represent the country’s interests in the lawsuit against Russia for compensation of losses caused by the illegal expropriation of the company’s assets in Crimea. 

    “We expect the …

  • European Union calls on Russia to release illegally held Ukrainians

    The European Union called on Russia to release the Ukrainian sailors captured in the Kerch Strait and other Ukrainian citizens, that Brussels says, are also held illegally, DW reports.

    “The European Union reiterates that all illegally detained Ukrainian citizens in the Crimean peninsula and in Russia and the crew of the vessels captured by Russia on 25 November must be immediately released. International human rights observers must be granted full, free and unhindered access to the Crimean …

  • Ukraine files application to the European Court of Human Rights regarding capture and detention of Ukrainian sailors by Russia

    The Deputy Minister of Justice and Commissioner for European Court of Human Rights Affairs, Ivan Lishchyna stated that Ukraine asked the European Court of Human Rights to recognize Russia’s violation of the rights of the 24 Ukrainian sailors held captive in Russia.

    “The Government of Ukraine has fulfilled the court’s instructions and filed a full-fledged application for case №55855/18 on January 7th, 2019. The government demands that the court recognize the violation by the Russian Federation …

  • Ukrainian President: We will not let Russia run the show in Sea of Azov

    Russia will not decide how the Sea of Azov and the Kerch Strait are to be used, because Ukraine will not allow this, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko told CNN Turk in an interview.

    According to the president’s press service, he clarified that all available legal mechanisms would be used to ensure this.

    “We will never recognize the occupation of the Sea of Azov, which Russia is trying to do now. We will never recognize the occupation of the Kerch Strait. And we insist on international law, …

  • Kyiv: Hundreds of Russians denied entry into Ukraine after the end of martial law

    The press representative of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Oleh Slobodyan, said that after the end of martial law in Ukraine on December 26, 2018, more than 700 Russian citizens have not been allowed into Ukraine, the Ukrainian news agency UNN reports.

    According to Slobodyan, 534 people were denied entry from December 26 to 31. Earlier, the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Serhiy Yarovyi stated that 1,616 Russian citizens had been denied entry within the 30 …

  • Russia conducts military exercises using Bal coastal missile systems in Crimea

    Russian Black Sea Fleet held exercises using the Bal coastal defense missile system and simulated missile launches from the territory of the Crimea, Russian Defense Ministry reports on its website. 

    “During the exercises, crews of the missile systems carried out simulated missile launches,” the Ministry stated. The goal of the exercises was to practice detecting surface targets, providing target designation and preparing systems for strikes in different situations. 

    The Bal complex was put …

  • Russian military fired 1200 rounds when capturing Ukrainian ships in Kerch Strait

    Russian attorney Ilya Novikov told Echo of Moscow in an interview that, during their aggression against the Ukrainian ships in the Kerch Strait, the Russians fired nearly 1200 rounds from a large-caliber gun.

    Novikov says he received the information from his client, the Ukrainian sailor captured by Russia, Roman Mokryak.

    “Russia is trying to present the situation as ‘We saw that they were violating the border, and we had to stop it.’ The Russians don’t deny that they understand who was before …