Contents tagged with crimea

  • Crimean authorities to discuss creation of joint shipping company with Syria

    A delegation from the Crimean government will visit Syria between October 15-16 to meet with Syrian officials in Damascus, Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Georgy Muradov told the Russian news outlet TASS.

    The delegation will include Crimean Prime Minister Sergey Aksyonov, State Council Chairman Vladimir Konstantinov, Deputy Prime Minister Muradov, Federation Council member Olga Kovitidi, Minister of Industrial Policy Andrey Vasyuta, Minister of Resorts and Tourism Vadim Volchenko, and Minister …

  • Estonian travel agencies face criminal charges for organizing trips to annexed Crimea

    Estonian Prosecutor’s Office opened a criminal investigation against several Estonian travel agencies suspected of organizing tourist trips to Ukraine’s territory, which was annexed by Russia, reports Postimees news website, with the reference to Estonian media.

    "The State Prosecutor’s Office confirms that on Tuesday, five Estonian travel agencies offices were searched based on the suspicion that they offer tourist trips to the Russian-occupied Crimea and Sevastopol, where, in accordance with …

  • Ukraine’s ambassador to UN: Russia’s militarization of Crimea is unprecedented

    The growth of Russia’s military presence in occupied Crimea and its use of the peninsula as base for military operations in Syria and other parts of the region will create far-reaching consequences for Southern Europe, North Africa, and the Near East.

    A statement to this effect was made by Ukraine’s permanent ambassador to the UN Volodymyr Yelchenko at a session on the militarization of annexed Crimea, Ukrinform reports.

    “The occupation and the subsequent militarization of Crimea has far- …

  • Russia conducts military exercises in annexed Crimea

    Marines from the Black Sea Fleet subdivision with cover provided by army aviation from the Southern Military District disembarked on an unequipped stretch of the coast using large landing ships Orsk and Azov,  as stated on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    While disembarking the marines used a non-standard approach with militray forces coming from various directions, both from the water and air, that allowed them to seize a foothold and equip a fortified area.

    More than 200 …

  • EU demands Sentsov’s release and medical treatment

    The EU is demanding that Russia “not only provide Oleh Sentsov with quick and appropriate medical treatment, but also immediately release him, together with the other Ukrainians being held illegally in Russia and Crimea”.

    A statement to this effect was made by Maja Kocijančič, spokeswoman for the European External Action Service, on the department’s official website on October 7.

    “Oleg Sentsov has shown incredible courage, determination and selflessness during his 145 days of hunger strike. …

  • Kyiv: Crimean authorities conceal the accident with Siemens gas turbines

    Crimean authorities hide the accident with Siemens gas turbines, which were brought to the territory of Crimea bypassing international sanctions, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Ministry of the temporarily occupied territories.

    According to the Ministry, the destruction signs to one of the industrial premises of Balaklavskaya Thermal Power Plant (TPP), which is being built near Sevastopol, were noticed in August. "The roof section of about 10x20 meters was burned out. This was …

  • Section of Crimean Bridge falls into sea

    A section of the railway portion of the Crimean bridge fell into the sea during assembly, the Russian Taman Road Administration reports.

    “On the sea stretch of the bridge construction between the Kuzlinsky Split and the island of the same name, during the process of lowering onto supports, one of the railway spans tilted and fell into the shallow waters,”- the report states.

    The incident was presumably due to technical issues with the jack system. No staff members were injured.

    “The supports …

  • NATO concerned about the escalation in the Azov Sea

    NATO is concerned that Russia is preventing Ukrainian vessels from accessing the Azov Sea, stated the Secretary-General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg before a meeting with the secretaries of Defense, reports Interfax Ukraine.

    NATO is also concerned with the presence of Russia in the Crimea and their activities near the Crimean bridge.

    “The situation in Ukraine, around Ukraine, in the Azov Sea, and in the Crimea is what we always discuss (with the Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko), and in these …

  • Russian intelligence agent suspected of poisoning Skripals awarded Hero of Russia for operations in Crimea

    Colonel Anatoly Chepiga, also known as Ruslan Boshirov, a Russian intelligence agent who is one of London’s chief suspects in the Skripal poisoning case, was awarded the title “Hero of Russia” for operations he carried out in Crimea, Novaya Gazeta reports.

    This information was provided by three of Chepiga’s former coworkers from the 282nd special forces unit in Matveevka, the unit Chepiga joined as a lieutenant in 2001 after completing his studies at the Far Eastern Higher Military Command …

  • Delegation from Norway visits Crimea despite Ukraine's travel ban

    On September 30th, a delegation from Norway without asking permission from Ukraine beforehand crossed the administrative border near the Crimea, reports Kryminform.

    It is noted that the Norwegians intend to visit four cities on the peninsula. The itinerary will include a visit to the ICC Artek, Livadia Palace, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, the House-Museum Chekhov in Yalta and other cultural sites.

    The visit is likely to last until October 6th.

    The Norwegian delegation included members of the …