Contents tagged with crimea

  • Poroshenko: Ukraine creates a naval base on the Sea of Azov

    In a post on his Facebook page, President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko welcomed the deployment of Ukrainian military vessels into the Sea of Azov and noted that these ships “will become part of the newly created Ukrainian naval base in the Azov."

     “Congratulations to our warships, the search, and rescue ship A500 Donbas and the tugboat A830 Korets, on the deployment to the Sea of Azov. These ships will be part of the newly created Ukrainian naval base fleet in Azov. Thanks to the crews of the …

  • Ukrainian naval vessels pass through Kerch Strait

    Two Ukrainian military ships, the A500 Donbas search-and-rescue vessel and the A830 Korets tugboat passed under the Crimean Bridge, which connects the Taman Peninsula to Crimea, the Ukrainian Military Portal reported on Sunday.

    “Earlier, the small armored artillery boats R177 Kremenchuh and R178 Lubny left from the Berdyansk port to meet the search-and-rescue vessel A500 Donbas and sea tugboat A830 Korets in the direction of the Kerch crossing. They were delivered to Berdyansk at the start of …

  • British aircraft conducts reconnaissance flight near the Crimea

    On Sunday, September 22, a British Royal Air Force RC-135W aircraft conducted a reconnaissance flight over the Black Sea near the coast of the Crimea, according to the sources monitoring aviation traffic.

    According to their data, the flight lasted several hours. The reconnaissance aircraft with tail number ZZZ666 took off from Souda Bay air force base on Crete. It flew along the coast of Crimea and Krasnodar region in Russia for several hours.

    American drones have recently also conducted …

  • Crimea complains of insufficient drinking water supply

    The Crimean population needs the required amount of quality drinking water, said Crimean “Deputy Prime Minister” Yuriy Gotsanyuk at a work group session devoted to planning the installation of water purification plants in Crimea, Krym.Realii reports.

    “At present, under conditions where the supply of Dnieper water through the North Crimean Canal has been stopped, Crimean cities and agricultural settlements are being supplied from local sources. All of Crimea’s underground water is being used in …

  • Russia: Ukrainian ships approached Crimea

    Two ships of the Ukrainian Naval Forces- command ship Donbas and tugboat Korets were located near the coast of the annexed Crimea, reported Interfax referring to the FSB border control on Saturday, September 22.

    Russia claims that the Ukrainian ships were allegedly moving “towards an exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.” They [the ships] are heading in a northeasterly direction. “In accordance with international maritime law and in the interests of security of the Russian …

  • Ukraine nominates Sentsov for the Nobel Peace Prize

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has decided to nominate the film director Oleh Sentsov, who is currently in a Russian prison, for the Nobel Peace Prize.

    245 people's deputies voted for this decision.

    "Given the courageous behavior of Oleh Sentsov, who is unlawfully detained in the Russian Federation for 4 years, for his heroic non-violent protest against the illegal occupation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the city of Sevastopol and certain regions of Donetsk and Luhansk by the Russian …

  • UN: situation with human rights in the Crimea is not improving

    The UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine continues to record violations of human rights in the Crimea and notes that there have been no improvements on the peninsula over that last 10 months, stated in an interview with Zerkalo Nedeli, Fiona Frazer, the head of the UN human rights mission in Ukraine.

    The mission prepared its second report on the situation in the Crimea. This time they documented violations during the period from September 13, 2017 to June 30, 2018.

    "The situation …

  • Ukraine plans to create a naval base in the Azov Sea

    By the end of this year, Ukraine plans to create a naval base for the armed forces in the Azov Sea, reported the press service of the Cabinet of Ministers.

    “Two armored artillery boats of the Ukrainian Navy were floated off the shore of Berdyansk. Before the end of the year, we will create a new naval base for the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Azov Sea,” said the government in a statement on Facebook.

    On September 6th, at a meeting of the National Security and Defense Council, a decision was …

  • Crimea hit by another release of toxic chemicals

    Rospotrebnadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare) recorded a new release of harmful substances in Armyansk located in the annexed Crimea, Dozhd reported. 

    According to Dozhd, the new release of toxic substances took place on September 14.

    The city authorities introduced an emergency measures due to the harmful substances emissions at the Crimean Titan plant. The administration of Armyansk announced that the concentration of harmful substances …

  • Ukraine promises to ‘never supply’ water to Crimea

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin said that Kyiv will never deliver water to the territory of Crimea, despite the air pollution situation in the north of the peninsula, reports UNIAN.

    In his opinion, Russia is trying to use the harmful substances release situation at the Crimean Titan plant in order to "promote" the issue of water supply to the region. "However, we must avoid looking into this issue presented in such a humanitarian wrapper rather than from the point of view of …