Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukrainian border guards poisoned by emissions in Crimea

    Border guards working close to the Crimean Titan factory have been poisoned, reported Oleh Slobodyan, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS), in a broadcast of 112 Ukraine.

    The SBGS staff who serve at the border crossing in the Kherson province, close to the Crimean Titan plant, have begun to complain of lightheadedness, nausea and headaches, following reports of an ecological catastrophe in Crimea.

    “After the relevant medical consultations and medication, these …

  • Ukraine: Ecological catastrophe in Crimea caused by Russian military exercises

    The Chief Intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry believes that the recent chemical emissions in northern Crimea were caused by projectiles hitting chemical storage facilities during military drills conducted by the Russian Armed Forces, reported Ukrainian Defense Ministry spokesperson Dmitry Hutsulyak at a press briefing.

    “According to the information of the Defense Ministry’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, between August 13-19 this year, during drills on covering the …

  • Kyiv: German MPs at risk of prosecution for illegally entering Crimea

    The Ukrainian embassy to Germany has initiated criminal proceedings against several German MPs who have visited annexed Crimea illegally, Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk told Evropeyska Pravda news outlet in an interview.

    According to him, Ukrainian legislation prescribes a prison sentence of up to eight years for illegal visitation of the annexed territories.

    “The fact that you are MPs does not free you from responsibility. We must use conviction in absentia and other …

  • Ukraine accuses Russia of bringing ecological catastrophe to Crimea

    Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin believes that Russia, which annexed the Crimean peninsula, is responsible for the acidic emissions in Armyansk.

    “First the Russian occupants brought human grief to Crimea and the Donbas, and now ecological catastrophes, which are destroying our land,” the minister wrote on Twitter.

    Armyansk residents continue to complain about health deterioration, an acrid smell in the air, and throat irritation, especially in the evening, following the emissions …

  • Russia detains Ukrainian vessel in the Black Sea

    On August 28, Representatives of the border office of the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) in the Crimea detained Ukrainian fishing boat number YAOD-2105 and its crew of four, as stated on Facebook by the Main Department of the Ukrainian National Police (MDNP) in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

    According to the police, four fishermen are held at the border post of Sevastopol. “On these grounds, two criminal proceedings have been instituted under Section 1, Article 146-1 …

  • Ukraine accuses Crimean Titan factory of air pollution

    On Monday, September 3, in the Kherson region, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) detected chemical substances in the air connected to emissions from the Titan factory, which is located in the city of Armyansk in northern Crimea, reported SBGS spokesperson Oleh Slobodyan.

    “The devices indicated an increased concentration of toxic industrial substances. We believe that these are emissions from the Titan-2 factory, which is located in occupied Armyansk,” Slobodyan said.

    According …

  • Ukrainian President proposes to prohibit Russian Black Sea Fleet from staying in Crimea

    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has submitted a bill on changing the country's constitution to the parliament. This bill bans military bases from hosting military groups within the international treaties framework, said representative of the Ukraine President in the Verkhovna Rada, Irina Lutsenko , reports news website.

    According to her, this bill proposes to exclude constitutional provisions that allow leasing of the military bases in the territory of the country.

    "It concerns …

  • Russian singer complains to European Court of Human Rights about entry ban to Ukraine

    Russian singer Natasha Korolyova said that she had filed a suit with the European Court of Human Rights because of the entry ban to Ukraine, RIA Novosti reports. According to the singer, she doesn’t know if the the court has started processing her complaint. Korolyova emphasized that she is an “innocent repressed person” and that the accusations against her are untrue.

    In 2016, the Security Service of Ukraine restricted Kiev-born Natasha Korolyova (Poryvai) from entering Ukraine for five years. …

  • Ukraine adopts information reintegration strategy for the Crimea

    The Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine expects the Cabinet of Ministers to approve the information reintegration strategy of the Crimea by November, stated the Deputy Minister of the Information Policy, Emine Dzhaparova at a press briefing.

    “Crimea will be on our agenda soon. A month or two are required to make the decision and then it will also be adopted by the government. In the end, we will work on the plan,” Dzhaparova said.

    The Deputy Minister emphasized that the reintegration …

  • Ukrainian President’s representative claims Russia may have started development of chemical weapons in Crimea

    Speaking about the environmental situation in the north of the Crimea, where an unknown substance was discharged on August 27, the representative of the Ukraine's President in the Crimea, Boris Babin, said that Russia could be producing components of chemical weapons in the territory of the annexed peninsula, Ukrinform news agency reports.

    Babin said that environmental problems caused by the illegal activities of companies in the north part of the annexed Crimea, affect not only the residents …