Contents tagged with crimea

  • UN: Since 2015 12,000 Crimeans have been conscripted to the Russian army

    Since 2015, Russia has called into its Armed Forces approximately 12 thousand people, living in the annexed Crimea, said the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Fiona Frazer while presenting the second report of the Mission on the human rights situation in the Crimea.

    According to Frazer, Russia also prosecutes Crimeans who do not want to serve in the Russian army. As stated in the report, the draft campaign is becoming more aggressive: in 2015, 500 men were called up, …

  • Kyiv: toxic emissions at Crimean Titan plant caused by industrial accident

    An industrial accident took place at the Titan Investments (“Crimean Titan”) plant in the annexed Crimea, said Kherson Governor Andriy Hordeev at a press conference.

    “According to information acquired by our intelligence, they had an industrial accident. What caused it is yet to come out. The fact that they concealed it from citizens is true. As far as we know, they are urgently filling in that acid storage facility with phosphate gypsum and lime in order to quell the reaction of the sulfuric …

  • Kyiv may impose sanctions against Swiss ‘delegation’ for visiting Crimea

    The Ukrainian Embassy may initiate sanctions against the Swiss delegation headed by Edward Belzer, a former member of the Council of States of Switzerland, for visiting the annexed Crimea.

    As the diplomatic mission reported on September 10, this visit was “a violation of the Ukrainian legislation and contradicts Switzerland's official position on the non-recognition of the attempt to annex the Crimea to Russia”.

    “We are sorry, but despite the well-known observance of the supremacy of the …

  • Russia fines Crimean plant Titan $10 million for air pollution

    The arbitration court of the annexed Crimea decided that the Titan plant in the Crimean town of Armyansk should pay 736.9 million rubles ($10.5 million USD) to the Russia budget for the negative impact on the environment, as reported by Rosprirodnadzor (Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Use of Natural Resources) in a press release on their website. According to the report, the inspection found that the enterprise was discharging liquid industrial waste into the acid storage.

    The …

  • 46 residents from annexed Crimea crossed into Ukraine due to chemical emissions in Armyansk

    Within three days, Ukrainian border guards allowed 46 people to pass through the temporarily closed border crossing checkpoint Kalanchak at the administrative border with the annexed Crimea to get medical aid, said the chief of the Kherson State Border Guard detachment, Ivan Shevtsov, as quoted by Hromadske Radio.  According to him, no one crossed the administrative border of the Chaplynka border crossing.

    "Among the people who crossed the administrative border within these three days were …

  • LPR ready to hand over 44 prisoners to Ukraine

    Prisoners from the Sukhodolsky penal colony in the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic (LPR) who were convicted before 2014 have expressed the desire to be transferred to Kyiv’s territory to serve the remainder of their sentences.

    The prisoners made this known when they were visited by Toni Frisch, coordinator of the OSCE’s Humanitarian Working Group, separatist media outlets report. Roman Vedmedenko, head of the LPR’s interdepartmental commission for transmission of persons convicted prior to …

  • Kyiv: 700 residents of Kherson region evacuated due to risk of chemical poisoning from emissions in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ministry for Temporarily Occupied Territories  said on September 8 that there was no need to evacuate the entire Kherson region because there have been no recorded cases of chemical poisoning due to emissions from the Titan factory in the Crimea. At the same time, about two thousand children will be transferred to Skadovsk for their health and safety.

    The Ministry sent two hundred people to Skadovsk on September 7 and then another five hundred people the day after. The Kherson …

  • Ukraine to appeal to the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons regarding toxic emissions in Crimea

    Ukraine will submit an appeal to the international Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) regarding chemical emissions and air pollution at the plant Crimean Titan plant" in the territory of the Crimea, said the press secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) Mariana Betsa on Channel 5.

    According to Betsa, currently, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs collects all the information from the competent authorities, including necessary materials and evidence of the …

  • Ukraine closes its administrative border with the Crimea because of toxic chemical emissions

    Ukraine suspended the work of entry/exit checkpoints of Kalanchak and Chaplynka, on the border with the annexed Crimea. The decision was adopted by the administration of the Kherson region on Thursday, September 6, due to toxic chemical emissions coming from the territory the chemical plant in of Armyansk , in the north of the Crimea. In addition, the administration also decided “to close schools and day cares located in areas of possible threat”.

    On the same day, Ukrainian President Petro …

  • Ukraine: Russia sends to Donbas weapons captured during the annexation of the Crimea

    Russia is arming militants in the Donbas with captured weapons from Ukrainian military bases after the annexation of the Crimea, reported the Communication Department of the Ukrainian National Police, citing a statement of the Chief of the National Police, Serhiy Knyazev.

    “Firearms, which were captured from more than 10 military bases in annexed Crimea, are used on the territories of the Joint Forces Operation. They belonged to the Armed Forces of Ukraine until 2014 but the arms were stolen …