Contents tagged with crimea

  • EU imposes sanctions against Russian companies involved in the construction of Crimean Bridge

    The European Council imposed economic sanctions against Russian companies that took part in the construction of the bridge to the Crimea. The decision was published in the official journal of the EU.

    Sanctions were imposed on PJSC Mostotrest and Stroygazmontazh Corporation (SGM Group), which are already under similar US sanctions. The list also includes AO Institute Giprostroymost in Saint-Petersburg, JSC Zaliv Shipyard, Stroygazmontazh Most OOO and CJSC VAD.

    “As part of the Union's non- …

  • Slovak president: Russian Night Wolves biker gang was involved in annexation of Crimea

    President of the Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska said in an address on July 31 that the Russian motorcyclist club, the “Night Wolves”, took part in the military operation in Crimea, alongside the special divisions of the Russian army.

    “The Night Wolves are an instrument of the regime, engaging in the seizure of the neighboring country’s territory – the annexation of part of Ukraine, which contravenes international law,” the Slovak president observed. He drew attention to the fact that Slovakia …

  • Czech deputies visit annexed Crimea despite Ukraine’s ban

    The Embassy of Ukraine in the Czech Republic protested the visit of the European Parliament Member Jaromir Kohlicek and Senator Jaroslav Doubrava to the Crimean territory annexed by Russia.

    "We are talking about yet another reoccurring violation of the Ukrainian legislation by the mentioned politicians, who, despite repeated warnings, continue to ignore not only Ukrainian laws but also the international law," said the embassy’s statement.

    The statement notes that most of the Czech politicians, …

  • Ukraine identifies thousands of ‘traitors to the homeland’

    Ukraine has established the full identities of more than 9,000 law enforcement staff members who are working in Crimea and are suspected of high treason, the Investigative Department of the Procuratorate of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea reported.

    First Deputy Prosecutor Nikolay Ivanets announced on July 26 that the process of identifying traitors had been completed. He clarified that the total employee count of the 18 law enforcement agencies operating in Crimea before the Russian …

  • Russian Prime Minister Medvedev visits annexed Crimea to attend the military parade

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev arrived in Sevastopol on July 29 where a military parade in honor of the Russian Federation’s Navy Day took place. According to Russian information agencies, Medvedev arrived the night before and took part in a concert dedicated to the 1,030th anniversary of the Baptism of Rus.

    On Sunday, the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation, Vice-Admiral Alexander Moiseev conducted an inspection of warships which were taking part in the parade. …

  • Finland threatens to deport Russian family to Ukraine because of passports issued in Crimea

    Married couple Natalia Kushnarenko and Mikhail Berezhnoy received passports of Russian citizenship in the Crimea but they live in Finland. The Finnish authorities threatened the family with deportation to Ukraine, Yle reports.

    The Finnish government emphasized that citizens are not allowed to receive a visa with Russian passport issued on the peninsula.

    As RIA Novosti reports, the family arrived in Finland in September 2017 on tourist visas that were received at the Consulate General of …

  • Media: Crimean bridge starts breaking away from Crimea

    The bridge is unable to bear the vehicle load, it is wobbling and shaking, reports news outlet. According to experts, the situation is also exacerbated by the seismological activity in the region. Serious discussions began among experts after the opening of the Crimean Bridge. Certain experts were in favor of it, others were opposed, and ordinary citizens did not remain on the sidelines. Recently a Crimean resident took a beautiful snapshot: the Crimean Bridge was hit by double …

  • Norway expresses support for ‘Crimean Declaration’ of the United States

    The Royal Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed its support for the “Crimean Declaration” of the USA, reaffirming their position of non-recognition of Russia’s annexation of the peninsula.

    “Norway welcomes and supports the statement by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, reaffirming the US stance against Russia’s illegal annexation of Crimea. International law must be upheld. Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity must be respected,” said the ministry in a published statement …

  • Ukraine calls for foreigners attending events in Crimea to be prosecuted

    The Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in Kyiv has proposed that foreigners who attend events in Crimea should be prosecuted, reported the Ukrainian regulator’s press service, citing chief prosecutor Hyunduz Mamedov, who spoke about it on July 24 at a meeting of Crimea’s law enforcement agencies on the state of crime and the detection of crimes committed on the peninsula during the first half of this year.

    Mamedov reiterated that he had previously emphasized the necessity …

  • A group of Slovak MPs is set to visit annexed Crimea

    Several deputies from Slovakia have decided to visit the Crimean peninsula, which was annexed, from Ukraine by the Russian Federation, despite the ambassador’s warning that this would violate the law, reported Slovak SME (The Slovak Spectator) news outlet.

    Last week, a group of deputies, led by the independent MP Peter Marcek, announced that they are going to visit the Crimea in August. They also informed that they are planning to travel to the Crimean peninsula from Moscow.

    In response, …