Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukrainian journalist: Russia has insufficient resources for large-scale attack on Ukraine

    Russia does not set itself the task of occupying Ukraine or part of it without the guarantee that the political regime in Kyiv will be replaced by one loyal to the Kremlin. Furthermore, Russia has neither the strength nor the resources for a large-scale offensive. Such an opinion was expressed by journalist Yuriy Butusov in an article for Zerkalo Nedeli (the Mirror Weekly).

    “Today, holding the occupied territories, including the Donbas and Crimea, has become a huge burden on the Russian budget …

  • Ukraine promises Russia severe retribution for Kerch Bridge

    The Ukrainian government is pushing for sanctions to be placed on Russia’s Black Sea ports in response to Russia’s blockade of the Sea of Azov, Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure Volodymyr Omelyan said in a broadcast of the TV channel 112 Ukraine.

    “We are negotiating with our European and American partners in order to have the corresponding sanctions placed on Russia’s Black Sea ports due to the blockade of the Sea of Azov and the Ukrainian ports in the Sea of Azov,” the minister said.

    He …

  • Ukraine condemns statement by Italian minister regarding Crimea

    Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin has reported that those who justify Russia’s annexation of Crimea and the violations of international law associated with these actions will pay for it.

    This statement was made by the head of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Twitter on July 20th, commenting on the words of the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, who had claimed in an interview with The Washington Post that Russia had the …

  • UN Court of Justice: Russia must reinstate Mejlis in Crimea

    The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine has received a letter from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) stating that the ICJ has sent Russia a reminder of its obligation to restore the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, reported Ukrainian Deputy Foreign Minister Olena Zerkal.

    The letter states that it is Russia’s obligation to comply with the court order, something which it has so far failed to do.

    “Because it was obvious to us that Russia did not intend to revoke the discriminatory ban on the …

  • Crimean authorities compile list of Russian 'enemies of the peninsula'

    The Public Chamber of Crimea has put together a list of Russians who publicly do not recognize the peninsula’s status, and in so doing supposedly “incite hostility”. The list is published on the organization’s website.

    The list, titled the “Crimean Dossier”, includes the authors Boris Akunin, Vladimir Voynovich and Lyudmila Ulitskaya, filmmaker and screenwriter Alexander Sokurov, musician Andrey Makarevich, actresses Liya Akhedzhakova and Ada Rogovtseva, actor Mikhail Efremov, prose writer and …

  • Five countries join in EU sanctions against Russia

    Montenegro, Albania, Norway, Ukraine, and Georgia have joined the EU sanctions imposed against Russia due to the annexation of the Crimea which are in effect until June 23rd, 2019, said the High Representative of the European Union, Federica Mogherini.

    “The Candidate Countries Montenegro and Albania, and the EFTA country Norway, member of the European Economic Area, as well as Ukraine and Georgia align themselves with this Declaration. They will ensure that their national policies conform to …

  • Ukraine accuses Russia of intentionally creating traffic jams at the entry point to Crimea

    A large traffic jam built up at Chonhar checkpoint on the administrative border with the Crimea on July 17, Krym Realii reported. Maksym Soroka, assistant head of the Azov-Black Sea Regional Department of Mass Media Cooperation with the State Border Service of Ukraine explained that Russian border guards delayed car inspections at the checkpoint, resulting in long queues. "They registered vehicles slowly and intentionally, though there were no objective reasons for this," he explained.  …

  • Ukrainian President intends to prevent Russia from inspecting ships in the Azov Sea

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko announced his country’s plans to challenge the actions of Russian border guards who are inspecting ships in transit to Ukrainian ports.    “We are now faced with the question of how we will strengthen the protection from the sea,” the presidential press-service quotes Poroshenko. “We will not tolerate the illegal capture of Ukrainian and foreign ships moving toward Ukrainian ports, including Mariupol.”   Poroshenko said that he gave the appropriate orders to …

  • Herashchenko: Putin’s statements about ‘referendum’ in Crimea should be used in court

    The first vice-speaker of the Verkhovna Rada and representative of Ukraine in the humanitarian subgroup of the Tripartite Contact group for Donbas, Iryna Herashchenko,  stated that Ukrainian diplomats and lawyers must use the statement of Russian President Vladimir Putin about Moscow’s organization of the so-called referendum in the Crimea, for the lawsuits in international courts.

    “The most important thing that was said at the press conference (Russian President Vladimir Putin and President …

  • Eight Ukrainian radio stations to broadcast to the annexed Crimea

    Based on a temporary broadcasting agreement, eight radio stations in the mainland of Ukraine will cover the entire south of Kherson and the administrative border with the Crimea, according to a Facebook post on July 11 by Serhiy Kostynskyi, a member of the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council of Ukraine.

    According to Kostynskyi, “an information security border will be created in the nearest future, which will cover almost every region bordering Crimea with Ukrainian broadcasting.” …