Contents tagged with crimea

  • US planes conduct reconnaissance flights off Crimean coast

    Two U.S. military aircraft conducted a reconnaissance flight along virtually the entire coast of the Crimea on the Black Sea, Interfax reported.

    Data of the websites monitoring the air traffic showed that the U.S. Air Force RQ-4A Global Hawk strategic unmanned aircraft, tail number 12-2050, flew for several hours on January 7, cruising along the entire coast of the annexed Crimea.

    At the same time, the U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine aircraft, tail number 168432 and call sign PS076, …

  • Head of Crimea promises to complete the Kerch bridge in new year

    The Russian-appointed head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, promised in his New Year's address that construction of the Kerch bridge and the thermal power station will be completed in 2018. A video of the greeting was posted on Aksyonov’s official YouTube channel.

    "The new Simferopol international airport terminal - the largest in the south of Russia - will receive its first passengers. The first electric power plant in Simferopol will give its first current. A flow of cars will pass along the …

  • Ex-President of Poland Lech Walesa: Russia is losing the battle for Ukraine

    Russia uses a development model from a century ago, which is not effective now and which will inevitably lead it to lose the battle for Ukraine, former President of Poland Lech Walesa told 112 Ukraine TV channel

    “Today, the world, Europe is being shaped to remove barriers and to level up opportunities and increase the level of development. But Russia, conversely, moves backward. Therefore, it will lose and it is already losing its battle for Ukraine. And it would lose more quickly if Ukraine …

  • Crimean authorities: Government owes millions in wages to the residents of the peninsula

    As of December 1st, according to the Krymstat (the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Republic of Crimea) the wage arrears in 12 Crimean enterprises amounted to 26.7 million rubles ($451,880 USD) for 524 employees, as announced by the Vice Prime Minister of the Russian government of the Crimea, Alla Pashkunova, at the final meeting of the Committee on the Repayment of Arrears in   Wages.

    "Compared to November 1st, arrears decreased by more than 41% - by 18.8 …

  • More than 40 ships from Russia’s Black Sea Fleet conduct exercises in Sevastopol

    In Sevastopol, on December 28, more than 40 ship crews from the Russian Black Sea Fleet practiced preparation for an extended naval, the use of weapons and technical equipment, as reported by the press service of the Southern Military District of Russia.

    "The crews are training to work for the survivability of the ship when berthing at the pier, practicing counter-sabotage and anti-aircraft defense," the report said. The training tasks include daily organization of service; routine and rest of …

  • Head of Crimea: terrorist sleeper cells are operating on the peninsular

    The head of the Crimea's Russian-controlled administration, Sergey Aksyonov, said that there are ‘sleeper cells’ of international terrorist organizations on the peninsula, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to him, there are several threatening factors that influence the situation in the field of countering terrorism.

    "Firstly, it is the destructive activity of the activists of the Crimean Tatar and Ukrainian national separatism, as well as the presence on the peninsula of "sleeper cells" of …

  • Sevastopol Catholics attend Christmas Eve service in the rain outside closed doors of a Catholic church

    A Catholic worshiper community in the name of Saint Clement of Rome in Sevastopol, the Crimean peninsula annexed from Ukraine, held a Christmas church service on December 24. Approximately one hundred church-goers attended the service ministered at the closed doors of a Catholic church at Ushakova square.

    The worshipers stood under the rain and mostly in the darkness due to absence of proper lighting, according to a reporter from Krym Realii online. Father Anatoly, the priest who ministered …

  • Russian Court: Siemens was not deceived in turbines deal

    The Moscow Arbitration Court did not invalidate the deal on the supply of Siemens turbines to Rostec's subsidiary Technopromexport, RIA Novosti reports. The publication notes that the German concern was unable to prove fraud in the case of shipment of its turbines to the Crimea.

    "In violation of the provisions of Article 65 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, the plaintiffs on the initial lawsuit did not prove that plaintiff-2 [the Siemens plant producing turbines-Ed.] …

  • Media: Putin’s friend buys sparkling wine plant in annexed Crimea

    The Russian-controlled administration of the Crimea held a tender for the sale of the spartkling wine plant, Novyi Svit (New World) in Sudak on Wednesday, December 20th. The winner was the Southern Project company, which is a 100% “subsidiary" of the Russia bank which is under sanctions and owned by Yury Kovalchuk (who is considered one of Vladimir Putin’s “purses”), RBC news agency reports.

    The company was sold for 1.55 billion rubles (about 26 million dollars).

    The Novyi Svit winery was …

  • Ukrainian politician: pressure and sanctions will force Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine

    Pressure and sanctions against Russia should lead to the return of Crimea to Ukraine, as stated by the Ukrainian Deputy Minister on issues of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons, Yuri Hrymchak in an interview with Apostrophe.

    "I believe that at some point keeping the occupied Crimea will become so toxic to the Russian Federation that abandoning it will be a salvation for Russia itself as a state," Hrymchak said.

    According to the Deputy Minister, a similar …