Contents tagged with crimea

  • Media: Generators produced by German concern MAN shipped to Crimea

    The Crimean Zaliv factory, which was unable to purchase equipment from the Finnish company Wärtsilä on account of EU sanctions, has acquired generators produced by the German concern MAN.

    This was reported by RBC with reference to a source familiar with materials relating to the Russian Ministry of Transport (the client for the ship being built at the Zaliv factory). The information was confirmed by a partner of several Russian ship construction companies.

    The diesel generators are intended …

  • Russia begins exercises of air-defense forces in annexed Crimea

    An anti-aircraft missile regiment of the Army Corps of the Russian Black Sea Fleet has started military exercises near the Kacha airdrome in the annexed Crimea, as reported by the head of the Information Support Department of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, Vyacheslav Trukhachev.

    “The main goal of the combat training activities is to work on the squad and battery cohesion of the regiment in defending important infrastructure facilities from hypothetical enemy air attacks.  Firing exercises using …

  • Finnish company refuses to ship generators to Crimea due to sanctions

    The Finnish company Wärtsilä refused to supply generators to the Crimean Zaliv shipbuilding yard in Kerch due to EU sanctions, RBC news agency reported with reference to a source in the Russian Ministry of Transport.

    The factory had to shift the deadlines for the construction of an emergency rescue ship to the value of 2.8 billion rubles. Four such ships have been built in Russia.

    According to the source, the refusal to supply the diesel generators led to an extension of the construction …

  • U.S. aircraft conducts reconnaissance near Crimea

    A U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon anti-submarine patrol aircraft carried out a several-hour reconnaissance flight off the coast of the annexed Crimea, as well as near the Krasnodar Territory of the Russian Federation, reported Interfax, citing Western aviation resources.

    “The naval intelligence aircraft, with the tail number 168432 and the call sign PS156, departed from the Sigonella airbase in Sicily, made an approach to the coast of the Krasnodar Territory, and then flew in the area of Novorossiysk …

  • Russian parliament may refuse to recognize Ukrainian borders

    Konstantin Zatulin (United Russia), First Deputy Chairperson of the State Duma committee for CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and relations with Russian nationals abroad, proposed that the Russian-Ukrainian Friendship Treaty be renounced with respect to the section where the countries recognize each other’s territorial borders, RIA Novosti reports. The MP believes that the treaty favors Ukraine “one-sidedly”.

    “In an article of the treaty we recognize the territorial borders of Ukraine, and …

  • Ukrainian General: During the annexation of Crimea, Russia was ready to send Special Forces to Kyiv airports

    During the annexation of the Crimea, Russia planned to deploy commandoes in the airports of Kyiv, said Major-General of the Armed Forces Ihor Hordiychuk in an interview with ATR TV. "Tactical nuclear weapons of 152 mm caliber and above were ready. It was likely that as soon as we put up military resistance in the Crimea, neither NATO nor the US nor Europe would take our side. On the contrary, we would face accusations. We intercepted the conversations where they [the Russians] planned to land …

  • Russia deploys another S-400 surface-to-air missile system in Crimea

    A second division of the Russian S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system has been deployed near Sevastopol, in the annexed Crimea. The news agency Interfax reports that on Saturday, January 13, the command of the Fourth Air and Air Defense Forces Army provided information on the deployment of another division of the newest Russian surface-to air missile (SAM) systems in the Crimea.

    The system will control the airspace over Chonhar and Armyansk on the border with mainland Ukraine. The …

  • 1,500 foreigners refused entry into Ukraine in past year due to visits to annexed Crimea

    The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine (SBGS) reported on January 13 that nearly 1,500 decisions were passed to deny entry to foreigners, among them more than 100 artists and cultural figures, over visits to the annexed Crimean territory.

    According to the Service, approximately 2,300 administrative protocols were compiled under art.204-2 COA for violation of the order on entry and exit from Ukraine’s temporarily occupied territories in 2017.Thirty individuals have violated the rules for …

  • SBU investigates the work of Adidas, Puma and DHL in the Crimea

    The Main Directorate of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea is conducting investigations for criminal proceedings regarding possible work by German companies DHL Express, Adidas and Puma on the annexed peninsula,  as stated in an SBU response to a request by Krym.Realii.

    "We report that the findings of the Ministry on matters of the temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine regarding the possible carrying out of sales- …

  • Putin: Russia is ready to return military ships and aircraft from the Crimea to Ukraine

    At a meeting with the chief editors of print media and news agencies in Moscow, Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced his readiness to transfer the military equipment left in the Crimea after the annexation of the peninsula back to Ukraine, Interfax reports.

    "The Ukrainian side has repeatedly raised the issue of the return of military equipment from the Crimea. We are ready to continue with this process; we are ready to hand over military ships to Ukraine, aviation equipment, armored …