Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine initiates criminal proceedings against German deputies for visiting Crimea despite travel ban

    The Ukrainian Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea has initiated criminal proceedings as a result of the visit of German deputies from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party to the peninsula.

    The case has been initiated on the basis of an appeal from the Embassy of Ukraine in Germany concerning the violation of entry and exit procedures from the Temporarily Occupied Territory (p. 1 art. 332-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine prescribes up to three years of imprisonment).

    " …

  • Chubarov calls on Kyiv and the West to adopt a unified position of the non-recognition of Russian elections in Crimea

    The Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov, believes that Ukraine and its Western partners should adopt a common position of the non-recognition of the elections of the Russian President, which the Kremlin plans to hold in the annexed Crimea, he said in an interview with Krym.Realii.

    "If Putin rules Russia, then a situation must be created for him that is more threatening than surrender and the return of the Crimea. The explosion of Russia itself, collapse, …

  • Journalist: the pilot of a Russian fighter jet shot down in Syria was not a Ukrainian citizen

    The Russian pilot, a Major in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Roman Filippov, who was killed in Syria, had never been a citizen of Ukraine as stated by a journalist, Yury Butusov, on Facebook.

    "He was a career officer. He was transferred to the Crimea from Russia and joined the 37th mixed aviation regiment (commander - Colonel Oleg Terebunsky). The regiment is based in Hvardiiske in the occupied Crimea. Information from the Russian Ministry of Defense, disseminated by the Russian …

  • Kremlin takes possession of Crimean shipyard previously owned by Ukrainian president

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to transfer the Sevastopol Shipyard based in the Russian-annexed Crimea into the possession of the Russian government, with the shipyard’s oversight being assigned to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, according to an order that appeared on the website of the Russian government.

    “In order to improve efficiency and development of the Crimean Federal District, the bill orders the transfer of the Sevastopol Shipyard named after Sergo …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: Kyiv to take actions against German companies working in Crimea

    Ukrainian authorities are considering measures against German companies operating in the Crimea despite the EU sanctions, as stated by the head of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Pavlo Klimkin, in an interview with the German newspaper, Rheinische Post.

    "Any attempt to bypass sanctions against Russia, introduced as a result of the annexation of the Crimea, must be punished by law ... We have a wide range of legal mechanisms that we can use. We are in the process of finding a balanced solution," …

  • German deputies visit Crimea in violation of Ukrainian travel ban

    Nine German Deputies from three regional parliaments of Germany came to the Crimea on February 3 in violation of Ukrainian legislation, as reported by RIA Novosti, citing the head of the German cultural autonomy of the peninsula, Yuri Gempel. "The delegation has arrived to the Crimea. We have already met them. Nine people have arrived," he said. The delegation will stay in the Crimea from 3 to 9 February and includes deputies from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party from three regional …

  • Media: Pilot of Russian Su-25 fighter shot down in Syria was from Crimea

    The pilot of the Russian Su-25 fighter that was shot down on Saturday over northern Syria was a former Ukrainian pilot from Simferopol, Major Roman Filippov, Novaya Gazeta reported with reference to a source in the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The newspaper notes that a letter was published on the Telegram channel WarObserver containing a photograph of a report stating that Major Roman Filippov is being given a state award for carrying out combat missions in Syria.

    The letter was supposedly …

  • Russia promises to escort all American reconnaissance planes flying near Crimea

    The Russian Ministry of Defense said that all US reconnaissance planes flying near to Crimea will be escorted by Russian fighters.

    This was Russia’s response to the United States’ accusation that there was a reckless interception of their EP-3 Aries II over the neutral waters on the border of annexed Crimea.

    “I would like to remind Commander Bill Ellis of the 67th tactical aviation group of the US 6th Fleet that Crimea is an integral part of Russia. By directing their pilots to carry out …

  • Mejlis: 248 Crimean Tatars were detained in the annexed Crimea over the past year

    The Russian security services in the annexed Crimea detained 248 Crimean Tatars in the last year, 99 were fined, and another 42 were arrested, said Eskender Bariev, a member of the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, at a press conference on January 31st, according to Ukrainian News.

    Bariev noted that the representatives of the indigenous population of the Crimea are subjected to massive pressure from the law enforcement.

    Bariev said, "For 2017, our compatriots were fined more than 5 million rubles ($90,000 …

  • School atlases with 'Russian Crimea' withdrawn from lists of recommended textbooks in the Czech Republic

    Atlases containing controversial maps that showed “Russian Crimea” were approved for distribution in accordance with the internal documents of the Czech Ministry of Education in the summer of 2017. Later, the Ambassador of Ukraine protested the incorrect marking of the peninsula.

    The Ministry of Education of the Czech Republic stated that the school atlas in which the Crimea was marked as Russian territory is now out of circulation in the country.

    "The Ministry of Education studied the …