Contents tagged with crimea

  • Dzhemilev: Russia deployed six nuclear warheads in Crimea

    Russia has turned the annexed Crimea into a military base and placed nuclear weapons there, as  stated by the leader of the Crimean Tatar people Mustafa Dzhemilev on a broadcast on Channel 5, UNIAN reports.

    “The Crimea has really been turned into a (military) base. For us it is most painful that the environment has been disturbed. This military-strategic object “Tavrida,” they cut down all the green areas there, if they find some statues or memorials with cultural significance, they remove …

  • Media: Russia's largest energy company will not work in Crimea because of sanctions

     The Russian government finally abandoned plans to include Rosseti in the Krymenergo JSC created in the Crimea, reports Kommersant news outlet, citing an unnamed source familiar with the situation.

    "The creation of the ‘road map’ for the organization of the joint-stock company is now passing the final stage but the reality is Rosseti won’t be there. This is the final decision," the source said.

    Rosseti is Russia's largest operator of power grids. It includes 36 subsidiaries and affiliates. …

  • Ukraine will transfer the ship seized for stopping in Crimea to its Navy

    The Tanzanian ship Sky Moon , confiscated for illegally calling at the Crimean ports, will be transferred to the Naval Forces of Ukraine, as reported by the State Border Service of Ukraine with reference to the Deputy Military Prosecutor of the Southern region, Roman Mrochko.

    The vessel Sky Moon was originally seized by the Ukrainian coast guard on November 30, 2016 near the port of Reni. Seven members of the crew of the Sky Moon were brought to justice under article 204-2 of the Code of …

  • Kyiv: if Russia holds presidential elections in annexed Crimea it will not be allowed to open polling stations in its consulates in Ukraine

    The Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, stated that if Russia holds the presidential elections in the annexed Crimea, it will not be allowed to conduct the elections at the Russian embassy and consulates in Ukraine.

    Klimkin also emphasized that Ukraine is against the presidential elections in uncontrolled territories of the Donbas. The Ukrainian Foreign Minister added that if the elections in the Crimea and the Donbas still take place, Kyiv won’t allow elections in the Russian …

  • Crimean ports under sanctions looking for way out to Syria and Iran

    Crimea’s ports, which are not operating at full capacity due to the fear of ship owners incurring fines from Ukraine and being placed under sanctions by the West, are considering the possibility of working with Syria and Iran, as announced by Crimean Deputy Prime Minister Georgy Muradov.

    “Our ports are barely loaded, and so we are working on a Syrian and Iranian direction, so that ships carrying numerous loads will be able to travel to these countries, which do not impose constraints,” Muradov …

  • Media: Despite sanctions Ukrainian cargo ship delivers ore from Turkey to Crimea then safely sails back to Ukraine

    The Nefterudovoz 45 M oil and ore tanker sailing under the Ukrainian flag has delivered approximately 10,000 tons of ilmenite ore from the city of Samsun in Turkey to the Kerch Strait, re-loaded it in a harbor for further delivery to the closed port in Kerch in the Russian-annexed Crimea and returned to Kherson (Ukraine).

    The information was reported on February 17th by the Ukrainian Center of Investigative Journalism, citing data from the Marine Traffic online tracking service, which …

  • Turchynov: 'heroes' claiming that Russian annexation of Crimea could have been prevented are lying

    Some recent claims asserting that the Russian annexation of the Crimea in 2014 could have been prevented are not true, according to statements made by the chairperson of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC), Oleksandr Turchynov, in his witness statements before the court where he was testifying in a high treason case against the former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych.

    “Former Chief of General Staff, Volodymyr Zamana, misled the court when he stated that in February 2014 he …

  • Russia conducts exercises with Bastion and Bal coastal missiles systems in annexed Crimea

    On February 15th, Bastion and Bal missile combat crews of the Russian Black Sea Fleet held exercises on destroying sea targets in the annexed Crimea, as reported by the press service of the Russian military department.

    "At the Crimean test sites, the personnel of the Bastion and Bal anti-ship coastal missile systems are conducting planned exercises to develop practical skills in carrying out missile strikes," the press service of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia said.

    It was specified that the …

  • Russia will stop production at the main gas field in Crimea because of the legal case brought by Ukraine

    Russia intends to stop production until July 18, 2018 at the largest gas field in the Crimean shelf zone, Odessa, as reported by RBC news agency citing federal authorities of the Russian Federation.

    According to the publication, the suspension of the production is due to the international maritime law dispute that Ukraine initiated against Russia in 2016. The publication’s source said that the conservation of wells is a tactical move and a formal way to remove Kyiv’s claim.

    At the same time, …

  • Russian aircraft practice launching cruise missiles at Ukraine

    While Ukrainian aircraft were carrying out drills, Russian planes took off, approached Ukraine’s border as closely as possible, and practiced launching cruise missiles, reported the command of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    “A group of strategic Tu-95 missile-carrying bombers, accompanied by a pair of Russian Su-30 fighters, flew into the airspace of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and practiced the imaginary launch of cruise missiles towards mainland Ukraine,” the command’s Facebook post reads. …