Contents tagged with crimea

  • Turchynov: the threat of Russia’s offensive from the Crimea still exists

    The threat of Russia’s offensive from the annexed Crimea remains even today, as stated by the Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, Hromadske reports."They have concentrated a strong military force in the occupied territory of the Crimea, and it is not only for defense," he said.

    According to Turchynov, new offensive means, strategic aviation, and missile systems which can carry and use nuclear weapons, are deployed in the Crimea.

    "It …

  • Ukrainian deputy proposes a military option for the return of Crimea and Donbas

    In an interview with 112 Ukraine TV, the deputy of the Ukrainian Rada from the "People's Front" faction, Yuriy Bereza said that the return of the Crimea and the Donbas to Ukraine can only happen by force.  

    The deputy noted that thanks to the Minsk agreements, Ukraine has put its military in order and reorganized the armed forces. "Only the Ukrainian army, Ukrainian soldiers will enable us to regain sovereignty in the Donbas and Crimea. There will not be any other options," Bereza said. The …

  • Large European delegation to arrive in the Crimea in April

    A large delegation of European politicians, notably from Germany and Austria, will arrive in April in annexed Crimea. Andrei Nazarov, the head of the fund board YIEF said that they would participate in the Yalta International Economic Forum or YIEF.

    He added, "The largest delegation from Germany and Austria is planning to visit the upcoming YIEF. More than 50 politicians, businessmen, public figures and experts will take part in business and cultural events of the forum."

    According to Nazarov, …

  • Russian University in Crimea plans to train students in firearms and Special Services work

    The Saratov Institute of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE) is pushing for graduates of Sevastopol schools to attend the university in order to learn firearms training and other Special Services skills.

    As a Krym.Realii reports, the graduates were given a presentation on the "Captains of Russia" program, whose aim is to prepare students for study in the business college.

    At the same time, military instructors-teachers told the students that they would teach the future …

  • Russian FSB detains Ukrainian citizen in Crimea on suspicion of working for Ukrainian Secret Service

    Ukrainian citizen Konstantin Davydenko, who has been detained in Simferopol, confessed that he was assigned by the Security Service of Ukraine to go to the Crimea to collect information, reported TASS, citing a video recording by the FSB. The suspect’s testimony was recorded on video, the report said.

    On the video, Davydenko said that he arrived in the Crimea “following instructions of the Ukrainian Secret Service” and that he had to give information to someone named Vitaly.

    The detained man …

  • US strategic drone conducts reconnaissance flight over Donbas and Crimea

    As Interfax reported, a RQ-4 Global Hawk strategic drone from the US Air Force conducted a reconnaissance flight along the line of demarcation in the Donbas and also off the coast of the Crimea and the Krasnodar region of Russia on Sunday, February 11th.

    The drone was flying for more than 4 hours in the Ukrainian airspace along the line of demarcation in the Donbas. Afterwards the drone headed for the Black Sea and made more than four passes starting from the westernmost point of the Crimea …

  • Russia expels British journalist Madeline Roache from annexed Crimea

    British reporter Madeline Roache was forced to leave the Crimean peninsula by local authorities for several alleged rules violations. Roache was covering violations of human rights in the Russian-annexed Crimea.

    Law enforcement official detained her on the morning of February 7 in a hostel in Simferopol where she was staying. She was accused of conducting journalist activity in the Crimean peninsula without obtaining permission from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and also without a …

  • Yanukovych’s lawyer: in March 2014 the Government of Ukraine decided to surrender the Crimea

    The decision to withdraw Ukrainian forces from the Crimea in spring 2014 was made on the recommendation of Serhiy Pashynsky who was the head of the Presidential administration of Ukraine at the time.

    Yanukovych’s lawyer, Vitalii Serdiuk, who represents the interests of the former President of Ukraine stated on his Facebook page that this is evidenced by Ihor Tenyukh, the former Defense Minister.

    According to a copy of the interrogation report published by Serdiuk, at a meeting of the National …

  • Former Ukrainian Defense Minister says he resigned because his military plan to regain Crimea in 2014 was not supported

    Admiral Ihor Tenyukh, who served as acting Minister of Defense between February 27 and March 25 in 2014 says that he resigned from the position because, after the decision had been made to bring the Ukrainian Armed Forces to full combat readiness, his suggestion to “go for a breakthrough” in the Crimea was not supported.

    “My plan consisted of going for a breakthrough, because this is a war. My plan was not supported, and so I resigned,” he said while testifying as a witness in the Kyiv …

  • Media: Putin might vote in Crimea during the presidential elections

    Russian President Vladimir Putin might vote in Sevastopol for the March 18th Presidential elections, the newspaper Kommersant writes.

    According to the newspaper’s source, the region was chosen based on anticipated low turnout for the Russian Presidential election. During the previous federal elections, Vladimir Putin always voted in Moscow."However, after the change in the legislation in 2017, it became easier to vote at the place of residence rather than registration. The expert said that …