Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine's Naftogaz expects to get $8 billion from Russia for assets in the Crimea

    Ukraine’s claim against the Russian Federation for seized Crimean assets, taking into account the interest, comes to $8 billion, said the chief commercial director of Naftogaz Ukraine Yuriy Vitrenko.

    “Already this year we can win up to eight billion dollars. The claim is for damages. What happens when these assets are returned is a separate issue. The defendant is the Russian government. Five billion was without interest, and eight billion was with expected interest,” he wrote on his Facebook …

  • EU extends sanctions against Russia for annexing Crimea

    The European Union has extended restrictive measures against 150 citizens and 38 Russian companies until September 15, 2018, as indicated in a statement issued on Monday by the European Council.

    “The EU Council has extended measures for actions that undermine or threaten the territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence of Ukraine, for another six months,” the statement said.

    It was noted that an assessment of the situation did not justify a change in the sanctions regime.

    “Other EU …

  • Chubarov: Russia involved secret service to make Crimean Tatars vote at Russian presidential election

    The Russian Federation has involved its secret services in ensuring the participation of Crimean Tatars in voting during the Russian presidential election scheduled for March 18, 2018, as indicated by the Chairperson of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov, during an interview with the Russian service of the Voice of America.

    According to Chubarov, the pro-Russian authorities in the Crimea are trying by all means to raise the turnout at the presidential election, including …

  • Putin flatly refused to return Crimea

    During an interview for the film “Putin”, which was made by Russian reporter Andrey Kondrashev, the Russian President said that under no circumstances will he give up the Crimea.

    One of the questions that Kondrashev asked Putin concerned the circumstances under which he would return the Crimea.

    “What, have you lost your mind? Under no circumstances, and I never will,” replied Putin.

    A few days earlier, a film by another Russian reporter, Vladimir Solovyov, was released under the title The …

  • Ukrainian nationalists promise to blockade Russian diplomatic missions on day of Russian presidential elections

    Representatives of the All-Ukrainian Union ‘Svoboda’, the Right Sector, and the National Corps have promised to blockade Russian diplomatic institutions located on the territory of Ukraine on March 18, the day of the Russian presidential election.

    This was noted in a message published on March 8 and distributed by Svoboda’s press service, reports 112.Ukraine.

    The blockade is planned to begin at all diplomatic establishments of the Russian Federation in Ukraine starting at 8 am, which is the …

  • US Special Representative for Ukraine: it's time to think about tougher sanctions over Crimea

    US Special Representative for Ukraine Kurt Volker stated that "it's time to think about tougher sanctions over the Crimea." Ukrinform reports on March 7 that he made the statement during his speech at the Warsaw office of the German Marshall Fund.

    "It is important that the US, EU, Ukraine and other countries do not recognize Russia's annexation of the Crimea. I believe it's time to think about how we can make our position tougher, including consequences for trips [of politicians], trade and …

  • European Parliament decides to not send observers to elections in Russia

    The European Parliament will not send observers to the presidential elections in Russia on March 18, nor will they send them to Azerbaijan on April 11.

    This was announced on Wednesday by the co-chairs of the European Parliament’s group on democracy support and election coordination David McAllister and Linda McAvan, Ukrinform reports.

    “The European Parliament will not observe these electoral processes and, consequently, will also not comment on these processes and the results which will be …

  • Ukraine warns of criminal prosecution of anyone involved in Russian presidential elections in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Prosecutor’s Office of the Autonomous Republic of the Crimea warns citizens of Ukraine that if they participate in organizing Russian elections in annexed Crimea, they will be charged with high treason under the Criminal Code of Ukraine,stated Deputy Prosecutor of Crimea Oleksandr Udovychenko in his commentary on Krym.Realii TV.

    “If Ukrainian citizens are found guilty, then they may face sentences for treason that involve up to 15 years of imprisonment. They will also be held …

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko refuses to accept ships from Russia unless Crimea is returned

    Ukraine will not accept Russia’s offer to return Ukrainian military ships remaining in the Crimea without also receiving the return of the peninsula, stated during a press conference Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, a video of which was published on 112 Ukraine’s YouTube channel.

    "We are ready to receive ships from Crimea. It is not important what repairs [are needed]. We are ready to receive the ships from Crimea, but only together with the Crimea," Poroshenko said.

    In January, Russian …

  • An accident on Russian power bridge causes major blackout in Crimea

    Several large cities in annexed Crimea were left without electricity. The local head of the Russian Ministry for emergency situations reported that the cause was an emergency shut-off of the automation on the 220-kv Taman-Kafa line, reported Hromadske.

    Over a hundred thousand Crimeans felt electricity cuts. To restore power supply, the pro-Russian authorities of the peninsula involved about 30 emergency teams.

    Local website Kryminform reported that the power supply of the Leninsky district of …