Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russia objects to Ukraine’s detention of the Nord fishing trawler in Azov Sea

    RBC news agency reports that during a press briefing on Wednesday, the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ,Maria Zakharova, said that the Russian Foreign Ministry summoned Ukraine’s chargé d’affaires, and handed over a letter of protest in response to the Ukraine’s arrest of the Nord fishing trawler which  was detained by Ukrainian border guards in the Sea of Azov on March 25.

    According to Zakharova , Russian consular officers are not allowed to visit the crew members …

  • Russia threatens Ukraine with sending its fleet to Azov Sea

    After Ukrainian coast guards detained the fishing vessel Nord, sailing under the Russian flag, in the Sea of Azov, Russian officers of the annexed Crimea declared it “Ukrainian state-level piracy.”

    In particular, the command of the Black Sea Fleet, including naval aviation, declared its readiness to ensure the safety of navigation in the northeastern Black Sea and the Sea of Azov, reports RIA Novosti, citing a source in the security agencies of the Crimea.

    “The aggressive actions of Ukrainian …

  • Spanish Foreign Minister: Russia needs to be condemned for invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea

    In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, Spanish Foreign Minister Alfonso Dastis believes that Russia should continue to be condemned for invading Ukraine and annexing the Crimea; at the same time, he believes a dialogue should be maintained with the country to resolve global conflicts.

    "Some of its [Russia's] activities cannot be considered friendly. Some of them are intolerable, such as the invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of the Crimea. However, one must be realistic and …

  • German MPs to visit annexed Crimea

    Annexed Crimea is expecting a visit from another delegation from Germany with representatives of The Left party and the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the deputy chairman of the so-called “parliament” of Crimea’s international relations committee, chairman of the Crimea-Germany national cultural autonomy Yuri Gempel.

    “We will be visited by members of the regional parliaments from the Left and Alternative for Germany parties. In addition, from the …

  • Kyiv wants to impose sanctions against museum workers in Crimea

    The Ukrainian Ministry of Culture intends to launch sanctions against the directors and employees of Crimean museums involved in the illegal transport of Ukrainian cultural goods across the border, as stated by the Ministry in response to an inquiry by Krym.Realii.

    "The use of museum items of the Museum Fund of Ukraine, stored in the relevant institutions of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, for exhibiting outside Ukraine is illegal," the Ministry said.

    The …

  • German schoolchildren invited by Russia visit Crimea

    17 German pupils came to annexed Simferopol on March 27 in the evening, RIA Novosti reports. The students arrived to participate in the project "Days of Russian and German children’s public diplomacy in Yalta" where they are scheduled to stay for two days.

    During the visit, a cooperation agreement will be signed between the ethnic cultural autonomy of Germans in Yalta, the Yalta School Number 01, the Lingua-mir school of foreign languages and one other organization from Germany.

    Pavlo Klimkin, …

  • Kyiv: Russia should return Kuban to Ukraine

    At a recent briefing, Ukraine’s Minister of Infrastructure, Volodymyr Omelyan, stated that the Crimean Bridge will connect “Ukrainian Crimea” with “Ukrainian Kuban”, UNN reported.

    “From a political point of view, I see that this is a bridge that will connect Ukrainian Crimea and Ukrainian Kuban,” Omelyan said. He stressed that Ukraine’s losses from the construction and commissioning of the Crimean bridge are estimated at “tens of millions of hryvnias.”

    In May 2017, Omelyan stated that air …

  • Owner of Nord fishing boat detained by Ukraine is asking Russian Foreign Ministry for help

    The owner of the Crimean vessel “Nord” detained two days ago by Ukrainian State Border Guards at the Azov Sea sent a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia pleading for help.

    As the Russian news agency Interfax reports, based on a copy of a document it possesses, the owner of the vessel, the Fishing Kolkhoz (communal economy) named after the First of May from the City of Kerch (Crimea), asked Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov “to help ensure safety of Russian citizens and …

  • UNESCO says the situation with historical heritage sites in Crimea has deteriorated

    UNESCO has published a report on the situation in the annexed Crimea which shows a deteriorating situation on the peninsula, as reported by the Press Service of Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    The document notes gross violations by the Russian authorities in protecting cultural heritage in the Crimea. In January, Ukraine called on UNESCO to take urgent measures to prevent the threat of destruction of the Khan Palace in Bakhchysarai. However, the so-called "restoration works" in the Khan …

  • Ukrainian border guards detain a Russian fishing boat in the Sea of Azov

    On Sunday, March 25, Ukrainian border guards detained a Russian fishing boat in the Sea of Azov.,as reported on the website of the State Border Service. "Yesterday, in Ukrainian waters, a maritime security ship detained a fishing boat violator under the flag of Russia. There were ten people on board,” the message reads. All ten sailors had Russian passports issued in Kerch.

    The "Nord" vessel which was registered in the territory of annexed Crimea was stopped 15 miles away from the Obytichna …