Contents tagged with crimea

  • Crimean authorities anticipate loss of crops due to a lack of rainfall

    The Kremlin-controlled Ministry of Agriculture of the Crimea stated that the winter and summer crops could be lost due to the lack of moisture affecting large agricultural areas.

    “The examination of crops in the regions showed that the situation with moisture in most areas is critical and if there is lack of productive rains in the near future, it may result in crop failures of autumn-sown and spring-sown cereals in large areas, as well as a significant decrease in crop yields in preserved …

  • Crimean Tatar Leader: only 42 percent of Crimeans voted in Russian presidential elections

    Voter turnout in the Russian presidential election in the Crimea on March 18, 2018 was 42% of voters and 8% of them spoiled ballot papers during voting, as stated by Member of Parliament and Leader of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People Refat Chubarov on his Facebook page, citing the data of the Russian Federal Security Service.

    “There were representatives of the Office of the Russian President Vladimir Putin in the elections in the Crimea who monitored the elections. The so-called white …

  • Russia to deploy additional S-400 missile systems in annexed Crimea

    This year air defense units in the Crimea will be equipped with S-400 surface-to-air missile systems and Pantsir-S anti-aircraft missile systems, said the commander of the Russian Southern Military District, Colonel General Alexander Dvornikov.

    "We managed to significantly strengthen security on the western flank, including through forming the new units in the 150th Motorized Rifle Division and 22th Army Corps stationed in the Crimea," said Dvornikov, adding that “strengthening defense on the …

  • Russia postpones launch of power plants in Crimea by half a year

    Russian Deputy Energy Minister Andrey Cherezov announced on May 3 that the preliminary start of operations for the first group of Thermal Power Plants (TPP) under construction in Simferopol and Sevastopol is scheduled for October. The second block is scheduled to launch operations in November.

    "These are the preliminary dates for the stations, and those of us in the government will, first and foremost, make adjustments; it [the launch] will be October-November. The first blocks will be put …

  • Ukraine urges the UN to exclude Crimean data from Russia’s climate reports

    The Ukrainian delegation at the conference on climate change in Bonn called on the UN to exclude from Russian reports the data taken from the Crimea, as reported by Climate Home News portal.

    As reported, the Ukrainian delegates accused Russia and the UN of violating international laws by publishing the climate reports, which include the data on greenhouse gases from the Crimean peninsula. Ukraine was supported by the US, Australia, and Canada.

    "We ask the Secretariat [of the UN] not to post …

  • Ukrainian human rights activist: Report of Russian ombudsman on Crimea is biased

    Tetyana Pechonchyk, Chair of the Board of the Ukrainian Center for Information on Human Rights, stated on Radio Krym.Realii that Lyudmila Lubina, the Russian Human Rights Commissioner in Crimea, was “biased” in her 2017 report.

    “Of course, we cannot expect an objective evaluation from Ms. Lubina,” Pechonchyk stated. “Moreover, for four years Russia has done everything to prevent any international missions to be conducted in the Crimea, which could provide an objective evaluation. At the same …

  • A mountain in Crimea sheltering highly endangered species is being destroyed

    Ongoing construction is destroying a mountain in Koktebel, Pol'ovyi Lane that is home to species of plants listed in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List, as stated by Olga Vecher, an architect and expert on landscape and architectural complexes and historical and cultural reserves, in an interview with Krym.Realii’s correspondent.

    According to the architect, the mountain is being demolished by construction workers who are decimating layers of soil. "The mountain …

  • Merkel and Trump discuss Ukraine during their meeting

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel stated she and US President Donald Trump discussed the state of Ukraine during a recent conference, Ukrinform reports.

    “Of course, we talked about Ukraine, which is where we work very closely together in regard to Russia’s actions concerning the occupation of Crimea and the situation in the east of Ukraine,” Merkel stated.

    Merkel stated that she is pleased with the fact that the U.S. administration works very closely on this issue with its partners, which …

  • Kyiv approves the plan for the reintegration of Crimea

    The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved an interdepartmental plan of activities to support ties with Ukrainians living in annexed Crimea,as stated by the Minister for Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine, Vadym Chernysh, Ukrinform reports.

    “The Government has recently approved the plan that allows authorities to concentrate every effort on supporting ties with our Ukrainian citizens living under occupation. I stress once again, this is a task not only for …

  • Vice-burgomaster of Austrian Linz banned from entering Ukraine after visiting the Crimea

    Ukraine has banned the Vice-burgomaster of the Austrian city of Linz, Detlef Wimmer, from entering the country. Wimmer crossed the state border while visiting annexed Crimea. Russian media reported that Wimmer took part in the so-called “Yalta Economic Forum,” which was organized by the Russian administration of the peninsula.

    “Despite numerous appeals of the Embassy, Vice-burgomaster Detlef Wimmer demonstratively violated Ukrainian sovereignty and participated in the activities of the …