Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russia begins military exercises in the Crimea

    In the annexed Crimea, the Russian military have begun exercises for mastering the detection of enemy vessels, Krym.Realii reports.  

    The press-service of the Russian Black Sea Fleet reported that the Fleet’s coastal missile systems take part in these exercises.  The Russian military currently have the Bastion and Bal coastal missiles systems deployed in the Crimea. Command-staff exercises of the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s missile brigade are conducted at the training site in the Crimea.  

    “In …

  • Russia wants to increase traffic to Crimean ports with Syrian help

    The Russian authorities of the annexed Crimea and a delegation from Syria signed a Memorandum of Intent totaling 62 billion rubles or about one billion dollars, as reported by Interfax.

    The news agency cites the Prime Minister of the Republic of Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, who says that a part of the projects with Syria is possible "even in the first approximation."

    "The economic benefit for the peninsula is obvious, regional ports will be loaded,” Aksyonov added.

    The Crimea had looked forward …

  • Dzhemilev : Russia deployed six nuclear warheads to Crimea

    After the annexation of the Crimea, it is possible that in early 2016, the Russians deployed nuclear weapons to the territory which is not controlled by Ukraine. According to People's Deputy of Ukraine Mustafa Dzhemilev, six nuclear warheads are located on the territory of the peninsula.

    "First of all, this is a gross violation of the Budapest Memorandum because Crimea is the territory of Ukraine. We [Ukraine], a non-nuclear state became a nuclear state again. I appealed to the Ministry of …

  • Human rights activists: four suspicious deaths occurred in the Simferopol pre-trial detention center in April

    At least four people died an unnatural death in the Simferopol pre-trial detention center (SIZO-1) controlled by Russian authorities. Two were Crimean Tatars, reported the Crimean Human Rights Group.

    "The Crimean Human Rights Group has information that on April 6, Server Bilyalov, 69 years old, and Oleg Goncharov, 46 years old were allegedly found hanged. On April 12, 23-year-old Dmitry Shipovnik was also found hanged in the punishment cell," human rights activists said. On April 13, in cell …

  • Syrian Delegation arrives in annexed Crimea for Economic Forum

    A delegation from Syria led by Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade Mohammad Samer al-Khalil has arrived in the annexed Crimea to participate in the Yalta International Economic Forum. The delegation was met at the airport by the Kremlin-appointed head of the Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov. The Crimea Inform News Agency reports that the delegation consists of seventy people.

    "Our priority task is the development of economic and trade relations to link Syria and Russia at the same level as the …

  • Assad said that his children were on vacation in the annexed Crimea

    Syrian President Bashar al-Assad mentioned at a meeting with Russian parliament members that his children were at Artek children camp in the Crimea last year, RIA Novosti reports, citing the coordinator of the State Duma group on relations with the parliament of Syria, Dmitry Sablin.

    "First of all we would like to focus on [political] party related work with young people, organize two-week long camps. My children were in Artek last year," Sablin quoted Assad as saying. Bashar Assad has two …

  • Ukraine prepares sanctions list of companies involved in construction of Kerch Bridge

    Ukraine's Ministry of Infrastructure monitors all companies working on the construction of the Kerch Bridge in the annexed Crimea, as reported by ” by Volodymyr Omelyan, the Minister of Infrastructure of Ukraine, in the commentary to "Krym. Realii TV".

    “We are tracking all contracted organizations working on this site and adding them to the sanctions list,” the minister said. “We also inform other states—allies of Ukraine—about the blacklisting of these companies. As for the equipment itself, …

  • Turchynov: Ukraine will take back the entire Donbas first and then the Crimea

    Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine (NSDC), stated in an interview with that he is convinced Ukraine will first take back the entire Donbas region and then annexed Crimea.

    The NSDC Secretary stated: “Return of the occupied territories is the most important priority for our country. I am convinced that the entire Donbas will be taken back first and then the Crimea.”

    He emphasized that the issue surrounding Donbas and the Crimea is …

  • Ukraine seizes Russian ship over illegal sand mining in the Black Sea

    Ukraine has seized a Russian dredge ship for illegal sand mining in the Karkinitsky Bay of the Black Sea, Ukrainian Prosecutor General Yuri Lutsenko reported on Facebook.

    The Crimean Prosecutor's Office is in charge of issues of illegal sand mining in the Karkinitsky Bay area of ​​the Black Sea, including the Swan Islands reserve, on the Russian-annexed Crimean territory.

    It has been established that the dredge vessel was carrying dredge from the home port of Tuapse, in Russia, which belongs …

  • Ukraine threatens to detain all vessels leaving the Crimea

    Oleh Slobodyan, the Spokesman for the Ukrainian Border Guard Service told the that the authorities will immediately react to vessels that violate the law of sailing into and out of the Crimea.

    Slobodyan said, "Ukraine's position is unequivocal: Crimea is an illegally occupied part of Ukraine, so law enforcement agencies will immediately react to procedure violations of entry and exit from the occupied territory." He emphasized that Ukraine acts "within the legal framework and …