Contents tagged with crimea

  • Crimean authorities say they are ready to help rebuild Syrian cities

    At a meeting with Syrian Ambassador to Russia Riyad Haddad, the governor of the annexed Sevastopol, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, announced that the Crimean authorities, which are subordinated to Kremlin, are ready to cooperate with Syria in trade and the restoration of Syrian cities, as reported by the press service of the Russian government reported on May 19.

    "Sevastopol is ready for cooperation not only with regard to the supply of goods, but also the restoration of the cities of Syria. It is …

  • US and EU condemn opening of Crimean bridge by Russia

    On Tuesday, May 15, the US Department of State commented on the opening of the Kerch Strait bridge between Russia and Crimea to partial traffic. An official statement by State Department spokesperson Heather Nauert was published on Department’s website.

    "The United States condemns Russia’s construction and partial opening of the Kerch Strait Bridge between Russia and occupied Crimea, which was done without the permission of the government of Ukraine. Crimea is part of Ukraine. Russia’s …

  • Russia calls EU Council's sanctions against the members of Crimea's election commission 'an unfriendly step'

    The Russian Foreign Ministry called the sanctions of the EU Council against members of the Russian-controlled electoral commissions of the Crimea and the former Chairman of the electoral commission of Sevastopol “an unfriendly step,” as stated by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

    "Russia reserves the right to give a tit-for-tat response to the European Union’s yet-again unfriendly step... The European Union’s new measures once again demonstrate its real attitude to the …

  • Putin opens Kerch Bridge to annexed Crimea

    The road section of the Crimean Bridge, which connects the annexed peninsula with the Krasnodar Krai of Russia, has been opened. Traffic of cars and buses will begin on May 16 from both sides of the Kerch Strait, along two lanes in each direction.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the official opening ceremony of the bridge.

    He drove along the highway in a KamAZ truck, in a column of machinery that was used during the construction of the bridge. The drive from Krasnodar Krai to …

  • Germany promises Russia that sanctions will remain until Crimea is returned

    The anti-Russian sanctions will be maintained until the reason they were introduced is eliminated. A statement to this effect was made by German Minister of Economic Affairs and Energy Peter Altmeier in an interview with the German radio station Deutschlandfunk.

    He drew attention to the fact that the sanction pressure on Russia was initiated following the Kremlin’s decision to annex the Crimean peninsula.

    “After the annexation of Crimea, we Europeans introduced sanctions together with the US. …

  • Kremlin: Russia does not recognize Hague arbitration court decision on compensating Ukraine for property lost in Crimea

    The Russian Ministry of Justice does not recognize the decision of the International Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, which on May 9 ordered Russia to compensate Ukrainian companies for lost assets after the annexation of Crimea in 2014.

    "Russia does not recognize the above-mentioned decision due to the lack of arbitration jurisdiction to consider the aforementioned claim", the Ministry's press service stated.

    On May 9, the representative office of the President of Ukraine in the …

  • Kyiv: Russia may charge the crew of detained Ukrainian shipping vessel with terrorism

    The members of the crew of the Ukrainian fishing vessel YAMK-0041 that Russian border guards detained near Russian-annexed Crimea could be accused of terrorism. This assumption on Radio Krym.Realii was expressed by Deputy Head of State Border Service of Ukraine Oleh Slobodyan.

    Slobodyan explained that the Russian government is now trying to make the crew criminally responsible for anything from terrorism to arms smuggling. He said the objective is to paint the crew as not simply offenders but …

  • Kyiv calls on Ukrainian companies to sue Russia for property lost in Crimea

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has called on Ukrainian companies to sue Russia for property lost in the annexed Crimea, as reported by Olena Zerkal, Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs for European Integration, in a Facebook post.  

    She commented on the decision of the Arbitration Court in The Hague to compensate Ukrainian investors $159 million for lost assets.

    "The text and procedure are currently confidential…[but] we can report that the arbitrators have recognized the following: …

  • Hague arbitration court orders Russia to compensate Ukraine for assets lost in Crimea

    The Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague has ordered Russia to pay Ukraine $159 million in compensation for the assets lost in annexed Crimea, as reported in an announcement by the TV company 1+1, one of the plaintiffs in the lawsuit.

    “The Arbitration Court in the Hague has determined that Russia must pay compensation to a number of Ukrainian investors for the annexation of Crimea. In this case the amount is $159 million. The court has determined that Russia is responsible for violating …

  • Poroshenko's representative for Crimea: escalation of conflict in the Black Sea between Russia and Ukraine is inevitable

    The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will escalate following the detention of Ukrainian fishing vessel "YMK-0041" by Russian border guards, the permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in the Crimea, Boris Babin said on Radio Krym.Realii. "Ukrainian authorities have long turned a blind eye to what is in fact a conflict in the sea due to the annexation of the Crimea. That situation cannot last forever. The logic of events suggests that an escalation is inevitable. A year ago, the …