Contents tagged with crimea

  • Less than 20 companies expressed willingness to take part in the industrial park in Crimea

    A preliminary agreement on the organization of production in the industrial park of Sevastopol was signed by 17 Russian enterprises. The companies specialize in machinery, instrument making and glassware production, as stated by Nikolay Brusnikin, Head of the City Department for Priority Development Projects, RIA Crimea reports.

    "The Corporation for Development of Sevastopol, which oversees the industrial park project, had sent at least 100 appeals to Russian manufacturing companies. Half of …

  • Ukraine to appeal to UNESCO over the damage to Bakhchysarai Khan Palace in the Russian-annexed Crimea

    The Ministry of Culture of Ukraine expresses its protest against the actions of Crimean authorities for carrying out illegal restoration work at the Bakhchysarai Museum-Reserve and appealed, in particular, to UNESCO with a request to once again call on the Russian Federation to comply with the norms of international legislation, as reported on the website of the Ministry of Culture.

    "The Ministry of Culture is outraged by the large-scale illegal restoration of the Khan Palace National Monument …

  • Ukraine: 22 foreign ships illegally entered Crimean ports in October

    22 cargo ships illegally entered the ports of the annexed Crimea in October, reports the press service of the Ministry for Temporary Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons of Ukraine.

    "Between October 1 and November 1 of this year, 22 calls of cargo vessels were recorded trespassing at ports in the occupied Crimea. In general, these vessels carried out 64 calls to the ports of Kerch, Sevastopol and Feodosia," the ministry said.Of these vessels, 18 sailed under the Russian flag, …

  • Russia accuses Austria of blockade because of refusal to grant visas to journalists from Crimea

    Austria has refused to issue visas to journalists from the annexed Crimea, for which Russia accused it of an information blockade.

    Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, expressed her outrage at Austria’s actions, Tass news agency reports.

    “The situation of not granting visas to Crimeans can be called a blockade,” she said.

    “Today, unfortunately, we witnessed another unpleasant incident, when journalists from Crimea were not admitted to an event connected with the …

  • Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN: new demands on Russia included in the updated 'Crimean' UN resolution

    The draft of the updated resolution "The Situation of Human Rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol, Ukraine", which the Ukrainian delegation presented on Tuesday at the third committee of the UN General Assembly, contains a number of new demands on Russia, as well as an appeal to the organization’s Secretary-General regarding coordination of UN entities in the Crimea.

    This was discussed by Ukraine's Permanent Representative to the UN, Voldymyr Yelchenko, reports Ukrinform. …

  • Poroshenko called on the leaders of the Gulf States to stand up for the rights of Crimean Tatars

    During his visit to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, President Petro Poroshenko met with the Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani, as indicated on the administration’s website.

    According to the report, the both leaders discussed plans for the development of cooperation between Ukraine and the Arab Peninsula states.

    During the meeting, Poroshenko introduced Mustafa Dzhemilev, a former Chairman of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, leader of …

  • Gas pipeline damaged in Crimea, Russian authorities call it an act of sabotage

    A gas pipeline was damaged in the Crimea on Tuesday evening, RBC news agency reports.

    According to RBC agency, the Russian National Anti-Terrorist Committee stated they were looking into possible act sabotage.

    As reported by the agency, the gas distribution station near Crimean city of Alushta experienced a drop in the gas pressure on Tuesday evening, October 31.  At the same time the power supply to the city was disrupted due to a collapse of a power line support pylon.  According to the …

  • Dzhemilev: Russia has caused billions of dollars’ worth of damage to Crimea’s ecology

    Russia has caused significant damage to the ecology of annexed Crimea, as stated by the leader of the Crimean Tatar people, Mustafa Dzhemilev, at a briefing on the draft resolution of the UN Security Council on human rights in the Crimea. "Russia has violated all agreements by its actions. The ecology of the Crimea has been damaged. Groundwater dropped, the territory will require billions of dollars to rehabilitate," said Dzhemilev.

    The leader of the Crimean Tatar people also noted that …

  • Ukrainian diplomats to Russian diplomats at UN Security Council: You have no right to talk about Ukraine

    The Russian Federation has neither the legal nor the moral right to talk about the situation in Ukraine in the UN Security Council until it returns the occupied territories and compensates Ukraine for the losses incurred, said Deputy Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations Yuriy Vitrenko, at a UN Security Council meeting about children and armed conflict, in response to a statement by the Russian delegation about the situation in Ukraine.

    “The UN General Assembly has …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister: We cannot draw parallels between Catalonia and the Crimea

    Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin believes that parallels should not be drawn between Catalonia, which declared independence from Spain, and annexed Crimea because of the absence of Russian troops in the first case.

    "Imagine 2,000 Russian tanks and armored vehicles, thousands of Russian regular troops and tens of thousands of Russian mercenaries all in Catalina today. All this would be controlled by Russia... But in the sense of Russia's attempts to conduct a hybrid war …