Contents tagged with crimea

  • Russian court rejects Siemens appeal to have its turbines removed from Crimea

    The Ninth Arbitration Appeals Court of the Russian Federation rejected Siemens’ to appeal seize the turbines which were transported to the Russian-annexed Crimea in violation of sanctions, TASS reported.

    Siemens asked to have the four SGT5-2000E gas turbines seized and to prohibit the Russian company Technopromexport or other persons from transporting, installing, operating, modifying, disassembling or otherwise using the turbines. Additionally, Siemens asked that Technopromexport be …

  • Russia classifies documents about release of Crimean Tatar leader Umerov

    All documents on the release of Ilmi Umerov from Russian prison are classified, said Aishe Umerova, daughter of the deputy of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, in a commentary on Channel 5.

    “We don’t have any documents, we don’t have a single piece of paper in our hands. It’s a closed case, there is a decree, there isn’t a decree. All of the documents are absolutely secret, so the work of the lawyers in the coming days is to find out, to get all these documents and then we can plan …

  • Ukraine calls on UN to support resolution on human rights in Crimea

    During an event devoted to the human rights situation in the Russian-annexed Crimea which took place in the UN’s New York office, Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Ivanna Klympush-Tsintsadze called on the UN to support the resolution on human rights in Crimea, as reported by the Vice Prime Minister’s press service.

    According to the report, Ukraine will soon submit a resolution titled “Provision on human rights in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of …

  • Human rights activist: The drafting of Crimeans into the Russian army is classified as a war crime

    In September, the UN reminded Russia through its report that, according to Article 51 of the Fourth Geneva Convention, an occupying state is prohibited from coercing protected persons to serve in its armed or auxiliary forces. Pressure and propaganda in favor of voluntary entry into the army are also prohibited, writes Ukrainian human rights activist Mykola Mirnyj in his article for ZN.UA. The author notes that transferring citizens of Ukraine to serve in the regions of Russia also violates …

  • Russian Defense Ministry: 1500 school students joint ‘Youth Army’ movement in Crimea

    The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that roughly 1 500 school students from Sevastopol have “joined the ranks” of the Russian military and patriotic social movement “Yunarmia” (Youth Army), reported   the press service of Russia’s Southern Military District.

    “At present, the Youth Army movement in Sevastopol has been joined by 55 general secondary education institutions, children’s social and sport organizations,” the report states.

    The report notes that the Sevastopol school students …

  • Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria: Russian translator distorted Steinmeier's words about the annexation of Crimea

    Russian translators and the media have distorted the words of German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who made a visit this week to Moscow, attributing to him a quote about "the reunification of the Crimea with Russia". The Ukrainian Ambassador to Austria, Olexander Scherba, noted the translation error on his Facebook page.

    "In about the 8th minute of the 15th second you can see how totalitarian fake news works. Steinmeier speaks in German: ‘Annexion.’ The interpreter fumbles and translates: …

  • Russian oil company Rosneft freezes oil production in the Black Sea due to sanctions

    Russian oil and Gas Company Rosneft has suspended oil exploration and production in the southern corner of the eastern part of the Black Sea due to five-year sanctions against Russia, reports TASS.

    The Russian Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) granted Rosneft's petition for a suspension of its license for geological exploration, exploration and production of hydrocarbons at the South Black Sea license area located in the eastern part of the Black Sea.

    “According to experts, amid the …

  • Ukrainian General: Russia sets up its military base in Crimea for an attack on Ukraine

    In moving a new weapons to the annexed Crimea, Russia is preparing not for defense, but for an attack on mainland Ukraine, as expressed on Krym Realii radio by Lieutenant General and former Deputy Chief of the General Staff of Ukraine, Ihor Romanenko.

    "As far as I know, they are planning to bring another S-400 air defense system to Feodosia before the end of the year. The outdated Su-24 and Su-25 aircrafts are being changed to Su-30s, and more advanced ships are being transferred to the Black …

  • Chubarov: freeing of Umerov and Chiygoz is not a concession but Russia’s implementation of the demands of UN courts

    The People's Deputy of Ukraine and Chairman of Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Refat Chubarov said during a press briefing on Wednesday, October 25 that the release of Ilmi Umerov and Akhtem Chiygoz relates to the decision of the International Court of Justice."There is no concession on the part of Putin. This is a partial fulfillment by them of the decision they cannot fail to fulfill. It is the interim decision of the International Court of Justice from April 2017 on two conventions …

  • Ukraine submits a claim against Russia to European Court of Human Rights over ‘aggression in the Donbas in 2014’

    Ukraine filed a legal claim with the European Court of Human Rights or ECHR as part of the lawsuit against Russia, which relates to the events in the Donbas in 2014, as stated by the Minister of Justice of Ukraine Pavlo Petrenko, reports. Petrenko explained that Kyiv filed a "big legal position" with testimonies of witnesses on the events in the Donbas in 2014. "The deadline ended a week ago. We made it in time," the minister said.

    Petrenko recalled that in early spring, …