Contents tagged with crimea

  • More than 500 conscripts from Crimea will serve in the territory of Russia

    About 500 conscripts from the annexed Crimea will be sent for military service in the Russian Federation, as stated by the military commissioner of the Crimea controlled by the Kremlin, Oleg Yermilov, as reported by Krym.Realii.

    "We will send [for military service] about 500 people who will serve in different types of armed forces," he said.

    Yermilov added that the recruits will be sent mainly to the Moscow and Rostov regions of Russia.The transfer of conscripts will take place after November …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands that Russia stop military conscription in the Crimea

    In a statement released on October 3 on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine demands that Russia cancel conscription for military service in annexed Crimea.

    "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expresses its strong protest over the intention of the Russian Federation to draft citizens for military service in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in the city of Sevastopol," Ukrainian diplomats …

  • U.S. calls on Russia to free Ilmi Umerov

    The United States of America called on Russia to release Ilmi Umerov, deputy head of the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People.

    “The United States is deeply troubled by the September 27, conviction and two-year prison sentence for Crimean Tatar leader Ilmi Umerov in Russian-occupied Crimea. He was convicted for his opposition to Russia’s attempted annexation of Crimea and given a harsher sentence than the Russian occupation prosecutor requested. This compounds past injustices in the case, …

  • Ukraine: 30 ships visited annexed Crimea in September

    During September, 30 cargo ships illegally visited annexed Crimean ports, the Ukrainian Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories and Internally Displaced Persons reported.

    “During the period between September 1 and October 1 this year, the visits of 30 violating vessels to occupied Crimean ports were recorded. Overall, these vessels made 79 visits in the ports of Kerch, Sevastopol and Feodosia. 23 of them were under the flag of the Russian Federation, and 7 were under the flag of other …

  • Russian Defense Ministry: More than two thousand Crimeans will be drafted into the Russian army

    In annexed Crimea, more than 2,000 citizens will be drafted into the Russian army for military service, as announced on October 2 by the press service of the Southern Military District of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The military department says that the recruits "will fulfill their military duty on ships and units of coastal troops of the Black Sea Fleet."

    "According to the schedule, the first dispatch of recruits into the army is planned for the middle of October," the Ministry’s press …

  • Russian Black Sea Fleet conducts military exercises off Crimean coast

    Ships and submarines from the Russian Black Sea Fleet in annexed Crimea set out to sea to work on planned military training exercises, Kryminform reports, citing Black Sea Fleet Spokesman Captain Vyacheslav Trukhachev.

    “Over the course of a few days, the ship crews will conduct exercises as ship strike, anti-submarine  and mine-sweeping tactical groups in collaboration with the shore-based missile and artillery units, naval aircraft and the anti-air defense fleet,” he announced.Trukhachev …

  • Crimean Ministry of Finance: as of October authorities have used only half of the funds allocated by Kremlin

    The consolidated budget expenditures from the annexed Crimea exceeded 77 billion rubles (more than $1.3 billion), which is 44.5% of the annual budget, as reported by the Crimean Ministry of Finance’s press service, which is controlled by Russia.

    "Our analysis for January-August showed that if the growth of 2016 over 2015 was more than 9 billion rubles ($156.1 million), then those of 2017 as compared to 2016 would already be 17.4 billion-($301.9 million)," the press service published the …

  • Crimean Ministry of Energy: Fuel on the peninsula will last until start of November

    Vadim Belik, Russian-controlled Minister of Fuel and Energy of annexed Crimea, told Krymskaya Gazeta in an interview that the fuel reserves at the gas stations on the peninsula will last for 35 days. According to him, there is no longer any deficit.

    “In November this year, a minimum reserve of oil products amounting to at least 10,000 tons will be established at the Feodosia oil depot. The urgent need to have such a reserve arose due to possible interruptions in deliveries and the movement of …

  • Russian Army draft campaign begins in Crimea

    Since October 1, the Crimean authorities are launching an autumn conscription campaign in Sevastopol, following which 400 residents of Sevastopol will be sent for service in the Russian army, as reported by the Crimean Human Rights Group (HRG) on Facebook.

    On September 27, the website of the government of Sevastopol reported that this was announced at the   meeting of the conscription commission chaired by the Deputy Governor of Sevastopol, Yuri Krivov. Out of 400 drafted, more than 100 people …

  • Crimean government employees fired for mining bitcoins at the workplace

    Two employees of the Council of Ministers of the Crimea have paid for installing software for mining bitcoins on a government server with their posts, as announced at a press conference in Sevastopol by the head of the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Crimea, Alexander Akshatin.

    "The people have been fired. I think that in the future there will be no interest [in doing something like this]," RIA Novosti news agency quotes Akshatin as saying.

    The Committee head explained that the incident …