Contents tagged with crimea

  • Ukraine's Naftogaz files $5 billion lawsuit against Russia for seizing assets in Crimea

    Naftogaz has filed a lawsuit against Russia, demanding $5 billion of reimbursement for the loss of assets in annexed Crimea. The statement has been received by the tribunal at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in the Hague, Naftogaz’s press service reports.

    Alongside Naftogaz, six subsidiary companies took part in initiating the litigation: Chornomorneftegaz, Ukrtransgaz, Likvo, Ukrgazdobycha, Ukrtransnafta and Gaz Ukrayiny.

    According to the company, a court ruling is expected by the end of 2 …

  • Ukrainian political analyst: In advance of Presidential elections, the Kremlin is diverting financial assistance from Donbas to Crimea

    The Ukrainian political scientist and leader of the United Coordination Center, Oleh Saakian, believes that the end of the of assistance to the separatist-held territories of the Donbas by Russia and the redirecting of this money to the annexed Crimea is a demonstrative step in the run-up to presidential elections. This allows the Kremlin to fulfill several tasks at once, the expert said on the air with radio Krym.Realii.

    "It is very likely that the money is being transferred "for the Crimea" …

  • Crimean authorities warn of possible power outages in fall and winter season

    Sergey Bazhan, the Kremlin-controlled Deputy Minister of Fuel and Energy of the Peninsula reported that the Crimea might need to endure electricity cuts during the autumn-winter period, according to approved schedules.

    “We predict that during the autumn-winter period, the Crimea and Sevastopol will consume 1,467 MW of electricity. 1,181 MW will pass on to the other parts of the peninsula while 286 MW will go to Sevastopol. Last year, the highest level of evening electricity consumption for the …

  • Court hearing of Siemens turbine case to commence on October 20th in Moscow

    The Moscow Arbitration Court scheduled a preliminary meeting on October 20th to review the suit brought by the joint venture of Siemens and OJSC Power Machines – Siemens Gas Turbine Technologies LLC (SGTT) – against two Russian enterprises, the Rostec state corporation and Technopromexport JSC, as stated in the court documents. 

    The press service of Siemens in Russia has not yet commented on the content of the claim against Rostec.

    Earlier, Siemens itself filed a lawsuit against …

  • Siemens submitted second court claim over the shipment of its turbines to Crimea

    The joint venture of Siemens and Power Machines filed a lawsuit to the arbitration court against Rostec's subsidiary company, Technopromexport. The latter bought Siemens turbines for construction in the annexed Crimea, as reported by Meduza.

    The claim by Siemens gas turbine technology against JSC and LLC Technopromexport was filed on September 8th. Details on the claim haven’t been disclosed.

    The company Technopromexport bought four gas turbines from Siemens in 2015. It was announced that the …

  • German Human Rights Commissioner outraged at sentence given to Akhtem Chiygoz in Crimea

    German Human Rights Commissioner Bärbel Kofler is outraged at the eight year prison sentence given to Crimean Tatar leader Akhtem Chiygoz on September 11 in the Kremlin-controlled Crimean court, as announced on September 13 by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    “The sentence is a further reduction of rights of the Crimean Tatars on the peninsula following the Russian annexation,” Kofler observed.

    Kofler called it unacceptable to put people in prison for expressing their political opinion. …

  • Delegation of Russian judges who recognized the annexation of Crimea not allowed to attend world congress in Lithuania

    The Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, Valery Zorkin, as well as other Russian judges who recognized as legitimate Russian annexation of the Crimea, were not allowed into the World Conference on Constitutional Justice in Lithuania, reported Ukrainian MP Iryna Friz.

    "For the first time in the history of the Congress, Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation Zorkin and other Russian judges who made the decision to recognize the annexation of the …

  • EU did not recognize local elections in the Crimea

    The European Union confirmed its refusal to recognize the results of the September 10 elections organized by Russia in annexed Sevastopol. A representative of the External Diplomatic Service of the EU issued a statement to that effect in Brussels on Monday, September 11.

    “The European Union does not recognize illegal annexation of Crimea and Sevastopol by the Russian Federation and, therefore, does not recognize the elections in the Crimean Peninsula. Anyone who is elected in the Crimean …

  • Court in the annexed Crimea sentences Crimean Tatar leader Akhtem Chiygoz to 8 years

    The Kremlin-controlled Supreme Court of annexed Crimea sentenced Akhtem Chiygoz, one of the leaders of the Crimean Tatar people, to 8 years of general regime imprisonment, Krym.Realii reports.

    The court made the ruling on September 11, informing Chiygoz’ lawyer Oleksandr Lesovy of the special ruling after multiple delays.

    Roughly 100 people came to support Chiygoz in court.

    President Petro Poroshenko condemned the sentence, posting on Facebook:

    “The Akhtem Chiygoz case is yet another …

  • Merkel compares annexation of the Crimea with the division of Germany

    German Chancellor Angela Merkel has said she does not agree with a statement by the Chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany (FDP) Christian Lindner, who has proposed turning a blind eye to the annexation of the Crimea, Deutsche Welle reported.

    In an interview with the weekly Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung, which was released on Sunday, September 10, Merkel cited the situation of the division of Germany as an example to reiterate that historical injustice should not be …