Contents tagged with crimea

  • Putin orders Russian government to provide pensions to former Ukrainian military in the Crimea

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has instructed the Russian government, in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense of the country and Kremlin-controlled executive bodies of the annexed Crimea and Sevastopol, to take action regarding pensions for Russian citizens who previously served in the Ukrainian armed forces.

    As reported on the Kremlin's website, this order by Putin was among the items approved following his trip to the annexed Sevastopol on August 18-20.

    In particular, Putin instructed …

  • Ukrainian activists publish personal data of workers involved in construction of the Kerch Bridge

    Volunteers with the Ukrainian Myrotvorets project have published on Facebook the personal data of 299 people who are participating in the construction of the bridge through the Kerch Strait to the Crimea.

    The published information contains the names and surnames, dates of birth, their home addresses, and other identifying information. All of the people are employees of OOO MT-Group.

    Myrotvorets noted that the information on the builders of the Kerch Bridge will be placed in "Purgatory" on the …

  • Journalist: Kremlin will replace Crimean officials with more obedient ones from Russia

    Russia will organize a “cleansing” in the ranks of Kremlin-controlled authorities of the Crimean peninsula. Local officials will be replaced by more obedient managers from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other Russian cities, as reported on the Daytime Show on Radio Krym.Realii on September 7 by the Ukrainian military journalist from the Crimea, the coordinator of the “Stop corruption” NGO, Roman Bochkala.

    According to Bochkala, he observed this trend in the separatist regions of Abkhazia and South …

  • Ukraine reveals criminal past of the Head of Crimea

    The so-called head of annexed Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov was an active member of the Crimean organized crime group "Salem" in the 1990s and 2000s, who only managed to avoid prison thanks to powerful patrons, as stated in an interview with the Observer news website by the first deputy head of the National Police of Ukraine, the head of the criminal police, Vyacheslav Abroskin.

    "In the 90’s, when I first started to work on the investigation in Crimea, the problem with organized crime came to the …

  • Head of Crimea calls the prices and quality of fuel on the peninsula unacceptable

    The Kremlin-appointed head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, is dissatisfied with the fuel prices and quality at gas stations on the peninsula, as indicated in a Facebook post he made on September 6th.

    Aksyonov noted that the 95 RON gasoline is not carried by some gas stations in Crimea. "The cost of 95 RON gasoline on average is 43 rubles 30 kopeks ($0.76), 98 RON gasoline - 47 rubles ($0.82). In the neighboring regions of the Russian Federation, fuel prices are 10% lower," he wrote.

    The …

  • Russia begins command and staff exercises of the Black Sea Fleet

    On Wednesday September 6, the military and supply vessels of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet went out to sea to work on ship group control tasks as part of planned command and staff exercises.

    According to the press service of the Southern Military District of Russia’s Defense Ministry, during the first stage of the drills the soldiers practiced navigating ships behind mine-clearing equipment.

    “At the fleet’s combat training facilities, they are operating the frigate ‘Admiral Grigorovich’, the …

  • Russia begins large-scale military exercises in its Southern Military District including Crimea

    On Tuesday, September 5, large-scale military exercises involving missiles and artillery began on 19 different training grounds in the Southern Military District of the Russian Federation and the Crimea.  

    More than five thousand artillerymen of the Russian armed forces went to training grounds in the Crimea, Rostov, the Volgograd region, Krasnodar and Stavropol territories, Dagestan, North Ossetia, as well as to Russian military bases in Abkhazia, Armenia and South Ossetia. The artillery …

  • Media: Dutch authorities investigating possible involvement of Dutch companies in construction of Kerch Bridge

    Dutch authorities will verify the legality of the participation of two Dutch companies in the construction of the bridge across the Kerch Strait, as stated by the Minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation of the Netherlands, Lilianne Ploumen, reported Dutch state broadcasting organization NOS.

    According to Lilianne Ploumen, even if there were no violations of the law, the Dutch government "expects that companies will conduct international business that is socially responsible." She …

  • Media: Cost of the Kerch Bridge is three times higher than the price of the longest bridge in the world

    The cost of the Kerch Bridge, which is about 19 kilometers long, is almost three times higher than the cost of the Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge, a bridge 164.8 kilometers long between Shanghai and Beijing, reports website

    Chinese engineers erected the Danyang-Kunshan Viaduct Chinese in two years. About nine kilometers of the bridge is built above the surface of the water. In addition to the highway, a high-speed railway line has also been laid there. The entire project cost …

  • Khrushchev’s son: Decision to transfer Crimea to Ukraine was not political but economic

    Khrushchev's decision to transfer the Crimea to Ukraine in 1954 was structural, but in no way political. The son of Nikita Khrushchev, Brown University professor Sergei Khrushchev spoke about this during a broadcast of the program Gordon"My father gave the Crimea to Ukraine, because if you look at the map, Crimea is attached to Ukraine, and when they began to deal with the economy there, and most importantly, to build that channel that is now unfortunately buried, the State Planning Committee …