Contents tagged with Donbas

  • Putin initiates economic annexation of Donbas breakaway republics

    Russia is taking a significant new step towards the integration of the unrecognized republics of the Donbas into its economic space.

    On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree "On providing humanitarian support to the population of certain areas of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions of Ukraine", which gives companies from the so-called Donetsk ansd Luhansk People’s Republics same benefits as Russian companies.

    According to the document published on the Kremlin’s website of legal …

  • U.S. delivers 80 tons of ammunition to Ukraine

    The United States has delivered  80 tons of ammunition to Ukraine. The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv reported on Twitter that this is the fourth $60 million delivery as part of Washington's security assistance, which was approved by President Biden.

    After the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States, Washington agreed to allocate another $60 million, in addition to the previously agreed $250 million. Shipments of the American equipment and weapons were previously delivered …

  • German engines found in Russian drones used by militants in Donbas

    Militants in Donbas use Russian drones with German-made engines, reported the German newspaper Tagesschau with reference to the report of the UK-based investigative organization Conflict Armament Research (CAR).

    Over a three-year period, CAR studied six different models of Russian military drones and one non-military model used in eastern Ukraine. The drones were captured in the conflict zone. The work was funded by the EU and the Foreign Office in Berlin.

    The report says the drones are …

  • Russia: Ukraine not allowed to use combat drones in Donbas

    Only OSCE observers are allowed to use drones in the Donbas, said the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova on her Telegram channel.

    Earlier, the representative of the so-called Luhansk People’s Republic in the trilateral contact group, Rodion Miroshnik, told RIA Novosti that the drone, which was detected by the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission on November 6 in the territory controlled by Ukraine near the demarcation line in the Donbas belongs to the Ukrainian Armed …

  • Kyiv: Russia has amassed 90,000 troops near Ukrainian borders

    Russia has amassed near the Ukrainian border and in the Donbas about 90,000 troops, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    "According to the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense, at the beginning of November 2021, a group of troops with a total number of about 90 thousand people is deployed near our border and in the temporarily occupied territories," the statement of the Defense Ministry reads.

    This includes the troops of the 8th, 20th armies of …

  • Kremlin: deployment of Russian troops to Ukrainian border should not be seen as a threat

    The movement of Russian military equipment in Russian territory is exclusively an internal affair of Russia, said Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on reports about the deployment of Russian troops to the Ukrainian border

    "Russia has never threatened, threatens or posed a danger to anyone," Peskov said.

    He added that Moscow is forced to take measures to ensure its own security "against the background of quite aggressive expansionist tendencies, especially from …

  • Kremlin accuses Ukraine of trying to draw Russia into hostilities in Donbas

    The Ukrainian authorities are trying to draw Russia into hostilities in the Donbas, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on air of the TV channel "Russia 24".

    "Yes, the escalation is obvious. Attempts to create a provocative situation, to cause some kind of response from the militia and, probably, to draw Russia into some forceful actions. This is noticeable, " Lavrov said.

    “In particular, there is a “mysterious story" that Ukraine used a Bayraktar drone in the Donbas, bought from …

  • Ukraine vows to continue using combat drones in Donbas

    Ukrainian Armed Forces are ready to use Bayraktar attack drones during day and night, said in an interview with BBC News Ukraine the commander of the Ukrainian Joint Forces  Sergiy Naev.

    According to him, Turkish Bayraktar drones have been on combat duty in the Ukrainian Armed Forces since the spring of 2021, when Russia started amassing its troops near Ukrainian borders. Naev also noted that the drones have already shown their effectiveness for reconnaissance and collecting valuable …

  • Germany expresses concern over Ukraine’s use of combat drones in Donbas

    Germany is concerned about the increase in the number of ceasefire violations in the Donbas, as well as the fact that all the sides use unmanned aerial vehicles, said the representative of the German Foreign Ministry Andrea Sasse, reports Ukrinform.

    "Berlin is very concerned about the increase in the intensity of hostilities in the East of Ukraine, as well as the report of the General Staff of the Ukrainian army, according to which the Ukrainian Armed Forces in response to shelling and the …

  • Ukraine uses Turkish combat drones to strike Russian military in Donbas

    The Ukrainian Armed Forces used Turkish Bayraktar drones in the Donbas  for the first time.

    According to the Ukrainian General Staff, the drones were used to destroy the enemy artillery that was firing near the village of Granitne near Donetsk.

    Ukraine purchased the drone systems from Turkey in 2019 and up until now used them only for reconnaissance functions.

    According to the Ukrainian General Staff, this time a drone was used to strike howitzers, which were firing at the positions of the …