Contents tagged with Donbas

  • US Secretary of Defense: Russia started conflict in eastern Ukraine and is an obstacle to its peaceful resolution

    Russia started the conflict in eastern Ukraine and is an obstacle to its peaceful resolution, said the United States Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, at a briefing following a meeting with the Ukrainian Defense Minister, Andriy Taran.

    "Russia started this conflict, and Russia is an obstacle to a peaceful settlement. They could begin by respecting Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Until that happens, we will do everything we can to support Ukraine's efforts to develop defense …

  • Pro-Russian militants holding OSCE members in Donbas hotel demanding release of Russian officer detained by Ukraine

    Pro-Russian militants are holding two employees of the OSCE Monitoring Mission in Horlivka and demand the release of a militant detained by the Ukrainian military on October 13, reported the representative in the Trilateral Contact Group from Ukraine Sergiy Garmash on Facebook.

    According to the report of the OSCE, on October 17 at 17:00, two men 30-39 years old in civilian clothes entered the hotel and told the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission representatives that they are no longer allowed to …

  • Ukrainian troops in Donbas receive anti-drone systems

    Fron-line units of the Ukrainian army received new anti-drone systems which are expected to help them counter drones used by pro-Russian militants to drop explosive devices on the Ukrainian positions, reports the Ukrainian Television News Service (TSN).

    Military journalist Andriy Tsaplienko reported that the Ukrainian military already started using the EDM4S-UA drone mitigation systems, which had been ordered by the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    Tsaplienko noted that pro-Russian mercenaries …

  • EU preparing to establish a new military training base in Ukraine

    A military training base of the European Union may soon be established in Ukraine, reports the German newspaper Welt, citing internal documents of the European External Action Service (EEAS).

    The base will provide military training for Ukrainian military personnel amid Russia's "ongoing escalation" on Ukrainian borders.

    In August, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Russia had amassed a combat-ready military group of about 100,000 troops near Ukraine.

    Welt noted that the …

  • Zelensky: Ukraine to build 2 new airports in Donbas

    An important component of Ukraine’s transformation is the Donbas, said Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a press conference in Truskavets.

    According to Zelensky, many investors are concerned that the war continues in the east of Ukraine. "And they need to be shown that the country is developing. Therefore, the infrastructure in the Donbas is being built. And people in the temporarily occupied territories should see the difference".

    He noted that Kyiv plans to build two more …

  • Kyiv: U.S. will take part in Donbas negotiations

    The United States will participate in the Donbas settlement process and in the issue of Crimea, said Deputy Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Ukraine Olga Stefanyshyn. She noted that now the talks will take place not only within the Normandy format, but also in a broader format, which will include the United States. "

    "I cannot disclose the details of the proposals. But I can confirm that the United States sees its key role in resolving the conflict in the Donbas and …

  • Ukrainian troops strike back at pro-Russian forces in response to shelling of Avdiivka

    On the night of August 28-29, Ukrainian troops fired back at pro-Russian forces in response for the shelling of the town of Avdiivka by Russian troops on August 28, reported Ukrainian journalist Yuri Butusov.

    According to him, the Ukrainian troops shelled predefined targets, which are in the area of responsibility of a number of brigades of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

    "An adequate response after the shelling of Avdiivka is the destruction by the Ukrainian artillery, which used a sufficient …

  • Kremlin: Russia does not intend to annex Donbas despite issuing passports to its residents

    The distribution of Russian passports to residents of the Donbas does not mean that this region will be annexed to the Russian Federation, said Russian Deputy Prime Minister and the Kremlin’s chief negotiator on Ukraine, Dmitry Kozak in an interview with Politique Internationale.

    According to him, about 470 thousand residents of Donetsk and Lugansk regions which are not under Ukraine’s control became citizens of Russia using a simplified process. However, this is not considered as a sign of …

  • Ukrainian Security Service detains former MP of Luhansk People’s Republic

    Counterintelligence of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) has detained a former "MP" of so-called Luhansk People’s Republic.

    SBU officials found that in 2014 this individual took part in establishing illegal government bodies in the territory of the Luhansk region which is not under Ukraine’s control. The individual was also involved in the creation and adoption of the "LPR constitution".

    While executing the arrest warrant, the SBU found a "LPR passport ", as well as "LPR registration …

  • DPR and Russia blame each other for congestion at border crossing

    The militant-controlled border crossing Uspenka in the Donetsk region is experiencing large volume of Donbas residents who want to enter Russia.

    "I have received a lot of such complains," said the head of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Denis Pushilin, at a meeting in the Amvrosievsk district.

    According to Pushilin, the large lines at the border crossing are due to the influx of people trying to go to the Russian Federation.

    "DPR border guards" blame the Russian side for the …