Contents tagged with italy

  • Italian regional council calls for a review of the EU's policies towards Russia and Crimea

    The Liguria Regional Council in northern Italy has voted in favor of a resolution which calls on the government and parliament to review the EU’s policy towards Russia and Crimea. This was reported by Genova24.

    The Regional Secretary of the Northern League and the author of this initiative, Edoardo Rixi, said that all members that were present at the meeting voted in favor of the resolution. These included representatives of the center-right majority.

    “The unanimous approval for our …

  • Italian journalist creates news agency in the so-called Luhansk People's Republic

    A separatist information agency, LNR Today-Italia, has begun work in the so-called Luhansk People's Republic (LPR).

    The agency was created by the Italian journalist, Vittorio Nicola Rangeloni, the Ukrainian activist group, Stop Terror, reports.

    "The newly created agency is aimed at reporting on events taking place in the ‘LPR/DPR’, and waging an information war against the government and armed forces of Ukraine,” LNR Today-Italia agency stated.

    In addition to articles, the information …

  • Italian Parliament rejects resolution which called for lifting sanctions on Russia

    On Monday, June 27, the Chamber of the Deputies (Camera dei Deputati) of  the Italian Parliament rejected a resolution to lift sanctions against the Russian Federation. The proposal which called on the Italian government to lift the sanctions against Russia was submitted by the opposition parties , Five Start Movement (Movimento 5 Stelle) and the North League (Lega Nord), as reported by the Russian RIA Novosti news agency.

    The Italian deputies rejected the resolution that called on the …

  • Media: Italy may delay the extension of sanctions against the Russian Federation

    Italy may delay the extension of sanctions against Russia, which had been previously approved by EU ambassadors, wrote Brussels Radio Liberty correspondent Rikard Jozwiak, on Twitter.

    According to him, the reason for the delay is Italy’s desire to include a clause allowing the relationship with Russia to be reconsidered later this year into the EU ruling on continued sanctions.

    It should be noted that earlier, Wall Street Journal reporter Laurence Norman also wrote about the possibility that …

  • Italian Lombardy region to consider a resolution to recognize Crimea as a part of Russia

    The party Lega Nord (Northern League) will soon submit a resolution to the Council of the northern Italian region of Lombardy demanding that the Crimea be officially recognized as a part of the Russian Federation.

    According to the secretary of Lega Nord, the national MP Paolo Grimoldi, the document will be submitted to the regional Council in early June.

    "We are optimistic and hope that the resolution will be adopted," the politician said.

    The document calls for the regional executive body, …

  • The Council of Venice recognized the Crimea as part of Russia

    The Council of Venice calls for the lifting of sanctions against Russia

    The regional Council of Venice passed a resolution calling on the Italian Government to condemn the policy of the EU Council on Crimea and demand the lifting of sanctions against Russia, RIA Novosti reports. Venice also recognized the Crimea as part of Russia.

    27 of the 51 members of the regional council voted in favor of the document. 

    The document states that due to the anti-Russian sanctions Italy lost 3.6 million …

  • Group of Italian MPs arrive in occupied Crimea

    RIA Novosti reported that a group of Italian MPs arrived in the occupied Crimea for a three-day visit. During the visit, the members of the delegation will visit Sevastopol, Yalta and Simferopol. The delegation includes senators Bartolomeo Pepe, Paola De Pin and Ivan Simeoni, a member of the Chamber of Deputies, Nicola Ciriacci and also the Regional Council of Tuscany member, Gabrielle Sani.

    An MP of the Italian Parliament, Nicola Ciriacci, expressed the view that the rights of the Crimean …

  • Russia to construct gas pipeline under the Black Sea

    Russian company Gazprom, Italian company Edison and Greek company DEPA have signed an agreement to transport gas from Russia to Europe via a route under the Black Sea, as stated in a press release by Gazprom.

    The Russian company emphasized that the parties were interested in natural gas supply routes from Russia to Greece, as well as from Greece to Italy.  The results of work carried out by Edison and DEPA under the ITGI Poseidon project will be used “to the fullest extent” for these purposes. …

  • Italian Prime Minister to visit St. Petersburg

    Matteo Renzi, the Prime Minister of Italy, plans to visit St. Petersburg, as announced at the Foreign Press Association conference.

    The head of the Government of the European state will visit St. Petersburg in June, as reported by RIA Novosti. He will participate in the St. Petersburg Economic Forum.

    It is worth noting that 2016 is a jubilee year for the forum that will be held from the 16-18th of June. Last year several foreign countries, including the US, boycotted the forum due to the  …

  • More EU Sanctions for Russia?

    An automatic extension of EU sanctions against Russia has not yet happened, and Italy is insisting that EU governments engage in meaningful political discussion to consider their effectiveness over the Kremlin’s policies.

    A discussion of the effectiveness of the sanctions, which are set to expire December 31st,  could help EU member states decide if the current sanctions should be extended, weakened, or removed altogether. As EU Ministers meet in Brussels in the coming days, they are expected …