Contents tagged with NATO

  • Poland initiates 'Eastern Dawn' military operation to counter Russian threats

    Starting August 1, the Polish Armed Forces will begin a new military operation, codenamed “Wschodnia zorza” ("Eastern Dawn"), as announced on the country's Ministry of Defense website.

    This operation is a direct response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, which has amplified the risk of airspace violations over Poland, according to the official statement.

    The primary goal of “Eastern Dawn” is to protect Poland's airspace from unauthorized incursions. The operation will focus on …

  • German Military Chief warns of escalating Russian threat to NATO

    Germany’s highest-ranking military officer, General Inspector of the Bundeswehr, Carsten Breuer, has issued a stark warning about the increasing military danger posed by Russia to Western nations. "We are witnessing the Russian army orienting itself towards the West," Breuer said in an interview with Sächsische Zeitung, as reported by dpa.

    Within the next 5-8 years, the Russian Armed Forces are expected to be equipped and manned in a way that would make an attack on NATO territory viable. …

  • Russian Defense Ministry claims U.S. bombers attempted to violate Russian border over Barents Sea

    In a tense moment over the Barents Sea, Russian MiG-29 and MiG-31 fighter jets were scrambled in response to two U.S. Air Force B-52H strategic bombers approaching the Russian state border, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

    "Russian airspace control systems detected an approaching aerial target over the Barents Sea, identified as a pair of strategic bombers, B-52H, belonging to the U.S. Air Force," the ministry's statement reads.

    As the Russian fighters approached, the American bombers …

  • Stoltenberg's warning: Europe must brace for a decade-long war in Ukraine

    The stronger Europe's support for Ukraine, the sooner the war will end, believes current NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg. On the other hand, the longer the war continues, the greater the chances of a Russian victory.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin is confident that time is on his side. Therefore, European countries should consider that the Russian-Ukrainian war could last for 10 years. Its duration depends on how long and how strongly Europeans will support the Ukrainians, said …

  • NATO to appoint special representative in Kyiv, boost presence in Ukraine following Washington summit

    NATO will enhance its presence in Ukraine by appointing a special representative in Kyiv, as decided at the NATO Summit held in Washington from July 9-11, reports Evropeyska Pravda.

    The NATO representation in Ukraine will undergo a leadership change, with the new head taking on the role of a special representative of the Secretary General.

    Negotiations are ongoing regarding who will fill this position. According to sources from Evropeyska Pravda, European NATO members insist that the role …

  • US develops cost-effective long-range missile for Ukraine's defense needs

    The United States is developing a new air-launched munition specifically designed for Ukraine, according to a report from the industry publication Aviation Week Network.

    The first details about this new munition emerged in January this year, initially garnering interest from 16 defense companies. The US military invited these firms to consider developing a cost-effective, air-launched weapon with a range of 250 nautical miles (463 km) that wouldn't take long to develop.

    On June 10, the US Air …

  • Kremlin threatens European capitals in response to US missile deployment in Germany

    Russia possesses sufficient capabilities to deter the threat posed by the deployment of U.S. long-range missiles in Europe. However, in response to this, it will have to aim its missiles at European capitals, said the Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov in an interview with Pavel Zarubin, host of the programme "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin" on channel "Russia 1".

    In response to Zarubin's comment that placing American missiles in Europe would force Russia to aim its missiles "in that direction," …

  • Germany crafts comprehensive troop deployment strategy in response to potential Russian aggression

    Germany is formulating a plan to deploy troops in the event of a Russian attack. Up to 800,000 military personnel and more than 200,000 units of equipment may need to be transported through Germany to Eastern Europe.

    As part of the "Operational Plan Germany" (OPLAN DEU), the Bundeswehr, in collaboration with NATO allies, is devising a scheme to move troops towards Eastern Europe should Russia launch a military attack on the Alliance, reports DW.

    According to Der Spiegel, in the event of an RF …

  • Russia bolsters arms production despite Western sanctions, raising concerns for NATO

    As NATO contemplates military support for Ukraine, one pressing issue is the Russian army's ability to rearm, reports Le Monde.

    Early in the full-scale conflict, the prevalent belief was that Russia's defence industry was weak and reliant on imports from Western nations. However, Ukraine’s allies are increasingly surprised and concerned by the Kremlin’s ability to restore its capabilities.

    US Army Europe Commander Christopher Cavoli reported that Russia aims to produce or refurbish over 1,200 …

  • China condemns NATO allegations of support for Russia in Ukraine war

    China has sharply criticized the recent decision at the NATO summit in Washington, where Beijing was accused of assisting Russia's military campaign against Ukraine. The summit characterised China as a “decisive force” aiding Moscow’s aggressive action, according to Evropeyska Pravda.

    The Chinese Mission to the European Union called on NATO to stop escalating the so-called "China threat" and provoking confrontation. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lin Jian accused the alliance of …