Contents tagged with NATO

  • NATO to centralize military aid and training for Ukraine through new headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany

    From Friday, July 12, the supply of arms to Ukraine and the training of Ukrainian soldiers in Europe will begin to be coordinated through a new NATO headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany, as decided at the Alliance Summit in Washington, dpa reported.

    According to sources, despite the formal start, it might take several months for the Supreme Allied Commander Europe to fully operate the headquarters in a way that allows it to handle all planned tasks.

    Meanwhile, coordination will continue through …

  • Russia condemns US decision to deploy long-range missiles in Germany, warns of military response

    The Russian Foreign Ministry regards the deployment of Tomahawk cruise missiles and other long-range US weapons in Germany as a "link in the escalation chain", said Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov.

    "I believe this is simply a link in the escalation chain, one of the intimidation elements that today forms a major part of NATO and the US's strategy towards Russia. Our response will be calm and professional. The military, without a doubt, have already taken this message into …

  • NATO summit poised to declare Ukraine's membership path as irreversible, sending strong message to Putin

    A preliminary draft of the NATO joint communiqué, expected at the Washington summit, reportedly describes Ukraine's path to membership as "irreversible," CNN cites three informed sources.

    The extent of guarantees to be provided to Ukraine regarding its membership in NATO has emerged as a key discussion point among the 32 alliance members ahead of the summit, which commences today.

    While the text of the draft can still be modified, the presence of such a phrase would send a significant signal …

  • Finland grants US access to 15 military bases in strategic defense pact

    The Finnish Parliament has approved the defence cooperation agreement and granted the US access to 15 military sites, as reported by the state broadcaster Yle.

    The agreement pertains to the use of four airbases, a military port, and a railway in northern Finland. It also includes provisions for the storage of military equipment.

    Under the terms of the agreement, the US is allowed to deploy its military personnel and equipment at the designated locations. Finnish authorities will ensure the …

  • Belarus threatens to use tactical nuclear weapons in response to sovereignty threats

    Belarus is ready to use tactical nuclear weapons should its sovereignty or independence come under threat, said the First Deputy Defence Minister and Chief of the General Staff, Pavel Muraveiko, as cited by the state news agency BELTA.

    Muraveiko stated that Belarus has gained the expertise to handle weapons of mass destruction and would resort to their use if necessary. He noted the likelihood of deploying such weaponry, acquired from Moscow, under dire circumstances.

    "We have learned to …

  • Poland scrambles fighter jets amid Russian missile strikes on Ukraine

    Poland has once again scrambled its fighters into the air in response to a Russian attack targeting infrastructure in Ukraine, according to the Operational Command of Poland’s Armed Forces.

    "Tonight saw intense activity by the Russian Federation's long-range aviation, involving strikes using cruise missiles, Shahed-type unmanned aerial vehicles, and ballistic missiles. These were directed at, among other targets, infrastructure in western Ukraine," reads the statement.

    The Polish military …

  • Russian reconnaissance ship monitors NATO exercises off German coast

    Russian reconnaissance ship Vasily Tatischev has been spotted observing NATO's annual BALTOPS exercises. The Russian vessel is currently situated in neutral waters of the Baltic Sea, between Kiel and the island of Fehmarn, the German tabloid Bild reported.

    Originating from Kaliningrad, the Vasily Tatischev navigated along Germany's northern coast and is now in neutral Baltic Sea waters between Kiel and Fehmarn.

    The Russian ship was escorted by a Danish Navy patrol boat and a German police …

  • Putin signals possible changes to Russia’s nuclear doctrine

    Russia may reconsider its nuclear doctrine in light of the West lowering the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons, said Russian president Vladimir Putin made this announcement at a press conference in Hanoi on Thursday, June 20.

    "We are currently contemplating what and how could be changed in this nuclear doctrine and strategy. This is related to the fact that new elements are appearing (in any case, we know that a potential adversary is working on this), connected with the lowering of the …

  • Russia relocates 80% of troops from Finland border to Ukraine

    Published satellite images reveal empty bases previously hosting Russian military equipment and personnel. Finnish news outlet Yle reports significant movement of Russian forces from the Finland border to Ukraine.

    Finnish intelligence confirms that up to 80% of the troops have relocated. The satellite images, revealed by Finnish journalists, show nearly deserted garrisons and military bases of Russian ground forces near the Finland border.

    Only obsolete equipment remains at some bases, and …

  • Romania upgrades strategic air base for Ukrainian F-16 deployment

    On June 11, Romanian Defence Minister Angel Tîlvăr announced extensive plans to expand and modernise the Mihail Kogălniceanu Air Base near the Ukrainian border. As noted by the news outlet Army Recognition, the official reason cited for this development is the perceived threat from the east. However, in the context of the situation in Ukraine, it may involve the deployment of F-16 fighters .

    Positioned less than 200 kilometres from the Ukrainian border, the airbase has long been utilised for …