Contents tagged with NATO

  • Russian Navy conducts firing drills in Baltic amid NATO exercise

    A group of ships from Russia’s Baltic Fleet has entered the Baltic Sea to conduct an exercise, the Russian Defense Ministry reports.

    The group includes the corvettes Boikiy and Stoikiy, the small missile vessels Serpukhov, Zeleny Dol, Liven and Passat, and the anti-submarine ship Alexin. They entered the Baltic in order to practice firing torpedoes, missiles and artillery against imaginary enemy ships and airborne targets.

    During the drill, the ships will rehearse search and destroy …

  • Russia sends A-50 'flying radars' to Kuban amid NATO exercises

    The head of the press service of the Russian southern military district, Vadim Astafyev said that the long-range radiolocation detection aircrafts A-50 were relocated to the Kuban.

    According to him, "A-50 aircraft of Russian Aerospace Forces flew to one of the airfields located in the Krasnodar region."

    The aircraft will monitor the air over the Black Sea during large-scale NATO exercises, which take place on the territory of several Black Sea countries in Eastern Europe.

    This will prevent …

  • Poland wants to get the F-35 aicraft if the United States does not deliver them to Turkey

    Polish authorities are hoping to push for American F-35 fighter jets if the United States cancels the delivery of these aircraft to Turkey, RIA Novosti reports citing a Polish source familiar with the matter.

    Dissatisfied with Turkey’s purchase of Russian S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, the Unites States is trying to give Ankara an ultimatum, threatening to refuse to supply Turkey with F-35 fighter jets. At the same time, the purchase of the F-35 is part of the plan to modernize the …

  • Latvian government to evaluate plan to mobilize the army

    On Tuesday, June 11, the Government of Latvia seeks to approve a plan for mobilizing the National Armed Forces (NAF). LETA news agency reports, citing the country’s Ministry of Defense, according to the law, the government approves the military-drafted plan for mobilizing the NAF every year.

    The mobilization plan is drawn up in case of exceptional circumstances or war. It explains how to have the NAF at partial or full combat readiness as well as establishes the leadership, duties, order and …

  • NATO: Alliance exercises in Baltic are not directed against third countries

    NATO's large-scale naval military exercises in the Baltic sea named BALTOPS-2019 that have started on Sunday, "are not directed against third countries," said the official representative of the Alliance Oana Lungescu.

    Russia is the only country in the Baltic region that does not participate in these maneuvers. Two other vital Baltic states, Sweden and Finland, who are not members of NATO, also participate in the exercises as partners.

    "The Baltic sea has strategic importance for the Alliance. …

  • Lithuania and Poland adopt declaration on Ukraine’s EU membership

    Poland, which is celebrating 15 years of EU membership and 20 years of NATO membership this year, is willing to share its experience in this matter with Ukraine, said Polish Marshal of the Senate Stanislaw Karczewski during the 10th session of the Inter-Parliamentary Assembly in Kyiv, Radio Poland reports.

    “We will build a stronger European Union. And a stronger EU is a union with Ukraine. A high level of security is also related to Ukraine’s membership in NATO. In Poland this year we will …

  • Ukrainian court issues arrest warrant for five Russian Ruslan aircraft

    Kyiv court issued an arrest warrant for five An-124-100 Ruslan transport aircraft that belong to Russian Volga-Dnepr airline, reports the press service of the Ukrainian law firm Ilyashev & Partners.

    It is specified that the aircraft were arrested at the request of the Ukrainian Antonov Concern, which claims that the airworthiness of the aircraft was renewed with a violation. According to the lawyers, the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency illegally certified the German company AMTES for the …

  • Large-Scale NATO exercises begin in Lithuania

    The large-scale military exercises named Gelezinis Vilkas 2019 (Iron Wolf 2019) started in Lithuania. About four thousand soldiers from 10 countries and more than a thousand units of equipment will participate in the exercises, and it will continue for two weeks, reports the command of the Lithuanian army.

    "The purpose of the exercise, which involves units of Lithuanian Armed Forces, as well as personnel and equipment of NATO allies, is the integration of all these forces and means into a …

  • NATO plans joint military exercise with Ukraine in the Black Sea

    NATO plans to conduct military exercise in the Black Sea with the Ukrainian army in July, said Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg at a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Brussels. Their joint statement was broadcasted on the NATO website.

    He also noted that NATO will continue to provide political and practical support to Ukraine, including joint military exercises. Stoltenberg has also said that earlier the Alliance has allocated 40 million euros to Kyiv to improve …

  • Poroshenko: Lifting economic blockade on Donbas would be a betrayal of Ukraine’s interests

    Former Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko said that lifting the economic blockade on the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics (DPR and LPR) as suggested by former president Leonid Kuchma and current President Volodymyr Zelensky would be a betrayal of Ukraine’s interests.

    “I am concerned by the unexpected news on the outcome of the Trilateral Contact Group session in Minsk, that Ukraine is supposedly willing to unilaterally lift the economic restrictions on the LPR and DPR… I demand that …