Contents tagged with NATO

  • Stoltenberg: NATO will not eliminate nuclear weapons unless Russia and China do so

    The North Atlantic Alliance will not eliminate nuclear weapons if Russia and China do not do it, stated NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in the commentary to the German edition of the Morgen Post.

    "NATO’s goal is a world without nuclear weapons. But the world will not become safer if NATO loses all of its nuclear weapons, while Russia, China and other countries continue to maintain or expand their nuclear arsenals," said Stoltenberg.

    In addition, he called on Germany and other partners …

  • President Poroshenko: EU and NATO are guarantors of Ukraine's security

    On Saturday, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko stated during the “Open Dialogue” forum in Kyiv that only the country’s membership in the EU and NATO could guarantee Ukraine’s security and independence. 

    “Only full-scale and equal membership in the European Union and NATO definitively and irrevocably guarantees independence, national security, freedom and well-being for our country,” Interfax-Ukraine quotes Poroshenko as saying. 

    According to the president, Ukraine’s achievement of the …

  • Berlin: German fighter aircraft intercepted Russian warplanes over the Baltic thirty times over pas six months

    According to Deutsche Welle, during a visit to the Bundeswehr soldiers stationed at the Estonian Emari airbase as part of a NATO mission, German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen reported that German fighters scrambled to intercept Russian aircraft over the Baltic Sea thirty times in six months. 

    "This large number indicates that the presence of German soldiers here is very important," said the Minister. 160 Bundeswehr soldiers and four German Eurofighter planes are stationed in Estonian …

  • Swedish experts: Moscow is preparing for full-scale war

    The Swedish National Defense Research Institute (FOI) stated that the Russian army is being prepared for participation in large-scale military requirements. They came to this opinion analyzing the military exercises conducted in Russia from 2009-2017.

    The experts note that the Russian Federation armed forces, which had previously been involved only in local conflicts began to prepare for continuous regional wars starting back in 2009.

    According to FOI, Russia considers NATO or the Chinese …

  • Ukrainian Parliament calls on NATO to provide Ukraine with Membership Action Plan

    The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada asked NATO member countries to support Ukraine's intention to become a member of the Alliance and to start a formal dialogue on a Membership Action Plan at the NATO Summit in London in December 2019, Interfax-Ukraine reports. The draft decision and request were supported by 243 People's Deputies at the plenary meeting of the Parliament on Thursday. 

    "We are calling on the heads of NATO member states to approve... the given decision at the anniversary Summit of the …

  • Poland to create Cyberspace Defense Forces

    Poland’s Ministry of National Defense is set to establish its own Cyberspace Defense Forces following the NATO's recommendations, announced  Polish Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak. 

    The plan includes the creation of a new military body, the National Center of Cryptology, which will be connected to the Inspectorate of Information Technology, Polish Radio reports. 

    Secretary of State at the Ministry of the Polish National Defense Tomasz Zdzikot stated that the number of cyber- …

  • Ukrainian Parliament to start new session with changes to the Constitution of Ukraine

    According to the Verkhovna Rada’s meeting schedule for February 5 to 8, Parliament will review Draft Bill No. 9037 in the second reading on February 7, which establishes in the Ukrainian Constitution the authority of Parliament, the head of state and the government to implement the country's strategic course for acquiring full membership in the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). 

    At least 300 votes are required to adopt the Draft Bill.

    The draft bill supplements …

  • President Poroshenko: In the next five years Ukraine will receive a decision on NATO membership

    In an interview with television channel Ukraina, President Petro Poroshenko stated that he is confident that in the next five years Ukraine will receive a decision regarding NATO membership. 

    “We must meet the criteria for membership in the European Union… and meet the criteria regarding NATO membership. I am sure that by that time (in 5 years) we will already have an action plan regarding NATO membership, we will have a decision regarding Ukraine receiving membership,” said Poroshenko, …

  • German warship to enter Black Sea for NATO mission

    The Werra, a replenishment ship belonging to the German Navy, will travel to the Black Sea in February as part of a permanent NATO anti-mine group. The naval vessel will visit two Bulgarian ports, Burgas and Varna,  Deutsche Welle reports citing a spokesperson for Germany’s Defense Ministry.

    According to the source, the transfer has been planned for a long time. “There is no plan to deploy other German naval vessels in the Black Sea,” the spokesperson noted.

    After Russian special forces  …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO and Georgia are concerned about Russia’s military buildup in the Black Sea

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated at a press conference with the Georgian President Salomé Zourabichvili that the North Atlantic Alliance and Georgia are concerned about Russia’s military buildup in the Black Sea region. 

    "We are stepping up our cooperation at sea, including training for Georgian Coast Guard boarding teams, more cooperation between Georgian and NATO naval forces and cooperation between Georgia’s Joint Maritime Operations Centre and NATO’s Maritime Command,” …