Contents tagged with NATO

  • NATO Secretary General gives Russia last chance to comply with Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg expressed his hope that Russia will return to complying with the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), Stoltenberg said in an interview with the German dpa agency.

     “The important thing is that Russia now has a last chance. If Russia does not come back into compliance, well, then we have a big problem,” said the secretary general of the alliance.

     “There are no new US missiles in Europe, but there are new Russian missiles, and that's what puts …

  • NATO extends lease of Ukrainian Ruslan cargo aircraft

    The press service of the Ukrainian aircraft manufacturing company Antonov reported that Ukraine would continue to cooperate in the Strategic Airlift Interim Solution (SALIS) program, within which the GP Antonov allocates two heavy transport  Ruslan An-124-100 aircraft for strategic air cargo.

    The contract signed in the framework of SALIS has been extended for three years, to December 31st, 2021.

    “In accordance with contractual obligations, from January 1st, 2019, GP Antonov provides two An-124 …

  • Ukroboronprom: more than fifty planes and helicopters were provided to Ukrainian Army in 2018

    Press service of the Ukrainian stated-owned arms manufacture and exporter, Ukroboronprom, reported that the Ukrainian army had received about 50 repaired and modernized aircraft and helicopters from its 16 subsidiaries.

    The army received Su-27 and MiG-29 fighter aicraft, Su-25 close support planes, Su-24 bombers, AN-26 and IL-76 transport planes, L-39 trainers and Mi-24, Mi-14 and Mi-8 helicopters.   The Lviv State Aircraft Repair Plant carried out work on the upgrade of MiG-29 fighters to MiG- …

  • British and Canadian embassies start functioning as NATO representatives in Ukraine

    As of January 1, 2019, the embassies of the UK and Canada will jointly function as NATO’s contact point embassy in Ukraine, a role performed by Lithuania for the last four years. 

    The decision was confirmed by NATO’s headquarters and coordinated with Kyiv, Evropeyska Pravda reports. 

    Contact point embassies work in all NATO partner states. The functions are on a voluntary, rotational basis for the NATO member states that are most interested in strengthening NATO’s cooperation with the partner …

  • Latvia detects Russian reconnaissance ship in its territorial waters

    The Latvian National Armed Forces reported on Twitter that a Russian reconnaissance ship was spotted in the exclusive economic zone of Latvia. “On December 25, we found the Russian reconnaissance ship named Yuri Ivanov in the exclusive economic zone of Latvia at six nautical miles from the border.”

    Russian warships and aircraft have been increasingly seen and recorded close to the air and sea borders of the Baltic States since the start of the conflict in Ukraine and the aggravation of …

  • Kremlin claims NATO increased the number of high-precision strategic weapons near Russian borders

    NATO countries, especially the USA are building up their military activities near Russian borders and deploying high-precision, strategic weapons systems, said Admiral Vladimir Korolyov, Commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, reported the RBC. 

    Korolyov said the Russian Fleet’s development plans will be implemented next year, considering “the deployment of missile defense systems, strategic non-nuclear systems of high-precisions weapons, and military infrastructure facilities in the adjacent …

  • Ukraine’s defense industry to move to NATO standards in 2019

    The Ukrainian state-owned concern Ukroboronprom, the leading arms manufactured and exporter in Ukraine, plans to switch to the standards of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) starting 2019, stated Ukroboronprom press service.

    Starting 2019, companies that are part of Ukraine's military-industrial sector will begin implementing NATO principles and standards. Besides, practical implementation of NATO technical standards in the production of weapons and military equipment in Ukraine …

  • Turchynov: Ukraine preparing to send more ships through Kerch Strait with international help

    Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, told BBC Ukraine in an interview that the country is planning to send more ships through the Kerch Strait with the help of international partners.

    “Yes, it is a matter of principle for us. If we stop and back down, then Russia will effectively achieve its goal of capturing the Sea of Azov, and will present to the world the new maritime borders in the Black Sea that it has determined, de facto …

  • NATO gives Russia one last chance to implement Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

    The Secretary-General of the North Atlantic Alliance (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg stated in an interview with Postimees that the Alliance is giving Russia one last chance to start implementing the terms of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty or INF.

    “We have given Russia one last opportunity to start to implement the treaty… within 60 days. If they do not do this, the USA will withdraw from the treaty, as they clearly stated,” the Secretary General said. He noted that if that happens, …

  • NATO condemns Russia’s militarization of the Crimea

    On December 18, while commenting on the Russian Defense Ministry’s statement about the deployment of more than ten Su-27SM and Su-30M2 fighters from Krymsk in the Krasnodar Territory to the Crimean airfield Belbek, NATO spokeswoman Oana Lungescu said that the ongoing militarization of the Crimea and the Black and Azov Seas threatens the sovereignty of Ukraine and undermines the stability of the entire region, DW reports.

    The alliance stated that Russia must release the Ukrainian sailors and …