Contents tagged with NATO

  • Stoltenberg: NATO increases presence in the Black Sea and is watching Russia

    NATO is closely monitoring the security situation in the Black Sea and increases its military presence in the region, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said at a press conference in Brussels.

    “NATO has increased its military presence in the Black Sea region. With more naval presence. Last year the number of days with NATO ships or ships on the NATO command in the Black Sea increased from 80 to 120 and there are also, of course, NATO Allies which have deployed ships in the Black Sea …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Minister intends to propose ‘new elements of cooperation’ to NATO

    At the meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of NATO countries with the Heads of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and Georgia on December 4 to 5 in Brussels, Ukraine will offer the Alliance new elements of cooperation, stated Foreign Minister of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin at a joint briefing with Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz in Kyiv, Ukrinform reports.

    "At the meeting with the Foreign Minister of the NATO-member countries I will demand not only condemnation [of Russia’s aggression …

  • President Poroshenko: Russia wants to seize the Sea of Azov and other Ukrainian territories

    Russia intends to establish air control over the territories through which gas and oil are sent to Europe. Russia’s aggression must be stopped, said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in an interview with the newspaper Corriere della Sera, as reported by the official presidential website.

    It’s not enough to make joint statements, Poroshenko stresses, it’s time to take action against the aggressor: to stop the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, increase NATO’s presence in the …

  • Kerch crisis: Visegrad Four support Ukraine

    The foreign ministers of the countries comprising the Visegrad Four – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary, have expressed their support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine by condemning the situation surrounding the Kerch crisis, Radio Liberty reports.

    According to the Slovak Foreign Ministry, during the discussion of the problem, “the strong support of all four ministers of the four countries was voiced for the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the dispute …

  • Ukrainian President calls on NATO to send military ships to Sea of Azov

    In an interview with the German newspaper Bild, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has urged the countries of the North Atlantic Alliance to send military ships to the Sea of Azov, after an attack by Russia on Ukrainian sailors in the Kerch Strait.

    The Ukrainian President emphasized that the presence of NATO ships is necessary to guarantee safety in the Sea of Azov.

    “Germany is one of our closest allies, and we hope that NATO states are prepared to send ships to the Sea of Azov in order to …

  • Media: Kyiv negotiates establishment of US military base in Ukraine

    The Russian newspaper Izvestia claims, citing its sources, that Kyiv is in talks with the United States on the possibility of the construction of a US military base in Ukraine. According to Izvestia, the information was also confirmed by a member of the Verkhovna Rada from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, Ivan Vinnyk. Vinnyk said the new American military base will protect the country from Moscow’s threats.

    However, Izvestia states that despite US support, Washington would not give Ukraine official …

  • Speaker of Ukrainian Parliament calls on NATO to increase its presence in the Black and Azov Seas

    During a meeting with Secretary General of NATO Jens Stoltenberg, the speaker of the Verkhovna Rada, Andriy Parubiy called on NATO member countries to increase the presence of NATO'S  ships and aircraft in the Black and Azov Seas. The Ukrainian politician said this was the only guarantee of security.

    After the meeting between Stoltenberg and Parubiy, NATO published a statement in which it again condemned the Kremlin’s actions. “There is no justification for Russia’s use of military force …

  • Ukraine and NATO consider possibility of joint operations in the Black Sea

    At the meeting of the Ukraine-NATO Commission, Kyiv intends to discuss new decisions regarding the cooperation on the security of the Black Sea, including the possibility of a joint presence in the Black Sea, said Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin on Monday.

    "We must find new solutions in the context of cooperation regarding the Black Sea security. It may be a joint presence. We are talking about such a presence. It may be other measures as well. Today, a meeting of the Ukraine-NATO …

  • NATO countries to demand the release of Ukrainian sailors from Russia through own channels

    The main results of the Ukraine-NATO Commission meeting, convened on an emergency basis at the Kyiv’s request are the release of Ukrainian warships’ crew members, the requirement to unblock sea traffic through the Kerch Strait and the achievement of de-escalation of tensions, reports Radio Liberty.

    "Ukraine presented all the evidence of Russia's aggression in the Kerch Strait, and everyone in the NATO understood what is happening. It has been decided to demand the release of all the sailors, …

  • NATO promises Ukraine unconditional support in the crisis in the Kerch Strait

    NATO issued a statement giving unconditional support to Ukraine in the deteriorating situation in the Azov Sea and Russian actions in the Kerch Strait, said NATO spokesperson Oana Lungescu in a commentary for Evropeyska Pravda.

    Lungescu stressed that NATO is closely monitoring developments in the Azov Sea and the Kerch Strait. “We are in contact with the Ukrainian authorities. We call for restraint and de-escalation.”

    "NATO fully supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, …