Contents tagged with NATO

  • Norway: Russia jammed GPS signal during NATO exercises

    The Norwegian Ministry of Defense claims that Russia, operating from the Kola Peninsula, interfered with the work of the satellite navigation systems (GPS), which were used by air traffic, during the NATO Trident juncture military exercises.

    The Aftenposten newspaper reported that the Norwegian Ministry of Defense sent a statement to the Norwegian Telegraph Bureau (NTB) accusing Russia of causing GPS failures.

    “We are monitoring the situation along with other departments concerned. It is …

  • No Ukraine-NATO drills planned in Sea of Azov

    Ukraine and NATO do not intend to hold joint exercises in the Sea of Azov, said Vadym Prystaiko, head of Ukraine’s NATO representation.

    “Joint exercises or operations in the Sea of Azov will definitely be perceived by Russia as provocation. The Alliance does not plan to provoke Russia… We do not yet have plans to conduct exercises in the Sea of Azov with NATO,” he told Interfax-Ukraine in an interview.

    He also pointed out that bringing military ships into the Sea of Azov is currently …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO is not going to deploy nuclear missiles in Europe

    The North Atlantic Alliance does not plan to deploy new missiles with nuclear warheads in Europe, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg told Interfax Ukraine.

    “NATO is not going to deploy new missiles with nuclear warheads in Europe… But, as an alliance, we are committed to the safety of all member countries of NATO,” he said, commenting on the Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles (INF).

    Stoltenberg noted that NATO member countries have constantly …

  • Finnish Prime Minister: Russia might be responsible for GPS failures during NATO exercises

    During an interview with Yle news agency, the Prime Minister of Finland Juha Sipilä stated that he believes that the failures of the GPS navigation system that occurred during the NATO Trident Juncture military exercises can be attributed to Russia.

    “In technical terms, it is relatively easy to disrupt radio signals, and it is possible that Russia is behind this,” said Sipilä, adding that Russia has the means to do it. “This is a message to all countries participating in the military exercises, …

  • NATO: elections in the DPR and LPR contradict the Minsk Agreements

    NATO refuses to legitimize the elections that took place in the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republics, stated the NATO Press Office on their website on November 11. "They run contrary to the letter and spirit of the Minsk Agreements and undermine efforts towards a peaceful resolution of the conflict,” the statement reads.

    "NATO fully supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders. We continue to call on Russia to withdraw …

  • Media: Russia jams GPS during NATO exercises

    GPS geolocation services were disrupted in Lapland region in northern Finland and similar problems were earlier reported by the Norwegian military, Yle news agency reports.

    It is noted that the Finish Defense Force first detected the malfunction and warned the Aviation Navigation Center about the interference in their work.

    According to the Finish military, the territory from northern Rovaniemi to the Norwegian border and east of Kittila to the border of Russia was affected.

    Yle notes that …

  • Lavrov expresses concern over NATO activity near Russian borders

    RIA Novosti reports that the Foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov stated that Russia could not disregard the increase in NATO activity near their borders.

    “We cannot disregard such a serious destabilizing factor in the Atlantic, as the revitalization of NATO activities on the Russian border,” he said following talks in Madrid with the Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell.

    Lavrov added that he discussed with his Spanish colleague the relationship between Russia and the European Union and …

  • NATO begins large-scale military exercises in Poland

    Anakonda-2018 military exercises start in Poland on Wednesday, November 7. These are the largest maneuvers for the Polish armed forces in 2018.

    The stated objective of the exercises is the integration of national and allied structures and troops to conduct strategic defensive operations against conventional and hybrid threats. Their main focus is cooperation between military authorities and civil authorities and separate elements of the command structures of NATO.

    Servicemen from ten NATO …

  • Kremlin: Russia will need huge military expenses if Georgia joins NATO

    The accession of Georgia to NATO, which is expected to take place in 2021, will require “huge” expenses from Russia, stated Andrey Kelin, Director of the Department of European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry.

    According to Kelin, Georgia's decision to become a member of the North Atlantic Alliance is viewed by Moscow as a problem and to resolve it Russia would require additional investments in defense.

     “We will have to form a defense zone near Sochi,” Kelin said, adding that "it …

  • Russia calls Ukraine and Georgia's accession to NATO a colossal problem

    During the Valdai Discussion Club, the Director of the Department of European Cooperation of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Andrey Kelin stated that the possible Ukraine and Georgia’s accession to NATO would become a colossal economic and military problem for Russia.

    “We will have to build a defensive belt near Sochi and spend enormous resources to prevent a possible attack from the potential enemy, it is inevitable,” TASS news agency cites Kelin as saying.

    Kelin added that Russia has a long …