• Rally in Support of Oleg Sentsov held in Berlin

    On the 14th of February, a rally in support of Ukrainian film maker Oleg Sentso, who was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment in Russia, took place in Berlin at a film festival. Famous movie stars Meret Becker and Katja Riemann took part in the event organized by Amnesty International and both German and European Film Academies.

    Meret Becker, in an interview with Deutsche Welle, stated that Sentsov’s case should be considered by a civil court, not by a military court. According to her, it is …

  • Russia bans transit of Ukrainian trucks

    The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation has stopped the movement of registered Ukrainian freight transport on Russian territory.  According to their statement, this measure was introduced in response to the unlawful blocking of Russian vehicles on Ukrainian territory.  This ban will remain in effect until the situation is resolved in Ukraine.

    The Ministry believes that this blocking of trucks violates an agreement between the Ukrainian and Russian governments with regard to …

  • 'Normandy Four' meeting in Munich yields no results

    Pavlo Klimkin, who is the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine as well as a participant in the meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the ‘Normandy Four’, has admitted that after the meeting held on the 13th of February, “there was not a single concrete result.”  He said that this meeting was only a preparation for the next upcoming meeting.    Klimkin’s Russian counterpart, Sergei Lavrov, silently left the talks without providing journalists with comments.             

    A Kiev political science …

  • European Parliament ready to vote in favor of visa-free regime for Ukraine

    The European Parliament is prepared to vote in favor of the abolition of visas for citizens of Ukraine, the President of the EP, Martin Schulz, said after a meeting with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in Munich, according to Glavnoye.

    "We are now waiting for a legislative proposal from the European Commission on the abolition of visas for citizens of Ukraine, which will come after the Verkhovna Rada votes in favor of the relevant laws," the President of the European Parliament said. …

  • Nikolai Svanidze: The situation for Crimean Tatars is 'terrifying'

    A member of the Council of the President of the Russian Federation on the issues of the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights, Nikolay Svanidze, said that "the situation with the Crimean Tatars is terrifying”, as reported by Krim.Realii. He said this during the program "Minority Report" on the Ekho Moskvii radio station, which was broadcast on February 12th.

    According to him, it's necessary to respond to the human rights violations in Crimea.

    "We definitely must respond. In the Human …