• Court of So-Called Donetsk People's Republic Issues First Official Death Penalty

    The Court of the so-called Donetsk People's Republic (DPR)  has given out the first death penalty in the self-proclaimed republic. As reported by Interfax on Friday, February 12th, the ruling was made by Lyudmila Strateychuk, Judge of the Supreme Court of the so-called DPR and acting Chair of the Court Martial.

    She did not specify who was subjected to the exceptional penalty of capital punishment. “There are cases under consideration and they also may result in such a penalty. These are murder …

  • Poroshenko submits package of laws required to implement EU visa-free regime

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has submitted a package of three laws to the Verkhovna Rada which are aimed at helping Ukraine comply with the requirements for the introduction of a visa-free regime with the European Union (EU).  This was reported by the presidential press service.

    According to the report, one of these laws was named "On amendments to the law 'On Prosecutor's Office' concerning ensuring transparency in the organization of work of the Specialized Anti-Corruption …

  • Ukrainian launch vehicle to be used for flights to the ISS

    American company Orbital ATK, the world leader in aerospace and defense industry, has signed an eight-year contract with NASA worth approximately 1.5 billion dollars to provide six commercial cargo flights to the International Space Station (ISS) by 2019.  The flights will use the Ukrainian launch vehicle (LV), Antares.  In the framework of the signed contract, Orbital ATK will use the modernized LV Antares for cargo flights to the ISS in addition to using the LV Atlas-5 of the American United …

  • US Senator: We have yet to see Russia's Real Commitment to the Minsk Agreements

    Ben Cardin, a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed concern about the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, which are designed to reduce tensions in eastern Ukraine.  Completed a year ago, the Minsk Agreements represent a package of measures related to security and policy, agreed to by Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia, to resolve the conflict in the Donbas region.

    "Thursday was the first anniversary of the Minsk Agreements.  While all parties expressed the …

  • Israeli deputy's visit to Crimea could lead to tightening of visa regime by Kiev

    Ukraine may tighten its visa regulations for Israeli citizens due to an uncoordinated visit to occupied Crimea by the current Knesset member from the Shas party, who is also Israel’s former Minister of Religious Affairs, Ya'akov Margi.  The visit occurred on the 10th of February with the head of the occupation authority of the peninsula, Sergey Aksenov.

    This was reported by the Ukrainian Ambassador to Israel, Gennady Nadolenko, in his comments to the Forum Daily news site, according to …