• Ukraine to file lawsuit against Russia with ICJ

    The Ukrainian Justice Minister, Pavlo Petrenko, stated in an interview with the Ukrainian 5th Channel that Ukraine will file a lawsuit with the International Court of Justice against Russia for supporting terrorism (ICJ). “The next year will be associated with the initiation of a major lawsuit before the International Court of Justice, which is the principal judicial arm of the United Nations (UN),” Petrenko stated.

    The Minister of Justice stressed that the evidence has already been collected …

  • Kiev could revoke citizenship from separatists

    Ukrainians have requested that the President revoke the citizenship of all separatists and their collaborators. On the 24th of September, a petition in support of this request was posted on an electronic petition website. Ukraine can make the decision to provide amnesty to some of the separatists from the DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) and at the same time revoke their citizenship.

    The self-proclaimed head of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Alexander Zakharchenko, fears that those involved in …

  • Poland to station 3 brigades along eastern border

    Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz stated that the Polish Defense Ministry plans to station three brigades along the eastern border of the country in 2016. Poland shares its eastern border with Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.

    “We have already started work on the creation of three defensive brigades along the eastern border of the country. These brigades will be an integral part of the Polish Armed Forces. They will become the fifth type of Polish Armed Forces,” Polish Radio quoted …

  • Gallup: Ukrainians are getting a bleaker outlook on life

    According to research by Gallup, 36% of Ukrainians consider themselves to be “suffering”, the highest figure among post-Soviet states. Only 9% consider themselves to be prosperous, compared to 21% in 2011.

    Ukrainians estimate their quality of life by 4 points out of 10, according to a study by the sociological institute Gallup, the results of which were published on Monday, January 4th. This is the lowest quality of life rating for Ukrainians ever. In 2007, this mark reached its highest level, …

  • Thirteen Placed on Interpol Wanted List for Crimes in Eastern Ukraine

    The head of the Directorate of the National Police in the Donetsk region, Vyacheslav Ambroskin, reported that 13 extremely dangerous criminals were declared internationally wanted by Interpol for serious crimes; including crimes against the peace and security of mankind, which have been committed in the ATO zone.

    According to him, the involvement of these people in serious crimes was confirmed despite the inability of police to access this zone. “We work in close collaboration with law …