The Supreme Council of Justice allowed for Ukrainian judge to be arrested

The Supreme Council of Justice granted the request of the General Prosecutor’s Office to detain a judge from the Suvorov District Court of Odessa city, Konstantin Bobovsky, Hromadske reported. The Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office suspects him of extorting bribes from defendants in a case to which he is assigned.

The Prosecutor’s Office believes that the judge can exert pressure on witnesses and use his contacts in law enforcement agencies in order to avoid justice. In addition, they believe that Konstantin Bobovsky can distort or destroy evidence in his case and exert pressure on judges. There is also operational data, suggesting that the judge will go abroad and hide from investigative authorities.

It should be noted that this is the first time that the Supreme Council of Justice has issued an order to detain a judge in the Prosecutors’ favor. The Supreme Council of Justice began to function on the 12th of January. As reported, the fugitive judge from the Dniprovskyi District Court of Kyiv, Nikolay Chaus, who is accused of bribery, applied for political asylum in Moldova.

The Supreme Administrative Court previously refused to reinstate the former judge of Pechersky District Court of Kyiv, Oksana Tsarevich to office.

  Ukraine, Supreme Council of Justice, judge
